The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 276: fierce battle

Just looking at it, the Dread Demon King felt that most of the Forsaken would not be able to escape today. If he could still watch the fun in the past, but now that he was deeply involved, he couldn't enjoy it.

After thinking for a while, he had to give a suggestion: "Don't worry about those paladins, you won't be able to defeat those paladins within three days, organize all the soldiers, attack the enemies on the west side, no matter the cost, use sharp blades and corpses Make a way out!"

Vanessa left 6,000 people on the north and south peaks to be responsible for long-range strikes and fire attacks. At the entrance on the east side is the 1,000 paladins led by Old Fording, and the remaining 17,000 soldiers are all exiting on the west side. , a full five infantry phalanxes were set up, which looked like an iron wall, and it was not easy to kill them.

The rocket fire didn't stop for a moment, and the Forsaken soldiers were unconscious, but their bodies were damaged to a certain extent. Even if the soul fire in their heads was intact, their spirits would still collapse.

The ambush has been going on for an hour now, and the fingers of the human archers are basically cut by the bowstring, but they are still trying their best to shoot the arrows at the Forsaken soldiers. The whole valley is full of flaming Forsaken soldiers. , There was a burnt smell in the air.

The prestige of the old knight is not enough, some people still want to open the exit from the direction of the paladin in the east, after all, there are few enemies there, while there are many enemies in the west.

He was forced to cooperate with the Dread Demon King. The prestige of the two combined together allowed him to gather 5,000 soldiers.

"Rush out with me!" Without time to mobilize, the death knight Gryan Stallman pulled out his rune sword, rode on his death horse, and rushed to the human army formation in the west.

More than a dozen spears stabbed at him fiercely. He chopped off the spears with his sword, and rushed directly into the human army with the speed of the horse.

Slashing left and right, relying on stronger strength and speed, he chopped down seven or eight human soldiers in a row, and awakened a ghoul from the soldier's corpse. Originally, his conscience did not allow him to do this, but now he really There is no way.

The act of desecrating the corpse aroused the anger of the soldiers of Lordaeron. The general Abbendis met Grian Stolman, the high-level paladin and the high-level death knight. .

The old knight was very anxious. Every minute of delay, the Forsaken would be one step closer to extinction. Relying on his reckless posture, he gradually suppressed the general Abidis.

Varimathras, the Dreadlord, disguised himself as a Forsaken soldier, tried to sneak attack General Abbendis, but his fel energy had just gathered into a sharp blade when he was interrupted by an arcane spell.

There was no point in pretending, and Jaina looked at him coldly.

After all, she still cares about the relationship between the Alliance and the Horde. Since the start of the war, Jaina has been doing some auxiliary work, but after seeing the Dreadlord, she finally has an excuse to join the war.

This guy can't be from the tribe, can he? No one can say anything against a demon by himself.

The strength of the Dreadlord is not weak. If there was no special arcane trap last time, it would not be so easy to eliminate Balnazar. At this time, Varimathras and Jaina had a close fight.

Jaina constantly swung her staff, summoning powerful water elementals to assist her, while various arcane energies were shaped into spells and released in a precise and efficient way.

The ice storm not only attacked the Dread Demon King, but also enveloped dozens of Forsaken soldiers behind him. The Dread Demon King had no choice but to turn into a bat and leave the area covered by the spell. It shot towards his heart as expected, and he had no choice but to shatter the Frostbolt with his sharp claws.

The bone-piercing cold made his right hand almost lose consciousness. He quickly mobilized the evil energy in his body to disperse the ice. At the same time, a large cloud of evil energy gathered in the palm of his left hand. Slow but fast toward Jaina.

The two fought quickly for a few rounds. The Dreadlord didn't care about the casualties around him, while Jaina had to protect humans, which **** part of her energy. The Dreadlord took the opportunity to summon a huge hellfire to help in the battle. This evil structure consists of Composed of huge meteorites full of evil energy, they have no thoughts of their own at all, only knowing destruction and killing.

Just after Hellfire joined the battle, more than a dozen human soldiers were burned to death by the evil flames. This is an extremely vicious flame. The burning process is from the inside to the outside, and the priest's treatment is too late.

"Demon, you're **** me off!" Jaina began to intensify her attacks, and the brilliant arcane brilliance shone on Antonidas's staff. If you don't have time to fight back, you won't be able to hurt the humans around you!

As her attitude became serious, the Dread Demon King was immediately suppressed, and it was only a matter of time before he lost.

Vanessa did not participate in the battle, she has been watching the battlefield below from a high place.

This kind of large-scale battle does not lack her strength. When the situation requires her to fight to the death, it means that the battle is about to be lost. !

She still wears the paladin's trial armor, expressing her respect for the group of paladins.

No way, there are too many paladins in Lordaeron.

To gain their support, you must show kindness in some daily details.

Her cheap godfather Terenas II can't be a paladin himself, so letting his son become a paladin is also a kind of attitude, which is essentially the same as what she is doing now.

And the group of paladins knew from the day of their birth that their own form of existence would shake the kingship, and they also intentionally portrayed the idea of ​​loyalty to the core concept of this profession, so that the paladins and the kingship can achieve A delicate balance.

"Are you really willing to hire me? My asking price is very high?" A female blood elf said standing beside Vanessa.

"Aesila Sunwalker, I can tell you that I am more generous than your former employer. I have a country as my backing. What did your former employer have? I heard that they still owe you a commission?" Vanessa Said indifferently.

The female blood elf beside her snorted uncomfortably.

She didn't say her former employer was the Twilight's Hammer, but Vanessa was well aware of it.

Ashira Sunwalker is a very famous bounty hunter. This profession is more like a combination of a thief and a hunter. She has a great reputation in the underground world.

She originally served the Twilight's Hammer, and later accepted the Twilight's Hammer's philosophy and changed her surname to Dawnbringer, but that was later, and she is still a blood elf who loves money as much as her life.

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