The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

Jiang Qianqiu did not go far. She was hiding in a dark cloud above the sky.

She sat helplessly in the clouds, hugging her knees with her hands and lying on them with a tearful face.

Jiang Qianqiu felt very wronged at the moment. The master actually spanked her.

The master used to give her all his tenderness, but now he spanked her for the first time.

The most important thing was that Jiang Qianqiu learned that the light on the master was not only given to her.

This was the reason why Jiang Qianqiu went crazy. In her heart, the master always belonged to her.

In the thatched house covered with heavy snow, Jiang Qianqiu was on the verge of death.

When Jiang Qianqiu thought that she could see her father after falling asleep.

The appearance of a person completely broke Jiang Qianqiu's trajectory. The gentle face was covered with a smile. It was a moment that Jiang Qianqiu would never forget.

Jiang Qianqiu always remembered that sentence, Jiang Qianqiu was lucky to know you.

This sentence was deeply imprinted in Jiang Qianqiu's heart, and from then on she lived with the man named Shen Shuchou.

The quality of life after that was something Jiang Qianqiu dared not dream of. She could eat hot meals, no longer dusty leftovers and rotten vegetable leaves, no longer had to worry about snatching food from wild dogs, and no longer had to worry about being insulted and beaten with sticks.

At the same time, Jiang Qianqiu no longer had to sleep on the cold floor, and no longer worried about never waking up after sleeping.

She could sleep in a warm bed, covered with heavy bedding, and she no longer had to wear those tattered and thin clothes, but could wear warm cotton clothes. All these were things that Jiang Qianqiu had never dared to think about before.

All these were the light that Shen Shuchou brought to her, pulling her out of the abyss of despair.

When she thought she could live with Mr. forever, something unexpected happened.

Mr. left her in an accident, which was a heavy blow to Jiang Qianqiu. She practiced madly and eventually killed everyone. When she wanted to revive Mr., she found that she could no longer find him.

In the following time, Jiang Qianqiu had been looking for Mr.'s footprints in the vast world.

Fortunately, God did not disappoint those who worked hard, or it could be said that she and Mr. had long been bound by the bond of fate, and found Mr.'s footprints on this magnificent planet.

Jiang Qianqiu was immersed in the joy of this reunion, thinking that there were finally no accidents and worries this time.

When she temporarily avoided the suppression of the Heavenly Dao, she unexpectedly found that there was a woman who was intimate with the Master.

Later, she learned from the Master that this was a person who had similar experiences with her and had also enjoyed the light of the Master.

At this moment, Jiang Qianqiu's heart collapsed, which she could not accept.

"The Master is mine, and the Master can only be mine."

Jiang Qianqiu murmured helplessly.

In fact, with Jiang Qianqiu's current realm strength, it is not impossible to fight a Great Emperor, and she can also take Shen Shuchou away directly.

But Jiang Qianqiu did not do so. In her heart, no matter what realm she was, she was still a little girl with the Master.

What's more, the Master said that this was her new home. The word "home" deeply involved Jiang Qianqiu's heart like a shackle. From beginning to end, she just wanted to have a real home with the Master.

I don't know how long it has been. Jiang Qianqiu seems to be tired of crying, or she has poured out all the grievances in her heart.

She stood up slowly, her black eyes firmed up. Even if there was one more person, what would it matter? Even if she also felt the light of the master, what belonged to her, Jiang Qianqiu, could not be taken away by anyone.

At this moment, Jiang Qianqiu keenly noticed that someone was approaching her.

The next moment, she stepped out instantly, and the figure of Hu Baibai stood in the air not far away.

"What are you doing here?"

Jiang Qianqiu said coldly.

"Of course I came to see if you would be upset for a while."

Hu Baibai smiled tenderly.

"Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Jiang Qianqiu thought that Hu Baibai was here to provoke her, and her black eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

For a moment, the terrifying black lightning flashed around her, and she was ready to attack.

"I heard your story, the girl in the snow."

Hu Baibai ignored it and said shockingly.

Jiang Qianqiu's body, which was ready to go, trembled violently, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

She said with a trembling voice: "The master has told you everything."

Hu Baibai nodded slightly without denying.

At this moment, Jiang Qian

Qiu seemed to have lost all her strength like a dehydrated fish, and she staggered back.

"How could you do this, sir..."

"How could you do this, sir..."

Jiang Qianqiu whispered to herself.

This memory was between her and her husband, and it was the most precious memory in Jiang Qianqiu's heart. Now her husband actually told the woman in front of him all of this.

In an instant, Jiang Qianqiu's heart was filled with endless disappointment, and cold murderous intent bloomed on her body.

The terrifying thunderclouds were like a black mountain, quickly covering the entire sky.

The dark clouds flashed with terrifying lightning, and from time to time there were thrilling lightning strikes, echoing the murderous intent on Jiang Qianqiu's body.

Every lightning was like her angry mood, carrying the power to destroy everything.

"Do you want to hear my story?"

Hu Baibai looked at her calmly without any fear on his face.

Jiang Qianqiu paused and looked up at her slightly.

Hu Baibai didn't care about Jiang Qianqiu's thoughts at the moment, and then walked to Jiang Qianqiu and sat down.

Under the reflection of the terrifying lightning, Hu Baibai told the story to Jiang Qianqiu vividly.

But she cut out a part of it, and Yu Linghuan and her daughter did not tell it.

Jiang Qianqiu looked at Hu Baibai's profile, sometimes happy and sometimes sad.

For a while, the two were immersed in this happy and sad story.

The murderous intent on Jiang Qianqiu's body also slowly faded, and he listened attentively to Hu Baibai's story.

I don't know how long it has been, and the story in Hu Baibai's mouth has also come to an end.

The pair of charming eyes were gradually drowned by tears. This memory was extremely precious in her heart.

After hearing Jiang Qianqiu's story, she told her about her encounter and acquaintance with Shen Shuchou.

After hearing the whole story, Jiang Qianqiu fell into a deep silence.

"So what do you want to do."

At this moment, Jiang Qianqiu didn't know what to say.

Hu Baibai wiped away his tears, smiled and said, "You and I have both enjoyed the master's glory, and he doesn't want me to be your enemy."

"So you want to reconcile with me and enjoy the master together? I disagree."

Jiang Qianqiu said in a cold voice.

Jiang Qianqiu also knew that the master didn't want her to fight with Hu Baibai, and Jiang Qianqiu was willing to listen to the master.

But she was unwilling to let her and Hu Baibai possess the master together.

"You think too much, I have the same idea as you, I, Hu Baibai, will not share the master with anyone. What I want to say is that we can reconcile for the time being, and we can fight for the master in another way. After all, none of us want to see the master angry."

Hu Baibai smiled slightly.

"What's the way?"

Jiang Qianqiu asked immediately.

"Well! Let's talk about it later. Now go back and appease the master. We may become allies in the future."

Hu Baibai smiled mysteriously and left first.

Jiang Qianqiu stood in the dark clouds, thinking about what Hu Baibai's last sentence meant.

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