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Shen Shuqiu's figure looked a little thin in the moonlight, as if he was carrying a heavy burden.

The wind blew gently, and the corners of his clothes fluttered slightly, but it did not disturb his meditation in the slightest.

Shen Shuqiu stood quietly like this, blending in with the moonlight, as if he had become a part of this silent night.

At this moment, Shen Shuqiu felt powerless in his heart. He didn't want to see Wen Muxuan reduced to this, but he couldn't help.

"elder brother..."

At this time, Pei Rounuo's voice sounded in his ears, pulling Shen Shuqiu out of his daze.

Shen Shuqiu turned around, and the moonlight shone like gauze on that tender face.

"Why are you awake?"

Shen Shuqiu stretched out his hand and gently touched Pei Rou's little head.

Just now, Pei Rou was not afraid of Wen Muxuan, who was surging with demonic energy, and stood up to protect him. This scene made Shen Shuqiu feel mixed in his heart.

Pei Rou's biggest wish is that Shen Shuqiu can always be by her side and never allow anyone to hurt him.

But one day Shen Shuqiu will leave eventually, and Pei Rou will be so heartbroken by then.

Even though Shen Shuqiu just followed the system's tasks, his heart was warm.

Every time he saw them wailing in pain, Shen Shuqiu was heartbroken.

He had already seen such a scene with Jiang Qianqiu and Hu Baibai.

But how could Shen Shuqiu stop it, and he couldn't stop it.

The road under his feet is longer than these heroines. This is only the third life.

Therefore, Shen Shuqiu's tenderness towards Pei Rou during this period came from the bottom of his heart, and he had always hoped that that day would come later.

But after meeting Wen Muxuan tonight, Shen Shuqiu felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

"Pei Rou doesn't want anything to happen to his brother."

There was warm flesh pressing against Shen Shuqiu's back, and those small hands hugged him tightly, fearing that they would disappear in the next second.

Pei Rou's voice was full of worry, and her little head was pressed tightly against Shen Shuqiu's back.

Shen Shuqiu's throat rolled and his face was full of bitterness. He didn't know what to say.

"Brother will be fine, let's go back."

Shen Shuqiu sighed secretly in his heart and immediately held Pei Rou's little hand and walked back.


Pei Rou hummed softly.

Letting Shen Shuqiu hold that little hand, their figures gradually disappeared under the moonlight and merged into the darkness.

A night of silence.

"Please... don't kill my third sister."

"She is innocent..."

Wen Yanyu's little face lost all color and became as pale as paper, as if its life force had been drained away.

She closed her eyes tightly, as if she wanted to block out everything from the outside world, but she seemed to be unable to open them because of too much pain.

Her brows were furrowed tightly, and her face was full of pain, as if she was silently enduring some kind of huge torture.

The pale lips moved slightly, murmuring softly from time to time.

The voice seemed to be a cry for help coming from the depths of the soul, full of fear and helplessness.

Her body could not help but tremble slightly, as if she was experiencing a terrible storm in a dream, and she was the lonely ship in the storm, crumbling.

"Third sister...don't..."

The next moment, Wen Yanyu let out a cry of surprise and suddenly sat up from the bed.

Big beads of sweat dripped down from his forehead, and his chest heaved violently with fear.

She had just had a terrifying dream. The dream was hazy, and the only thing she could see clearly was Wen Muxuan's face that was possessed by hatred.

At the end of the dream, Wen Muxuan died on a sword, and what frightened Wen Yanyu the most was the owner of the sword.

The person who killed Wen Muxuan was herself.

"It's impossible...How could I kill the third sister? Impossible, impossible..."

Even though it was a dream, the feeling towards Wen Yanyu was extremely real.

Wen Yanyu kept shaking his head, trying to dispel the scene he saw in his dream.

But that image was always imprinted in her mind, and no matter how hard she drove it away, it still existed.

Wen Yanyu saw this and looked around, trying to divert his attention.

But she found that she was no longer in the Zhengjian Hall at this time. When she looked out through the window, she found that it was already daytime outside.

At this time, Wen Yanyu seemed to have thought of something, and her heart trembled.

The scene in Zhengjian Hall yesterday came to mind, and she only remembered Li Jianxin's last order, which was to get rid of Wen Muxuan.

And now it's the second day, maybe Ye Xie has already set off.

Thinking of this, Wen Yanyu could not sit still any longer, and hurriedly got up from the bed and rushed out the door.

She had to find Wen Muxuan before Ye Xie. In Wen Yanyu's heart, even if the third sister was in a state of demonic possession and could not wake up, it was better than losing her completely.

But when Wen Yanyu rushed to the door, she found that no matter how hard she pushed, the tightly closed wooden door did not move at all.

Wen Yanyu was anxious when she saw this, and she turned her hand and slashed out with a sword.

This sword energy did not work at all on the door, and there was not even a ripple.

Seeing this, Wen Yanyu also understood that this was because Taiyue Zhenren did not want her to go out and imprisoned her here.

"Master, please let Yanyu go out."

Wen Yanyu shouted loudly in the empty room.

The voice echoed in the room, but there was no echo from Taiyue Zhenren.

"Master, please let Yanyu go out. Yanyu will only have the third sister left."

Wen Yanyu knew that Taiyue Zhenren would definitely be able to hear her voice.

Then she knelt on the cold floor with a "thump", and spoke with tears in her eyes.

Despite this, there was still no response to Wen Yanyu.

"Master, the third sister is the only relative in Yanyu's life. If the third sister dies, Yanyu will not be able to survive in the world. Please, Master."

Wen Yanyu knelt on her knees, the cold floor was bone-chilling, and her body trembled slightly.

There was a dead silence in the room, only her voice echoed in the air, with endless despair.

A pair of empty eyes, as if they had lost all their vitality, and the heart that was once full of hope was now swallowed by despair.

Tears slid down her cheeks, dripped on the floor, and splashed tiny water.

Every drop of tears represented her inner pain and helplessness.

There were countless emotions intertwined in her heart, including worry about Wen Muxuan, ruthlessness towards the sect, but more of it was boundless hatred towards Ye Xie.

At this moment, even Wen Yanyu's cultivation was rolling like surging waves.


At this moment, a sigh came from somewhere.

Then the tightly closed door "creaked" and opened to both sides on its own.

Seeing this scene, Wen Yanyu knew that Master Taiyue agreed, and immediately shouted to the surroundings: "Thank you Master Yanyu for your help."

After saying that, she wiped away her tears slightly and flew straight out of the door, according to her unique way of contact with Wen Muxuan.

Wen Yanyu found that Wen Muxuan was in Qingshui County at this moment.

After Wen Yanyu left, Master Taiyue appeared in the room.

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