The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 301: My sister can't be that cute...

Arthas believes that what he is doing now is still righteous. In order to solve the threat of the Old God, he wants to turn all intelligent life into undead.

The world of the dead does not need heroes, because there is no injustice, no love and hatred, and no wars.

For the sake of order and justice in his heart, he buried all his humanity and guilt, even abandoned the name Arthas, and beat his heart as hard as ice. He shattered the consciousness of the old orc Ner'zhul, and finally gained Gained all the power of the Lich King, from now on, he is the Lich King.

Since Black Gate defeated Illidan in 21 years, he has been sitting on the tall throne and fighting against Ner'zhul's consciousness for five years. Now he has won, but the energy in his body is almost exhausted, and he still needs some time to recover. Restore strength.

In order to gain the dominion of this world, he called his most powerful assistant deep in his consciousness.

Not long after, the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad rushed to the Frozen Throne like a gust of cold wind, carrying a heavy breath of death.

"Master." The Grand Lich was very humble, and he set his role very low.

The Lich King's body can't move easily yet, the eyeballs in his eye sockets have long been replaced by undead flames. At this time, the faint blue undead flames twitched lightly, indicating that he is listening, you can speak now.

"Our information in the Eastern Continent shows that Cirvanas died, and his death was worthless. Now Lordaeron has returned to the country. I heard that the people who restored the country are members of the Menethil family." He secretly took refuge in the undead There are a lot of humans in the legion, and it is very easy to get a little information. The Grand Lich showed a magical image to the Lich King.

The angle of the picture is very far away, which means that this person who secretly seeks refuge with the undead is not a high-ranking person, but it can be seen that the center of the picture is three women.

Jaina has the most obvious features and the strongest strength. Both the Lich King and Kel'Thuzad know her. Many people don't know Calia, at least not the Grand Lich, but the Lich King must know her. As for The last woman, whom neither of them knew.

The undead flames in the Lich King's eyes flickered, as if asking who it was.

"Hope Vanessa Struimenecier, said to be the adopted daughter of Terenas II"

Although the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad likes to play with dead bodies and study psychic spells, he is also from aristocratic background. He has the same idea as Old Fording back then. To put it nicely, adoptive daughter? Isn't she an illegitimate daughter! Who are you fooling!

The Lich King didn't make any special expressions, and it's even more unlikely that he would have any emotions like 'my sister can't be this cute', so it doesn't matter! The father was killed, and he didn't care if it was his sister or not.

At this time, he can go to the soul of Terenas II in Frostmourne for verification, but he is too lazy to make that effort, and he doesn't think it is necessary.

He just has a little imperceptible emotional fluctuation with Calia and Jaina, very faint, so faint that it is almost non-existent.

He sent an order to the Grand Lich in his consciousness, and then fell into a new round of deep sleep.

"Kill them, destroy Lordaeron."

Vanessa didn't know at this time that she had entered Brother Cheap's vision, and she was still working hard to return to Lordaeron.

Azeroth has space equipment, but the number is really very, very rare. Basically, they were made by the upper elves who were proficient in arcane magic during the elf empire. Until the reign of Queen Azshara, the national power of the elf empire reached its peak. At that time, the civilization of the empire was extremely brilliant. Compared with the original, the overall magic level of humans and high elves can be said to have regressed.

Not to mention the existing space equipment, the space is also small. Like Jaina's space ring, there are basically some clothes, books, and spell-casting materials, and there is no more room for it.

Vanessa herself also has a space ring, which was given to her by the insect general Ajax two days ago after she handed it to Fandral Staghelmet. The space inside the ring is not large.

The ancient upper elves made these space equipment for their own convenience, and no one would wear space equipment for logistics and transportation, that would be too embarrassing! So from the perspective of demand, they didn't make the kind of space equipment with a particularly large internal space. First, it is more difficult to make, and second, it is unnecessary.

Vanessa is now worrying about how to transport her "captured" back to Lordaeron.

Soldiers from the Alliance and the Horde all came and left empty-handed. On her side, there are so many bags and bags piled up like a mountain. There are so many supplies that they can't fit in fifty ships. It's too blatant and inappropriate. She still wants to keep a low profile little bit.

Relying on mages to build a temporary teleportation array is the most convenient way, but she really doesn't have so many mages at hand.

Dalaran's mages are not tool people, and there is no good reason why they are not easy to mobilize. Vanessa stayed in Cenarion Fortress for another two days, studied the map for a while, and finally flew north alone.

The forest in Feralas has been very turbulent recently, and the war in Silithus in the south has also affected it. The Qiraji have dug tunnels underground in several areas in the south. At the southernmost tip of Feralas, there are several large-scale Varying nests.

The night elves have always regarded Feralas Forest as their They did not notify the coalition forces, but relied on their sentry troops to clear up these bugs.

The flames of war disturbed a group of ancient high elves who lived in seclusion in the wilderness. They originally lived in the ancient elf city of Elesalas, but with a series of accidents, they have no home now.

Displaced, a group of self-proclaimed noble elves were trapped in the wilderness, and wild beasts that could be easily killed with a single gesture chased them away. They were obviously powerful mages, but because of the terrible magic addiction, they became They dare not use magic at all now.

The noble demeanor is no longer visible, the gorgeous robe has become a beggar's attire, and the hair that was once meticulously groomed is now extremely messy.

They walked through the woods, avoiding beasts, bugs and ogres, and all kinds of messy creatures.

"Modant Eternal Shadow, can we really be accepted by those night elves?" The down-and-out upper elf asked the companion around him. When they were at a loss, it was this companion who gave everyone hope.

In order to be readmitted, they are ready to sacrifice their dignity, honor and past honorable status, but the question is will the night elves accept them? They worked so hard to rush over, wouldn't they be mocked, and then dragged out to be executed?

Mordant Evershade, a silver-haired highborne, was now the oldest elf in the party, and he felt it was his duty to find a way out for his remaining companions.

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