The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 307: Farewell, Westfall!

Little Talia is not shy at all. She is carrying a big hammer that is taller than a person, and she seems to have strength.

But she has no sense of belonging to the Stormwind Kingdom.

He was sent away when he was five years old, and picked up when he was ten years old. He always thought he was an orphan, but he did not expect to be promoted to Bai Fumei in one step.

The little girl completed the ceremony sternly. It didn't feel like she was recognizing her relatives, but rather like a knight squire graduating.

As a foreign guest, Vanessa chatted with Jia Liya, and they talked about some gossip.

"I heard that Bolvar is going to let his daughter be the future Queen of the Storm King?" Calia asked Vanessa in a low voice.

Vanessa looked weird: "Your statement is purely a rumor. The news I heard here is that Bolvar is planning to marry Countess Katerina as his wife. He is worried that this marriage will affect Taelia, so he has prepared in advance. , it can be regarded as a good intention."

In fact, Jia Liya's words are not rumors, and many ministers and outsiders think so.

It is in the interests of all parties that Bolvar's daughter marries King Varian's son, and it is more for the balance between the royal family and the nobility. It is a good thing for the two children and the country.

However, it is hard to say whether the two parties are willing or not.

The scale of this ceremony was not large. After participating in this event, the nobles quickly packed their bags and prepared to go north, because Calia Menethil I was about to be officially crowned in the king's capital of Lordaeron.

The Statue of Liberty carried the restless Calia north, and Vanessa returned to Westfall for two days.

She will basically not come back here in the future. Sentinel Ridge has been handed over to the management of the officials of the Stormwind Kingdom, and it can be regarded as returning to the rule of the kingdom.

The Southwest Self-Preservation Treaty also vanished when Lakeside Town was breached, and Vanessa was unwilling to bear the reconstruction costs of Lakeside Town. Miss Althea of ​​Nightlight Town rejected the kingdom's recruitment and was only willing to guard her hometown. Vanessa La If you don’t leave her, Bolvar is the same. Everyone has their own aspirations, everyone has their own ideas, and no one can force them. She only took away more than a thousand civilians and fifty night watchmen from the Dusk Forest.

The members of the Brotherhood have all evacuated from the western wilderness, and Vanessa has been wandering in the long-abandoned dead mine for a long time. Unknowingly, it has been a year since time travel, and looking at these dark mine tunnels at this time has an indescribable intimacy.

"I hope you are all well." She finally blocked the entrance to the Deadmines with the vine spell she learned from Alpha the Thorn Whisperer. Onyxia was sleeping deep in the cave, and Da Fan's body was buried. The ashes, perhaps still lingering on Vanessa VanCleef's dream of hope and freedom.

She left her mana mark, and once Onyxia woke up, she would be able to know it immediately.

Several gold mines in the West Wilderness were almost hollowed out, countless kobolds died of exhaustion, and more than half of the essence of this land was taken away, but if the Stormwind Kingdom intensifies the efforts of civilians to reclaim wasteland, the West Wilderness will still become the granary of the West of.

The civilians left 10,000 people. These are people who are unwilling to leave the Western Wilderness. Vanessa is not reluctant. A year ago, the Western Wilderness had only 6,000 people. Now it has become 10,000. The Stormwind Kingdom is still profitable.

She strolled around the seaside, preparing to take away all the murlocs who were very obedient to her.

The murlocs are multiplying very fast. At this time, the murloc tribe has exceeded 50,000. From a distance, it looks like a large area of ​​mountains and plains, and the number is really quite a lot.

Vanessa put on King Gulu Gulu's vest again, jumping and jumping, flickering and frightening for a while.

With the assistance of the murloc chef Cookie, the murlocs in the western wilderness began to migrate, and Vanessa planned to arrange them on the front line of Southsea Town to monitor the Forsaken who might invade the Arathi Highlands.

The murloc's sense of direction is really bad, and they get lost when they walk. Vanessa doesn't have high requirements for these guys. If there are 50,000 murlocs, if they have 30,000 left after arriving in Nanhai Town, they will be considered a victory.

Leaving the murloc business to Chef Cookie, Vanessa quickly caught up with the Statue of Liberty, and she still has a lot of work to do.

The news of the restoration of Lordaeron and the coronation of Calia spread rapidly among the Alliance and the Horde. Some countries are sincerely blessing them, such as the Stormwind Kingdom, while some forces are staying on the sidelines, such as the Horde. Some people want to gain a share of the benefits. For example, the once famous Barov family has now been knocked into the dust.

This family is not from Lordaeron, they are the great nobles of Alterac. The leaders of the family were bewitched by the immortality of the great lich Kel'Thuzad. In exchange for the Lich King's immortal blessing, the result is naturally tragic. Daggers and long knives are their destination. Now most of the family members have become undead, continuing to contribute their strength to the cause of the Lich King.

The Barov family's castle on Lake Dallon Mill has even become a psychic academy for the undead army.

Wilton Barov was just thirty years old. He hadn't enjoyed his glory and wealth for a few years before the undead disaster came. He escaped alone. He was not interested in Lordaeron or Alterac. He just wanted to get back own stuff.

For this purpose he has been stationed in the gathering place called Icewind Watch for several years.

The location of this sentry post is not bad. You can retreat into the Alterac Mountains to the south. They don’t know the existence of Northrend. These survivors stubbornly believe that the undead will reduce their mobility in a cold environment. They think they are safe .

In the north is Andorhal, a city occupied by the undead army.

Andorhal fought several rounds with General Abbendis who was stationed at the Victory Barrier in Tirisfal Glades. There were many undead soldiers and the humans were well-equipped.

To the northeast of Icewind Watch is Lake Darrowmill and the School of the Spirits, which has been occupied by the undead.

As the three male heirs of this generation of the Barov family, he is the only one who is still alive.

One of the remaining two brothers became an undead and is now wandering in the psychic academy, and the other became a forgotten person and died in the battle at the victory barrier.

Without exquisite food and wine, without gorgeous clothes and banquets, staying in this place called Icewind Watch every day, Wilton Barov felt that he was about to die.

Zhida was not talented, and he didn't want to go to the south to be a run-down aristocrat waiting to die, so he took his family's remaining 200 soldiers and property, stayed in this guard post, and sent some mercenaries from time to time to investigate the information of the psychic academy. Take the opportunity to recapture the castle and restore your life as a master.

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