The sky is clear and the weather is very bad.

There is no chaos in the sky.

In the 745th year of the Cang calendar.

The Jiangshan area is covered with frost.

The sky and the earth are white, and the view is all white and boundless snow.

The mountains and rivers are covered with frost, as if they are covered with a layer of crystal clear gauze, emitting a cold glow.


The cold wind roars like a tornado.

This biting cold wind comes from the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds, and sweeping across the ruined world under the feet.

There is a queue of more than 50 people on the snowy land.

In this cold wind, everyone was wearing very thin clothes, and the worn-out clothes seemed to be the remnants left after years of erosion.

The cold wind blew coldly and mercilessly, penetrating the tattered clothes and piercing the frozen skin.

There was a look of despair on everyone's face. In such bad weather, it was a great blessing to be alive at present, but only for now.

They had frozen to death no less than a hundred refugees along the way, and the frozen bodies were buried in the wind and snow without a sound.

"Everyone hold on, we are in Jiangyun County ahead, and there is a chance to survive when we reach Jiangyun County."

A middle-aged man shouted at the front of the team.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately bloomed with hope of life, and even their steps became faster.

At the end of the team was a little girl in tattered linen clothes.

There was dust and frost in her hair, her cheeks were red from the cold, and her lips were cracked and bloody like cracks on the dry earth.

Although the girl's eyes were tired, she still gritted her teeth and moved forward step by step against the wind and frost when she saw the formation in front of her gradually pulling away from her.

Every step seemed to have exhausted all her strength, but with an unyielding determination.

Outskirts of Jiangyun County.

Several refugees as thin as skeletons surrounded a bonfire, staring at the big pot on the fire.

The water in the pot was boiling, and suddenly there was a refreshing meaty aroma.

There were several other big pots like this burning on the flames.

It immediately attracted the attention of the refugees hiding in the corners, who kept sniffing their noses, their eyes full of greed.

The refugees squatting beside the big pot were chatting with each other, but as soon as they saw other refugees coming, they would immediately pick up the spears at their feet and scold them.

Due to the sharp spear blades, the remaining refugees could only show unwilling expressions.

Soon, the meat in the pot was cooked, and the aroma of meat was even stronger.

They swallowed their saliva frantically, staring at the boiling meat in the pot without blinking.

Soon, the refugees took the meat out of the pot with spears and put it in the piled snow to quickly cool it down.

In a moment, the surface temperature of the meat dropped, and everyone hurriedly held it in their palms and gobbled it up. The meat entered the taste buds, and everyone showed a look of enjoyment.

At this time, an older refugee picked up a piece of meat and came to a simple shed not far away, and knocked on the door gently.

In a moment, a young man opened the door and walked out.

The young man had black hair and a long sword on his waist. He was extremely thin, and the bones under his skin could be vaguely seen.

However, the young man's eyes were bright and full of a fierce aura.

"Shen boy, the meat is cooked. Do you want to eat some?"

The old man handed the white meat in his hand to Shen Shuchou.

"I don't eat this meat."

Shen Shuchou shook his head slightly and refused.

It has been eleven years since he came to this chaotic world. A year ago, he came to Jiangyun City one step ahead, just to wait for the heroine of this life.

In this world without humanity and order, Shen Shuchou has been living cautiously. The only help the system gives him is the root bones that are different from ordinary people.

This also gives him a good strength, so that he can temporarily stand in this chaotic world.

"You can't hold on for a long time without eating meat."

The old man's hand has not been retracted.

"I said, I don't want to eat this meat, take it back."

Shen Shuchou's tone was cold and unyielding.

The old man's turbid eyes flashed with fear, and then he sighed slightly and took his hand back.

He did not refute Shen Shuchou's words. The old man knew very well what kind of terrifying power was contained in the thin boy in front of him.

A year ago, the boy was targeted by a group of refugees as soon as he arrived here.

The boy was a piece of fat meat that was sure to be on the table, but later

What happened behind the scenes was frightening to everyone.

The young man burst out with terrifying power and slaughtered all the refugees. Thirteen people died under the young man's sword.

Afterwards, the young man personally cut off the heads of the thirteen people and hung them outside the shed in front of everyone.

That scene was like a hell on earth, and the boy was an evil ghost crawling out of hell. Everyone who saw this scene was frightened.

From then on, no one dared to have any thoughts on this seemingly thin young man.

"Another refugee is coming."

At this time, I don’t know who shouted.

Hearing this, Shen Shuqiu's cold eyes lit up slightly.

He knew that the person he was waiting for had arrived.

Shen Shuqiu stepped over the old man and came to the outside of the shed. Not far away, he saw a huge group of refugees pouring into the outskirts of Jiangyun City like locusts crossing the border.

"Alas! Another person is about to become a blood-eater."

The old man murmured beside him.

The outer city of Jiangyun County is very large and can accommodate thousands of refugees. However, in fact, there are only a hundred refugees in the outer city, and there are many different groups among these refugees.

Every time the refugees from the outer city came in, they would be controlled by these groups, and they would tacitly agree to choose some meat inside.

Women and children are usually the first choice and divided among several major groups, and the remaining refugees will be selected into their respective groups, or they will become lonely people that no one wants.

At this moment, those outside refugees were already under control.

"What are you going to do?"

The middle-aged man looked at everyone with frightened eyes.

"Listen to me. If you want to survive, don't think about resisting. All the girls and women in your team will come out for me."

A bald homeless man holding a spear said with cold eyes.

The middle-aged man only hesitated for a moment, but still chose to obey, and then some girls and women in the team were separated from the queue.

The bald head counted slightly, there were fifteen people in total.

"Catch him."

A greedy look flashed in the bald man's eyes, and he immediately ordered some refugees to arrest the fifteen people who were sorted out.

Shen Shuqiu kept his eyes on the fifteen people, and soon he discovered a girl hiding at the end.

Shen Shuqiu smiled slightly. The person he was waiting for arrived, but he was not in a hurry to bring her back.

"What are you going to do?"

The middle-aged man suddenly realized something was wrong and wanted to step forward to stop him.

But the next moment.

A cold spear pierced through his chest. The middle-aged man's eyes instantly became bloodshot and widened, and he looked at the bald man in front of him in disbelief.

The remaining refugees immediately panicked and scrambled. They never expected that this man would actually kill people.

The bald man looked at the others with indifference and said, "I told you to be obedient if you want to live, and I'm not afraid to tell you that these people are used as meat."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the refugees instantly became frightened. No wonder they smelled the strong smell of meat as soon as they came in. It turned out to be rice meat.

Many people even bent over and vomited when they thought of that scene.

"I think you haven't eaten meat for a long time! Now I'll give you a chance. I'll let you kill these fifteen people. Whoever kills can eat meat and join in."

The bald refugee continued with a sinister smile.

Hearing these words, these new refugees had different expressions. Some of them quietly took a look at the aroma in the pot and the refugees sitting not far away eating meat, and swallowed a smear of saliva in their throats involuntarily.

After a while, a person stood up and said in a trembling voice: "Do you only need to kill one of them to get the meat?"

The bald man came to him and patted his shoulder with his big hand, grinning widely and saying, "That's right, as long as you kill one, no matter what method you use, you can go over there and get a piece of meat."

The man didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and immediately rushed towards a little boy, riding on him in the little boy's frightened eyes.

He grabbed the boy's neck with both hands and looked at the boy's face twisted in pain.

There was a look of fear in his eyes, his heart was shaking, and the blood all over his body seemed to be stirring.

Since he had not eaten enough for a long time, his strength was very low, so he gritted his teeth and picked up a cold stone from the side, closed his eyes and smashed it crazily on the little boy's fragile head.

Don't blame me, don't blame me.

I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat.

He shouted in his heart as he smashed it down with all his strength.

After a few blows, the head cracked, warm blood was thrown into the air, and the blood splashed on his face.

The blood was obviously warm, but it seemed even colder at this moment.

The refugees who saw this bloody scene were frightened. It was not until someone pulled him away that he became limp.

fell to the ground.

Seeing that the little boy's head was smashed into a bloody mess by himself, he trembled in his heart.

"Yes, go over there and get a piece of meat."

The bald refugee smiled with satisfaction.

Upon hearing this, the man immediately threw away the fear on his face and turned it into a desire. Even his limp body seemed to be full of strength.

He walked quickly to the big pot where the meat was cooking, stretched out a trembling hand, and soon a piece of meat the size of a thumb was placed in the palm of his hand. Although it was very little meat, it was very satisfying to him who had not eaten meat for a long time. For me, this is a dream come true.

Without any hesitation, he stuffed it directly into his mouth. Because the meat was so small, he swallowed it without even having time to chew it.

When the remaining refugees saw that someone was really eating them, many people stood up one after another, vying to eat the meat.

The bald head looked at the few people and said, "If you want to eat meat, just do the same as him. Kill someone first."

As soon as these words came out, no one showed any hesitation, and they all headed towards the remaining fourteen people.

Soon a thin refugee stared fiercely at the last girl.

Seeing this, Shen Shuqiu knew it was time for him to take action, and immediately walked over there.

"Hey! What are you going to do, Mr. Shen?"

The old man's face suddenly looked shocked.

When the girl saw the wolf-like eyes of the thin man in front of her, despair instantly filled her heart. She had seen the scene just now.

At this time, there seemed to be a voice in the girl's heart asking herself.

Why was she living so desperately? Not even the biting wind and heavy snow could take away her fragile life.

Now he is about to die in a human nature that is colder and more ruthless than the cold storm and snow.

The girl's eyes were dim, and she forced a smile on her lips. There seemed to be an unknown meaning in this smile.

It seems to be mocking the fragility of life, the ruthlessness of this world, or the annihilation of human nature.

Seeing that the hands were about to grab her, the girl did not make any resistance, because she knew that it was all in vain. The girl slowly closed her eyes.

At this moment, Shen Shuchou's figure stood in front of the girl, and he stared at the refugees in front of him with cold eyes.

Without any hesitation or mercy, the sharp blade hidden in the scabbard instantly cut across the sky.

A ray of cold light suddenly appeared from the wind and snow, and in an instant, a huge head was thrown high.

Blood covered the cold blade, shining with a strange and bloodthirsty light.

At this moment, the girl slowly opened her eyes. She was slightly stunned and looked at the back in front of her.

At this time, the owner of the back slowly turned around, and the weak sunlight poured on his green face, casting a faint shadow.

There was a kind of indifference in his eyes that was inappropriate for his age, as if he looked down on the coldness and warmth of the world.

The youthful face is in sharp contrast to the indifferent expression.

The broken hair in front of her forehead fluttered slightly, but it didn't feel messy at all. Instead, it added a sense of mystery.


Shen Shuqiu said softly.

The girl's eyes were slightly dazed, she shook her head, and nodded again.

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