Chapter 93: Evolution begins towards the Eternal Ten Thousand Flowers Eyes!

“So, brother Jun, you are immortal now?”

Quan’s eyes lit up.

“Immortality is a bit exaggerated, but in today’s ninja world, no one can kill me!!!”

Uchiha Jun said confidently

“Good stake!”

Quan’s eyes are shining

“Brother Jun, your recovery speed is so fast, even if your eyes were gouged out, they would still grow back quickly! If we keep digging and growing, then our Uchiha clan, and even everyone in Konoha, will be able to have a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan!!”

Izumi said suddenly and whimsically.

Although this idea hurt Uchiha Shun a bit.

But once the idea comes up, it can’t be deleted!

“It’s that simple!”

Hearing this, Jun Uchiha couldn’t help crying or laughing.

“Look at my hands!”

Uchiha Jun pointed to the hand he had just chopped off.

The color had completely changed.

It was obvious at first glance that it was stale.

It was like meat that had been left for several days.

It had completely lost its activity and vitality.

“how so?”

Izumi followed what Uchiha Jun was pointing at and exclaimed on the spot.

“I don’t know, maybe some mysterious force carries the life force of this hand back into my body!”

Uchiha Jun said!

“That’s it! Quan looked dazed.

Then he thought of something again.

He said again:”By the way, Brother Jun!” After failing to change your eyes, can you still evolve the Eternal Kaleidoscope? ?”


Uchiha Jun said confidently

“After the eye replacement failed, I already have new ideas!”

“However, some new knowledge needs to be added!!”

“Yes, that’s good!!”

Izumi felt relieved after hearing Uchiha Jun’s words!!

Time flies.

A few more days have passed!!

Just yesterday, Konoha had completed the first round of civil service examinations.

The admission list was officially announced today.

In a moment, In Konoha New Town, some people are happy and others are happy. Those who are rich will naturally have a big banquet and celebrate.

Those who are short on money will also find a cheaper tavern. A few drinks were served to celebrate.

Those who failed the exam naturally became dejected and frowned. They could only secretly pray that they would be able to take such civil service exams again in the future.

Candidates who pass the exam are sent out for a week of training.

This training is not only to make the civil servants who are about to join the job as soon as possible, but also to teach them to be loyal to Konoha.

At the same time,

Uchiha Jun has been very fulfilled these days. He has been completely absorbed in reading, absorbing the knowledge and secrets passed down by the Uchiha clan for thousands of years.

Books and other book boxes in the Hokage Building. In the afternoon, he practiced the Flying Thunder God Technique and the Eight Door Dungeon.

In the past few days, Uchiha Jun also used the permanent enhancement ability to increase his perception, nerve reactions, and… Speed.

In addition, Uchiha Jun lets his nine shadow clones practice Flying Thunder God together. Therefore

, Flying Thunder God’s learning progress is very fast, but it is not agile enough.

Next, Uchiha Jun only needs to practice and practice with his shadow clone, and he will be able to use it in battle after all.

, He is not afraid of injury.

His body, speed, strength, and reaction have all been enhanced.

With this kind of body, he can break three gates in one day and five gates in three days.

Six gates have been opened!

Compared with before, Uchiha Jun’s overall strength has undergone tremendous changes.

“Now, I have two ways to evolve the Manka Abbreviation Wheel Eye into the Eye of Eternity. The first is to fuse the cells between pillars!”

Unfortunately, Hashirama’s body was taken away by Danzo.

After his death, Hashirama’s body and all related things were not found on him.

After that, I asked the ninja to carefully search for Danzo’s lair. Unfortunately, Hashirama’s body has not yet been found. Now the only way to get Hashirama’s cells is from Orochimaru!

As a mad scientist, Orochimaru has been studying Hashirama’s cells for many years and has a close personal relationship with Danzo. There must be Hashirama’s cells there.

However, Orochimaru is greedy for life and afraid of death, and is absolutely unwilling to put himself in danger. If he knows that I am looking for him, he will definitely hide and want to get away from Orochimaru. I don’t know how long it will take to get Hashirama’s cells!

So, this method can only be put on hold for now!


After reading the books these days,

“Another method is the method I thought of before, absorbing the child power of another pair of Manka Abbreviation Wheel Eyes!”

I got some inspiration from the ninjutsu of transfer seal.

Since Itachi can use the transfer seal to seal his eye power in Sasuke’s Sharingan.

Then, I can also use a similar method to transfer Shisui The power of the Mangekyō Sharingan is sealed into my eyes

“Then let it slowly merge with my own pupil power!”

Uchiha Jun murmured to himself.

He put his hands together.

There was a bang.

A shadow clone stood opposite Uchiha Jun.

“Wait, you’re using chakra to stimulate Shisui’s Sharingan!!”

Uchiha Jun said to the shadow clone.


The shadow clone responded.

“let’s start!!”

The shadow clone held the salt water bottle in both hands.

Chakra surged out from his hands, quickly soaked into the bottle, and poured into the Sharingan eyes.

In the saline.

Shisui’s eyes immediately changed under the stimulation of chakra!

After all, writing The chakra is so useful.

Whether it is transplanted into the eye socket or installed on the arm, it can work even in a salt water bottle.

“Right, that is it!! Let it transform into the Mangekyō Sharingan state!!”

Uchiha Jun said.

Hearing this, the shadow clone increased the output of chakra.

Soon, in the salt water bottle, Shisui’s Sharingan quickly transformed into the state of the Mange abbreviation wheel eye.

In the shadow clone’s Under the control, he happened to look at Uchiha Jun who had opened the Mangekyou Sharingan.

In an instant

, there was a trace of connection between the two pairs of Sharingan. He could even control the salt water bottle like this.

The Mangekyō Sharingan in the sky uses the Eye Technique on Uchiha Jun.

“.Transfer his pupil power to my eyes!”


The shadow clone responded.

He controlled Shisui’s Mangekyou Sharingan to transfer his pupil power to the eyes of Uchiha Jun.

And Uchiha Jun also took the initiative to pull Shisui’s pupil power towards his own at the moment. The water flowed from the depths of his eyes!!

The two parties worked together, and soon the power of Shisui’s Mangekyō

Sharingan was completely squeezed out. The three magatama then became two magatama, and finally turned into a pair of black eyes without magatama.

At this time, Uchiha Shun had drawn all the power of the eyes of Shisui Sharingan to himself. In the kaleidoscope,

Uchiha Jun did not dare to be careless.

Because there is a risk of losing it at any time!

Uchiha Jun closed his eyes at the same time!

“Sharingan seal!”

With the completion of this technique,

Shisui’s pupil power was completely sealed into Uchiha Jun’s Sharingan eyes.

It began to rub against Uchiha Jun’s own pupil power.

Either repulsive or inclusive!!

Everything is evolving.!


Uchiha Toshi breathed a sigh of relief.

The preliminary plan has been successful.

Next, it depends on whether they can fuse naturally.

The result that they cannot fuse can only show that the two pupils are in conflict with each other and are highly repellent.

Even if it is Uchiha Bo Jun transplanted Shisui’s eyes.

It is very likely that he will not be able to evolve the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

If it merges, the result is self-evident.

“According to the progress of the fusion of these two pupil powers, it will take at least three days to get results.”

So, during this period, I couldn’t use the pupil technique, and my eyes seemed to have become extremely sensitive, fragile, and afraid of bright light!!

“Well, let’s put on sunglasses first!!”

Uchiha Jun, who was well prepared, picked up a pair of black glasses from the side and put them on himself.

In fact, besides sunglasses, there were also eye patches, bandages, eye drops and other things beside him, asking for comments and flowers. Please vote for me and support me!

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