The temperature was very high, but the temperature was still high.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

"Cough, cough, cough..."

In the early morning, coughing sounds were heard almost continuously in the apartment. Ye Shuang was lying on the bed at this moment, his face pale and mixed with some unnatural blush.

"If you often walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet." Ye Shuang couldn't help coughing again. He took out the thermometer from his armpit and found that it was already 38 degrees - even his head felt heavy, it was obvious that he had been infected.

Bai Yuyou and Tang Keke stayed by the bed and looked at each other. They clearly said that they were fine yesterday, but in the end -

They died just by trying.

"Ye Shuang... are you okay?" Bai Yuyou asked, and touched Ye Shuang's forehead with her little hand, and found it was very hot.

"I have a fever, it's better for you two to stay away from me, it's easy to be infected." Ye Shuang said, although he had protective facilities in the school clinic, no one could predict the virus.

"Keke, take Yuyou a little further away, don't worry about me."

Tang Keke came to eat early in the morning. After all, her parents were busy at work, so Ye Shuang asked her to come over for dinner when she had time, anyway, the two families lived so close.

After the girl came to the apartment, she heard from Bai Yuyou that Ye Shuang had a fever and fell down.

"Brother, let us take care of you today." Tang Keke patted his chest and said, "Hehe, didn't we agree on this yesterday?"

"I'll be fine after lying down for a while, it's not that serious... cough cough cough." Ye Shuang said, and because of the fever, his voice even began to have an indescribable magnetism.

Tang Keke scratched her head, looked at Bai Yuyou again and decided not to abandon Ye Shuang.

"You are so weak when you speak. No! Brother, you must hold on!"

"I... am not dead yet." Ye Shuang was helpless.

"Ye Shuang, lie down." Bai Yuyou bent down and imitated the way Ye Shuang tucked in the quilt when he took care of her before, but a few seconds later-

"Uh..." Ye Shuang noticed that she seemed to be wrapped like a seaweed roll by Bai Yuyou, so she had to say, "Yuyou, this is too tight. Heat dissipation is very important."

Bai Yuyou had to wrap her again, and this time it became the way to wrap a baby.

Ye Shuang: "..."

"Okay, let's stop it for now. I want to rest for a while."


After the two girls were driven downstairs by Ye Shuang, they also sat on the sofa to discuss countermeasures, how to take care of the sick Ye Shuang.

"Feed." Bai Yuyou said, "Keke... we need to cook."

"My cooking skills are so-so, Yuyou, you are better than me." Tang Keke really didn't have any talent for cooking, but she could cook instant noodles, and Bai Yuyou often followed Ye Shuang to cook, and in fact, the taste of her cooking was pretty good now.

"Then, we need to buy vegetables."

Bai Yuyou took out her mobile phone and started searching for recipes.

After a few seconds, she pointed at her mobile phone screen and said, "Keke, look at this..."

Tang Keke took the phone and found a recipe for illness.

"Water, rice... After boiling, feed it to the boy with your mouth, and he will get better quickly."


Tang Keke took another look at the title and found that it was "One Hundred Techniques on How to Influence Your Boyfriend with Love".

"What's wrong? Keke."

"No, Yuyou, you did a great job!" Tang Keke immediately gave a thumbs up.

It seems that search engines know how to behave, no, to behave like AI.

"Brother should be asleep, let's go out and see if there are any suitable ingredients. I heard that a lot of nutrients will be consumed during illness, so it is also important to supplement nutrition." Tang Keke said.

"Nutrition... what ingredients to buy?" Although Bai Yuyou knew how to buy vegetables, she didn't know which ingredients were more nutritious.

"Let me see, Yuyou, why don't you search it."

"Yes." Bai Yuyou searched on the search engine for a while, and then read it out word by word,

"Deer antler, kidney, oyster, leek, wolfberry leaf..."

Tang Keke didn't understand these, but deer antler should be a medicinal material, and it seems that these mixed together should be very nutritious.

"Then let's go, let's see if there is any in the vegetable market."


After the two girls discussed it, they went out happily.

After about an hour, they finally bought all these things back.

After all, there is a large supermarket downstairs. Except for the slightly more expensive deer antler, the prices of other things are still acceptable.

"Okay, how do we make these?" Tang Keke put the ingredients in the kitchen and asked.

Bai Yuyou, she was going to help him.

Bai Yuyou took a look, and then searched for related recipes, "Chives and oysters stew... add deer antlers and kidneys."



At this time, Ye Shuang was still half asleep and half awake. After all, he was suffering from a fever, so it was naturally unlikely that he could sleep well. However, he did hear the sound of the stove being lit downstairs. It should be Bai Yuyou and Tang Keke cooking or something.

After a while, Ye Shuang seemed to feel someone calling him to get up. After opening his eyes in a daze, he noticed that Tang Keke and Bai Yuyou appeared beside him again.

"Brother, we made some medicinal soup for you, come and drink some."

"Soup?" Ye Shuang glanced at the soup that Tang Keke brought over, and couldn't help asking, "What is it made with?"

"What kidney and wolfberry leaves..." Tang Keke counted on his fingers.

"Pork offal soup? That's fine." Ye Shuang smiled after hearing that, "Thank you."

Tang Keke scratched his head.

Ye Shuang took the spoon and took a sip. Apart from feeling hot, he could hardly taste anything, after all, his sense of taste was basically lost.

"Is it delicious? Ye Shuang." Bai Yuyou asked on the side.

Ye Shuang didn't want to disappoint the girl's kindness, so he nodded, "Yeah, it's delicious."

After drinking a bowl, Ye Shuang lay down again, "Okay, you guys better not get too close to me, so as not to get infected, cough cough cough."

"And don't you have a part-time job? Don't worry about me, you can go normally."

"No, brother, how can we go to work part-time in your condition?" Tang Keke said.

Ye Shuang smiled and shook his head, "You guys underestimate adults too much, and it's only more than three hours, it's just a matter of taking a nap for me."

"Let's go later. After all, the store needs manpower because it's busy. If both of you suddenly don't come, I believe the store manager will have a headache."

Bai Yuyou seemed reluctant, "Ye Shuang... I won't go."

Ye Shuang just smiled, then stretched out his hand to rub the girl's head, but paused slightly the next second - perhaps worried that contact would infect the other party with the virus, he had to slowly retract his hand,

"It's just a few hours, you can't stay with me, an infected patient."

Ye Shuang was actually more worried that the two girls would be infected by him.

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