Kakashi knew that if Xi Yan was taken away, he might be locked up for a few days, but his life would not be in danger.

And if they take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Maybe, Uchiha Jun will kill him directly. so.

Again he compromised.

Uchiha Jun was very satisfied with Kakashi’s advance and retreat.

Don’t dwell on this issue any longer.

Instead, he assigned work to the advisers, elders, ministers, and cadres he had just appointed, and asked them to make Konoha move normally in the shortest possible time. at the same time.

What happened in Konoha last night is now spreading throughout the world!

Fire Nation.

A certain hot spring!

A middle-aged man with white hair was lying obscenely outside the wall of the hot spring pavilion, peeking at the scenery inside through the gap.

Drooling while watching and peeking

“Wow, this is good, full figure”

“This one is not bad, petite and exquisite”

“This one is more beautiful!”

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

He reacted very quickly. He didn’t wait for the person to say anything.

He took down the person with a backhand.

“Humph, that little thief dares to disturb my enjoyment of the Toad Immortal.”

Yes, this white-haired middle-aged man is none other than the legendary Sannin of Konoha – Jiraiya!

“Jiraiya-sama, one of my own!!!”The man quickly shouted

“Are you a root ninja?!”Jiraiya glanced at the man and said confidently

“Lord Jiraiya has a keen eye!”The man complimented

“Huh, that annoying smell on your body, as soon as I smell it, I know it’s the root of it. Tell me, what do you want from me?”Jiraiya curled his lips and said impatiently.

He hates Danzo, and he is not happy even with Danzo’s subordinates, so he won’t make excuses with them.

“This is Danzo-sama’s letter to you!”The man quickly took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya took it carelessly and opened it directly. He was not afraid of what Danzo might do in the letter.

When he saw the result, his expression changed instantly.

In the end, it became increasingly difficult to see what happened in Danzo’s letter, including the murder of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the transfer of Shimura. , the massacre of the three major Mito clans.

On the back of the envelope, Danzo invited Jiraiya to visit the Fire Capital.

After reading the entire letter, Jiraiya was completely silent.

“Is what the letter says true? Was the old man really killed by Uchiha Jun?”

“Absolutely true!”The man said

“I know, I will go to the Fire City!”Jiraiya said coldly

“The little one resigned first!”

The man said and disappeared from Jiraiya’s eyes instantly.

“Old man, old man!! Although there are many things you do that even I can’t stand, but you leaving so suddenly really caught me off guard.

Forget it, no matter what, if you and I are masters and disciples, I will seek justice for you!” Jiraiya murmured to himself. He no longer had the intention to watch the beautiful hot spring bathing across the wall.


“big big big!!!”

“Two, three, three, eight o’clock!!”

“Great, Tsunade-sama, we win again!”

A gambling table.

There are several gamblers around.

Among them, a mature woman with blond hair is the most eye-catching.

Next to her is a girl holding a pig.

She is Shizune.

Shizune sees that Tsunade has won another bet. After a round, she suddenly cheered.

You know, Tsunade always loses when she gambles.

Shizune has never seen Tsunade win so much money. The hotel and dinner were taken care of tonight. I was so happy that I didn’t have to be chased by creditors. However, Tsunade didn’t feel happy. Instead, she frowned because she kept winning money. The law of good things must have happened! Just when Tsunade was silent, a figure appeared in the gambling room.

“who are you? ?” Shizune immediately became vigilant.

She thought this person was coming to trouble Tsunade after seeing that Tsunade had won money.

Tsunade glanced at the person

“Are you a root ninja?”

“Yes, Tsunade-sama!”The man didn’t feel surprised and responded directly.

Then he took out another letter and handed it to Tsunade

“This is what Danzo-sama asked me to pass on to you!”

Tsunade didn’t pick it up.

Shizune, on the other hand, took a step forward immediately.

“Give me the letter!”

The man glanced at Shizune.

He didn’t refuse and gave the letter to Shizune.

After taking the envelope, Shizune opened it and read it.

The contents of the letter were similar to those given to Jiraiya.

They all wrote about what happened last night.

Shizune couldn’t help but screamed after just one glance.

“What about Na? ? The Third Generation is dead?”

Tsunade looked suddenly startled!

“Tsunade-sama, something big happened. Last night, the Uchiha family launched a coup, killing the Third Generation and two advisors, and also massacred the Shimura, Mito, and Mito clans!”

Shizune said with a look of panic.

This is a letter from Danzo, so naturally it will not be biased towards the Uchiha clan.

You can do whatever you want to do to the Uchiha clan.

“show me!”Tsunade couldn’t sit still anymore. After taking the letter from Shizune’s hand, she read it carefully from beginning to end.

In the end, her brows were furrowed.

“So, the old man is dead?!”

“Yes, Tsunade-sama!!”The man responded

“The old man is dead, and the two advisors are also dead. Why, Danzo is not dead? That old guy shouldn’t have run away from the battle, right?”Tsunade couldn’t help but mock.

“Tsunade-sama, please pay attention to the manner in which you speak!”

The Lord humiliated me and died. Although that person is just a little guy, he can’t tolerate others talking about Danzo like this.”

“Okay, go away, I will go to the Fire City!”Tsunade said with some irritation.

“The little one said goodbye first!”After that, the man left directly.

After the root ninja left,

Tsunade had no interest in continuing to gamble.

She got up and walked out.

“Tsunade-sama, wait for me!”

When Shizune saw this, she immediately collected the money Tsunade won and packed it up and took it away.

This is their future living expenses, so they must not lose it.

And the gamblers in the gambling room did not stop them.

Because , they all know that the big fat sheep is not easy to mess with.

But if you want to rob her and steal her money, the consequences will be miserable. At this time,

Orochimaru has not yet Withdrew from the Akatsuki organization.

However, he had already begun to create his own force. At this time, Orochimaru not only received the message from Danzang, but he was already prospering. Ye Nei, the information passed to him by his spies

“interesting! I thought that the teacher would eventually die in my hands, but I didn’t expect that he would die in the hands of a sixteen-year-old boy. It’s really embarrassing, teacher.············”

“Uchiha Jun? What an interesting genius!!”

“Such people are really valuable for research!”

“In this case, let’s go to the Fire City and meet Danzo!”


【Asking for reviews, asking for collections, asking for flowers, asking for everything! 】

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