The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 421: Illidan's Ultimate Journey

Seeing that the general situation was over, the blood elves could only reluctantly obey, unless they wanted to follow in the footsteps of the demon mistress, the four of them gritted their teeth and swore to follow Illidan.

As for Akama, the leader of the Broken who had already shown his traitors, he was divided into two by Illidan. This is a typical warlock magic. The former King Varian and the former Onyxia were all divided by this magic. Dan learned about this magic from Gul'dan's skull, and he used what he learned now. He cut Akama's physical part and soul part.

Akama's soul part was loyal to Illidan and was used to control the army of the broken, while the physical part was locked up.

The opinions of his subordinates were all unified. Among them, there were 5,000 Naga, 2,000 blood elves, 1,500 broken ones, and less than 100 demon hunters. These were the main force of Illidan.

The rest are 20,000 evil orcs and slaves.

The huge hellfire Supremus stood staggeringly in front of the portal. This giant hellfire, which was ten times larger than ordinary hellfires, was created by Illidan. He was the only one loyal to him and completely trustworthy.

Seeing that the energy of the portal stabilized, he drew the Warglaive of Azzinoth.

"Illidari! Forward! Target Argus!"

The giant inferno entered the portal first, followed by the naga, blood elves, and orcs.

Demon hunter Kane Sunfury walked up to Illidan and reminded him in a low voice, "My lord, what should we do with that night elf?"

"Leave her alone."

Kane Sun Nu was stunned for a moment: "My lord, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"A hunter cannot live without prey, she will follow my footsteps, no matter where I go." Seemingly dissatisfied with his subordinates interfering in his private affairs, he angrily said: "Stand back!"

He took one last look at the Black Temple, and then led the demon hunter into the portal, embarking on the journey of the final battle.

Using the soul in the Soul Box as a sacrifice and the energy in Gul'dan's skull as a guide, the portal opened by Illidan can be said to be so powerful that it's hard not to see it.


"Now promote Utlu to be a super-class peon, everyone applaud and give him some encouragement!" Vanessa took the lead in applauding, and a bunch of orc peons clamoring to elect her as the chief of the tribe cheered below.

have a look! From then on, our peons finally have grades, second-level peons, first-class peons, and special-grade peons! What a genius idea!

Vanessa was amazed by the labor enthusiasm of the orcs' hard workers. If they didn't give them something to do, they would feel uncomfortable.

When Vanessa took office as the regent of Lordaeron, she once made a promise to all citizens, that is, let every family have a tricycle!

It is still far away from this goal, but she has also done some work in a timely manner. Seeing that the enthusiasm of the orc hard labor cannot be vented, she is not talking nonsense, so come here to do private work for me.

The Horde didn't care what the peons were doing, and she took leadership of the orc peons by promising to provide the Horde with ten tricycles.

In assembly line technology, one hard worker is in charge of one process. Now the orc hard workers are too busy. When many hard workers are sleeping, their hands are subconsciously twisting wrenches.

In order to boost the morale of the peons, Vanessa took two minutes to come up with a promotion plan for the orc peons.

The reaction of the orc peons was very good, and a group of people expressed their gratitude that they were respected, they volunteered to work overtime, and they did not need to eat after working overtime.

After inspecting the processing factory of the orc laborers, and transporting the processed tricycles to the ecological boat, she went to look at the supplies in the logistics department.

"...Well, today is another happy day! Today's harvest is 925 tons of meat, 35 tons of eggs, 77 tons of wheat, 15 tons of fruits and vegetables, bark..." Vanessa It was written and quickly crossed out the bark and changed it to: "... 8 tons of plants that are nutritious and can provide sugar!"

For the food supply of the coalition forces, she was really worried about it. The nutrition was balanced, which was easier said than done.

Eating spam every day, some people said they were tired of eating it. She told the soldiers of Lordaeron to peel off the bark in the middle of the night, and then ordered the workers to grind it into powder and add it to various spams. inside.

Not to mention, the effect is not bad, at least Vanessa thinks it is not bad.

The coalition forces had long forgotten their original purpose, and were looking forward to eating every day. A bunch of people were raised white and fat. According to the current speed, they would not be able to reach the Temple of Darkness within a month.

Khadgar was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, but he didn't know who to scold.

Vanessa didn't mind at all. She continued to take care of the logistics work step by step. If the environment didn't allow it, she would be ready to develop the league and tribe football games.

"Huh? What?" She, who was calculating her income, was suddenly overwhelmed by the huge burst of energy from the outside world, rushed out of the room, and turned her gaze to the east, where a dark green beam of light shot straight into the sky.

The huge cyclone rolled all the buildings and sundries in the dark temple to the sky. The devastated earth couldn't bear such a huge amount of energy. The earth shattered like a spider web, and as the portal expanded, cracks The speed still tends to increase and deepen. Once the portal explodes, the peninsula extending from the land in Shadowmoon Valley may be divided into two halves from the middle, turning into a second void storm.

"Hey, can't you just go quietly? It has to be so big..." Vanessa is a little tired, classmate Illidan is too worrying, why are you making such a big noise?

I don't know whether it is good or bad that things have become like this because of my intervention.

The huge portal destroyed the surrounding teleportation nodes. Even if Khadgar was anxious about the situation there, he could not learn the information in the dark temple.

Vanessa and him hastily summoned the generals of the Alliance and the seems to be a collective opinion, but in fact Vanessa exerted her influence secretly. One day and one night, they rushed to the Dark Temple.

"Where is this portal?" Khadgar was puzzled.

Vanessa spread her hands, saying that I am a druid, so don't ask me such questions.

"Your Highness, I need you to help me stabilize the portal. We can't let the teleportation range continue to expand. It will swallow the entire Shadowmoon Valley!"

"Okay, how do you need my cooperation?"

With Khadgar as the main force, Vanessa's help, and the assistance of 30 mages from the Alliance tribe, they barely stabilized the portal.

"I'll go over and have a look. Your Highness will guard the rear for me." Khadgar had great courage, and Vanessa still admired this, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, I will firmly guard the exit and wait for your news."

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