Chapter 196: Bounty! The world is in an uproar!

Time flies!

Another three days have passed! In three days.

The events of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Spread throughout the world with newspapers.

Kaido’s daughter Yamato killed Celestial Dragons in the Sabaody Archipelago. Admiral Kizaru came to encircle and suppress them, but was easily repelled by a man named Uchiha Shun who was traveling with Yamato.

As soon as the two pieces of news spread.

The whole world was in an uproar.

Some people marveled at Yamato’s audacity, some marveled at Uchiha Shun’s strength, and some exclaimed that the Beasts Pirates have become stronger again!

For a time, Yamato, Uchiha Shun, and the Beasts Pirates even overshadowed the news of Ace’s execution, and Yamato and Uchiha Shun quickly came into everyone’s sight.

Ten Thousand Nations! Cake Island!

After reading the newspaper, the aunt suddenly laughed.

“Oh my god, has Kaido recruited another capable assistant?”

“It’s really amazing!!”

Big Mom is not afraid of Kaido’s growing strength.

Because Kaido still owes her a favor.

A huge favor that can make Kaido give in to her many times.

The Whitebeard Pirates have disappeared.

At this time, Whitebeard also saw this newspaper

“Kulalalala, Kaido’s daughter? I heard Ace say that once, but I didn’t expect that she would dare to kill Celestial Dragons. She is even more arrogant than Kaido.”

“And this Uchiha Shun is not simple either, he was able to beat Kizaru away so easily!!”

“This kid Kaido finally has a successor!”


“If it weren’t for Uchiha Shun, Yamato might have been captured. In this case, Kaido would definitely cause trouble for the navy, and we would be able to relax a little. What a pity.”

Marco said

“Kuralala, it doesn’t matter if there are allies or not, no matter what kind of lineup the navy puts out, I will rescue Ace, because I am Whitebeard!”

Red Hair Pirates!

Can they easily defeat Kizaru? Unexpectedly, Kaido has found another good helper.

“Beckman, try to pay attention to the Beasts Pirates recently. I have a feeling that Kaido is going to cause trouble!”

“Got it!!”


“Fufufufufu, he actually killed a dead person. How reckless!”

“However, since she is Kaido’s daughter, it makes sense!!”

“And this Uchiha Shun? Where on earth did this guy come from?”

“I’ve never heard of him before?”

Some remnant of a kingdom.

Some castle.

“Can he easily defeat Kizaru? Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to be a swordsman!!”

Hawkeye just took a look and stopped paying attention.

Nine Snake Island.

The Kingdom of Women!

“Actually killed the Celestial Dragons? ?”

“How dare they?!!”

“Yamato, Uchiha Shun!!”

Hancock looked at the bounty orders for the two.

His eyes flickered.

“The war on the top is about to begin! I wonder if they will go to join in the fun? ?”

Thinking of this,

Hancock suddenly changed her mind. She thought of going to the top to see what would happen. Anyway, she would not be able to do anything.

If she took action when the time came, what could the navy do to her?


“Sister, what’s the matter?”

“Tell the flying squirrel that I agreed to participate in the war at the top”


“Snake Princess, you are right to think so. The Calm Belt is no longer safe. We cannot break up with the Navy. The mother-in-law was overjoyed when she heard this.”


“”Shut up, old woman!”

Hancock impatiently threw the old woman out of the palace.

At the same time,


Nami grabbed a newspaper and hurried back to the villa.

“Your Majesty, something big has happened!”

“What’s wrong? Why are you in such a hurry?”

Uchiha Jun asked

“Here, take a look for yourself!”

Nami threw the newspaper directly to Uchiha Shun.

Uchiha Shun opened the newspaper.

Not only did he see them on the headlines, but there were also two bounties in the newspaper, one for him and the other for Yamato.

Yamato’s bounty was on top.

Uchiha Shun took a look and found that Yamato was offered a bounty of 1.5 billion.

“Yamato, you have a bounty on your head?!!”

Uchiha Shun said to Yamato who was not far away.

“Is this true? ?”

Yamato was surprised when he heard this.

“You have already beaten the Celestial Dragons, how can it be fake?!”

Uchiha Shun said

“How much is the reward for me?”

Yamato asked in surprise

“1.5 billion!” said Uchiha Jun……

“1.5 billion? Not bad, let me see it!”

Yamato walked towards Uchiha Jun and took his own bounty order.

Then, he went to Uchiha Jun again.

“You should also be rewarded, right? ?”


Uchiha Jun nodded.

“How much is the reward?”

Yamato asked

“See for yourself!”

“each, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand…….100 million, 1 billion, 1.6 billion, it’s 100 million more than mine.”

Yamato was surprised

“After all, it was me who drove Kizaru away. You have been offered such a high reward. If mine is lower than yours, wouldn’t that be the opposite of Tiangang?”

Uchiha Jun smiled faintly.

Then his eyes swept over everyone.

“We’ve been out for a few days.”

“It’s time to go back!”

Uchiha Jun said.

Everyone had no objection to what he said.

Nami, Robin and others were even somewhat interested in Onigashima and Wano Country.

After all, as the home of the Four Emperors, people like them could not help but be curious.

After returning to Onigashima, a few days passed.

During this time,

Uchiha Jun enjoyed the blessing of having many friends.

The taste of it is not something that can be shared with outsiders.

The night before Ace was executed, he rested for half an hour.

After Uchiha Jun knocked down the last opponent, Olbia, he got up at 1.7 and walked towards the top of Onigashima.

At this time, Kaido had been waiting here for a long time.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting!”

Uchiha Jun smiled faintly.

“Let’s go”


Kaido responded and immediately transformed into a blue dragon, hovering in the sky.

Uchiha Shun jumped onto Kaido’s dragon head.

“”Let’s go!”

Kaido roared.

He flew towards the Deep Sea Prison.

Uchiha Shun did not have the coordinates of the Deep Sea Prison.

Kaido did not know the coordinates of the Deep Sea Prison either.

But, he knew how to get there.

So, Uchiha Shun simply let Kaido take him there!

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