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Breakfast was quickly spent in silence. After simply packing some clothes, Shen Shuqiu left the Blackstone Town where he had lived for four years.

Shen Shuqiu didn't bring many things, only two packages.

Most of them were Jiang Qianqiu's clothes, even though Shen Shuqiu promised to buy them for her elsewhere.

Jiang Qianqiu was still reluctant to throw it away. She said it was bought by her husband.

Usually if there is a tear in these clothes, Jiang Qianqiu will feel distressed for a long time and secretly wipe his tears.

Before leaving, Jiang Chashan sent a carriage.

One big and one small got on the carriage, and left Blackstone Town and drifted away under the expectant eyes of everyone.

"Finally the bad guy is gone."

"It took us so long that we should have left long ago."

"If you ask me, they would have died on the way."

"Damn right."

The townspeople behind the scenes were sarcastic and even began to use vicious words.

"Okay, stop saying a few words." Jiang Chashan said with a frown.

Only then did everyone who was chattering behind him shut up.

The two people here, one large and one small, drove the carriage and left Blackstone Town very quickly.

Jiang Qianqiu was hiding in the carriage and was in a very depressed mood without saying a word.

Shen Shuqiu, who was on horseback, often heard the sad sobs of the little girl coming from inside.

Shen Shuqiu's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a big hand, almost suffocating him.

He didn't know how to comfort him, because the pain in the second stage would only be greater.

He was getting closer and closer to death, leaving this world almost before his eyes.

Before they knew it, the carriage had been traveling for a day, and their destination was the Tianwu Dynasty.

It was the most prosperous imperial capital, and it was also the cemetery where Shen Shuqiu was about to die.

With every step the carriage took, Shen Shuqiu's heart became heavier.

the next day.

A dark cloud enveloped Blackstone Town.

When it was just dawn, a group of bandits who came from nowhere broke in.

They make no distinction and kill anyone they see.

The sounds of fighting and screams echoed in the gray sky and earth in the early morning.

Bodies and blood littered the streets, staining the entire land red.

The bloody scene was as tragic as hell on earth.

This one-sided killing lasted for a long time, and no one in Blackstone Town survived.

Shen Shuqiu didn't know about this, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't have the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

If it weren't for the system, Shen Shuqiu would have wanted to kill these people.

In the blink of an eye, they had been on the road for three days. Fortunately, they had brought enough dry food.

Judging from the distance, it would take at least four days to walk from the imperial capital.

In the past few days, except when eating, Jiang Qianqiu would say a few words, and usually he would hide alone in the carriage gloomily.

He is not as clingy to Shen Shuqiu as he was before, and he will keep yelling at the side.

Shen Shutang only paid attention to Jiang Qianqiu's changes and sighed helplessly.

"Where are we going sir."

Jiang Qianqiu walked out of the carriage, his eyes empty and sorrowful.

Shen Shuqiu patted his little head lovingly and said, "Sir, I will take you to the imperial capital."

"What is the imperial capital like? Have you been there, sir? Can you tell Qianqiu about it?"

Jiang Qianqiu has never been to other places. In her world, it is only as big as Blackstone Town.

My heart can only tolerate one book feud.

"Sir, I have never been there, but it is very big and bustling, and there are a lot of delicious food there. When you get there, I will buy you a lot of delicious food and a lot of beautiful clothes."

Shen Shuchou has never been to the Imperial Capital. He has been in Blackstone Town since he came to this world.

Although I have never been there, it is the imperial capital of the Tianwu Dynasty after all, so how can it be compared to this tiny place.

"Will there be a home for us there too?"

Jiang Qianqiu blinked and asked, his voice revealing a hint of longing for home.

Shen Shuqiu responded melancholy for a moment: "We will have a home there, sir, I promise you."

Although this promise will eventually disappear, Shen Shuqiu still hopes that the little girl can be happy at least for now.

Sure enough, Jiang Qianqiu's complexion gradually improved, and his mood gradually came out of the gloom.

"Then when the time comes, I will choose our home."

Jiang Qianqiu's voice had a hint of joy.

"Okay!" Shen Shuqiu agreed with a smile.

Xiao Jiang Qianqiu's sick expression was filled with a smile.

In her heart, she longed for what her home in the imperial capital would be like.

There, no one would call her an unlucky girl anymore.

There should be no one to kick them out again.

You should be happier there than in Blackstone Town.

What will the new home be?

So, anyway, a home with a husband is the best home.

In the next few days, Jiang Qianqiu's chattering words could be heard in Shen Shuqiu's ears.

Most of them revolve around what kind of furniture to buy and where to choose it for the imperial home.

Then there is the question of whether there is anything strange and interesting in the imperial capital.

Shen Shuqiu didn't feel annoyed and always replied with a smile.

Five days have passed since we started on the road, and we still have the last two days to go to the Imperial Capital.

After passing through a lush green forest, Shen Shuqiu decided to stop and rest for a while.

The lush green space is just perfect for the horses.

From the east side of the forest, the gurgling sound of the creek could be heard.

Tying the reins of the carriage to the tree, Shen Shuqiu took the kettle and headed towards the direction of the stream.

"Sir, I'm going too."

Jiang Qianqiu couldn't sit still in the carriage, and followed him with cheerful steps.

As he approached the forest, Shen Shuqiu discovered that there was a temple located here. Judging from the dusty appearance, it must have been in a state of panic for a long time.

When passing by the mountain temple, Shen Shuqiu suddenly had a strange feeling of being stared at from behind, but he didn't think much about holding Jiang Qianqiu and continuing to walk.

Soon, two figures, one large and one small, landed on the edge of the flowing stream. Shen Shuqiu held a kettle next to the rock to catch the clear water pouring down the hillside from underneath.

"Sir, this place is so beautiful."

Jiang Qianqiu stared at the clear stream swirling among the green mountains and forests, like a silver satin.

Jiang Qianqiu had never seen this scene before in Blackstone Town.

Shen Shuqiu said: "If you like it, then we can stay longer."

It was rare for Jiang Qianqiu to have a chance to see the scenery, and once he arrived in the imperial capital, he almost never saw it.

Jiang Qianqiu murmured: "It's a pity that this is not home."

Jiang Qianqiu didn't want to stay with her husband here forever, but no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it couldn't match the warmth of home.

Shen Shuqiu's movement to collect the water stopped and he didn't reply.

After a while, Shen Shuqiu filled two bags of water bottles and started to return to the original route.

Walking through the forest, Shen Shuqiu heard the faint sound of weapons clashing in his ears.

Shen Shuqiu did not stop and continued to return along the original path.

But as the footsteps got closer and closer, the sound of weapons clashing became closer and closer.

The smell of blood wafted into the air, accompanied by shrill screams.

Shen Shuqiu immediately stopped and hid aside with Jiang Qianqiu.

Looking through the gaps in the intricate branches, I saw two groups of people confronting each other in front of the originally dilapidated mountain temple.

Several corpses lay scattered on the muddy ground.

Judging from the situation, the body on the ground should be the person on the left.

On the left there are only two women in gorgeous clothes and a guard holding a knife.

On the right, there were at least dozens of people, all of them armed with long swords and fierce eyes.

In this case, it seems that bandits are robbing homes.

Shen Shuqiu, who was hiding in the dark, his eyes darkened, which just blocked his way back.

Moreover, the battle between the two sides has ended. Even if they take a detour at this moment, they will be discovered once they set off.

Shen Shuqiu really didn't want to care about this, but a trouble suddenly stood in front of him.

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