The two of them were hiding in a corner.

Shao Miao was hiding in a corner with a pale face, and there was a middle-aged couple beside her.

She just came out to buy medicine for her mother, but she ran into a monster.

Finally, she was driven into Ningfang Building with everyone. This was the second time she encountered such a situation in a short period of time.

Shao Miao's mood slowly fell to the bottom at this moment.

She and the couple hid in the back kitchen of a milk tea shop on the second floor.

At this time, there were bursts of footsteps coming from outside, and then suddenly stopped. In this tense atmosphere, the three of them dared not make any noise, and their hearts were beating violently.

Invisible suffocation and despair filled the small back kitchen.

At this moment, the footsteps outside gradually moved, heading towards the three people.

Shao Miao and the couple covered their mouths tightly, hoping that the footsteps outside would leave quickly.

"I know you have someone hiding here. It's easier to die if you come out now. If I catch you, you will die miserably."

A teasing voice came from outside.

Like the death god demanding life, the cold sickle blade ruthlessly harvested fresh lives.

The tight strings of the three people seemed to be broken suddenly, and fear surged in their hearts.

I only heard the footsteps outside getting closer and closer to the kitchen, and the middle-aged woman seemed to be unable to bear this torture.

Suddenly said to Shao Miao: "Little girl, let's block the door together."

Shao Miao's pale face nodded quickly after hearing this.

At the moment, it seems that this is the only way to fight for a glimmer of life.

Just as Shao Miao's weak body walked to the door, a pair of hands stretched out from behind and pushed her out forcefully.

The door suddenly closed at this moment, and Shao Miao was stunned for a moment.

She looked back in disbelief, but could only see the closed iron door.

"Don't blame me, little girl. Don't tell me that we are inside. Please, I still have a son who is only ten years old. I am a mother and I don't want him to lose his mother's love at such a young age."

The woman's pleading came from behind the door.

The middle-aged man was stunned by his wife's action.

"Why are you still stunned? Come and block the door. It's better for one of us to die than for you and me to die."

The woman scolded in a low voice.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment and stretched out his right hand to hold the door tightly.

It was just a door away, and Shao Miao heard these words.

Why did you push yourself out? It was clearly agreed to block the door together.

Shao Miao was just a 17-year-old girl. She had never had any evil thoughts about others in her heart, and she had never experienced the cruelty of human nature.

Shao Miao stood alone in front of the door at a loss, and her beautiful face was full of despair.

Two lines of tears fell from her tearful eyes. It seemed that the woman's first words reminded her of her mother who was seriously ill in bed at home.

I can't die!

Mom can't lose me, otherwise no one will buy medicine for her.

The strong desire to survive made Shao Miao unable to sit and wait for death. The footsteps outside were disturbed by the movement inside and were coming quickly at this moment.

Looking around, there was only a small locker where she could hide. Fortunately, there was nothing messy inside and Shao Miao was very petite, so she hid in it easily.

Hiding in the locker, Shao Miao didn't dare to breathe. She covered her mouth with both hands and looked through the only gap. A black shadow appeared in the back kitchen at this moment.

The couple also felt a pair of footsteps walking outside the door, and they were a little surprised why there was no scream.

At the same time, they couldn't help but worry whether Shao Miao, who had just been pushed out, would expose their position.

"Okay, the cat and mouse game should be over."

The black-robed man's playful voice reached the ears of the three people, and a beating heart was tense.

The couple pushed Shao Miao out, but it backfired.

The black-robed man slowly walked to the door and pushed hard with both hands.

The huge force instantly pushed the iron door open, and the two people inside fell to the ground.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

The woman looked terrified, her hands kept retreating, and at the same time she kicked her husband forward with her feet.

The middle-aged man was kicked and dared not make a sound, his whole face was filled with fear.

The black-robed man sneered and slashed the cold knife in his hand.


The sound of the blade cutting through the flesh and blood sounded cold and harsh in the small kitchen.

The middle-aged man covered his neck and kept twitching on the ground, and blood spurted out like a spring.


The woman was frightened and screamed.

The black-robed man did not choose to take action, but watched with enjoyment.

He liked the look of fear in others, only

The knife she slashed out when she was on the verge of collapse was so wonderful and enjoyable.

Soon the middle-aged man died of excessive bleeding, and the woman was frightened out of her wits.

She kept begging for mercy: "Don't kill me, please, I have money and I can give you money."

"You bunch of cheap lives, it is your honor to be able to dedicate your lives to the great Lord of Tianluo. How can it be compared with the stinky copper in your mouth."

The man in black robe was angered by this sentence.

"Ah! My hand."

An alternative cutting was staged in the kitchen.

The shrill screams fell into Shao Miao's ears, and the intense fear made her tremble all over.

A pair of legs kept twitching, tightly closing a pair of tearful eyes.

Just when Shao Miao thought that all this was about to end, the woman's words completely threw her into the bottomless abyss.

"That woman is also there, why doesn't she die."

The woman's painful face showed a trace of resentment and distortion.

"Oh? There's another person."

The black-robed man said.

Instantly, the woman's voice stopped.

The black-robed man was covered in bright red blood. He walked out of the kitchen and quickly locked his eyes on the cabinet.

He walked over with a bloody knife in his hand with a cruel smile on his face.

Every step he took seemed to step on Shao Miao's fragile heart. Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer, Shao Miao had no hope of survival.

His heart was like a dead sea, and he murmured, "I'm sorry! Mom."

When the black-robed man stretched out a hand and was about to open the cabinet door, a pair of white and strong hands grabbed him.

The black-robed man was shocked and looked around to see a young man who appeared beside him.

The young man's eyes seemed not to be human. The black-robed man felt a terrifying murderous intent from them, and at this moment he seemed to fall into the underworld.

Shen Shuchou exerted force on his hand, and one hand was twisted into a twist in an instant. The bones drilled out from the joints, and the gloomy white light was accompanied by flesh and blood.

The black-robed man screamed in pain, and fainted on the spot due to the intense pain.

Shen Shuchou looked indifferent, and the dark power in his hand was activated, and the bone that had drilled out from the joint burst out and pierced his throat in an instant.

After dealing with the black-robed man, Shen Shuchou opened the cabinet, looked at Shao Miao who was curled up in a ball, grabbed the trembling little palm and said calmly: "It's okay, follow me."

Shao Miao, who had originally accepted death calmly, was stunned at this moment. She opened her eyes after hearing this familiar voice, and Shen Shuchou's gentle face was reflected in her heart.

"My legs can't walk anymore."

Although Shao Miao didn't know why Shen Shuchou, who was in the same class, appeared here, the crisis seemed to have been resolved at the moment.

Shao Miao lowered her head and hugged her legs embarrassedly.

The next moment, a pair of hands took her out from inside.


Shao Miao exclaimed with her cherry mouth.

She secretly glanced at Shen Shuchou and saw that he looked calm. Her whole face suddenly flushed. She lowered her head and wished she could crawl into the cave.

Feeling the warm breath of the boy in her arms, Shao Miao felt her heart beating so fast.

An inexplicable feeling emerged in her heart, and then she couldn't help but look up and peek at Shen Shuchou's angular face.

Shao Miao didn't know what it felt like, but she knew that she had an unprecedented sense of security in his arms at this moment.

Shen Shuchou's hands deep in the darkness were like a light in the darkness, pulling her back from the edge of the abyss.

Shao Miao didn't want to ask why the little transparent person in the class usually appeared here, and why he could kill the black-robed man.

She just wanted to feel this warm and safe harbor for a short time.

"Thank you."

Shao Miao said softly.

"Don't thank me, just live well."

Shen Shuchou said indifferently.

"Yeah! You are also classmate Shen."

Shao Miao in his arms hummed lightly.

Shen Shuchou suddenly asked, "What's going on here?"

When he went in, he found a male corpse and a corpse whose gender could not be determined.

Thinking of the scene just now, the woman pushed her out, and the grievance in her heart suddenly surged up in her heart, crystal tears fell from her eyes, and then she told what had just happened.

Shen Shuchou was silent when he heard it, and looked down at Shao Miao who was still trembling slightly, and didn't know what to feel for a while.

Try to be gentle: "Why are you so stupid."

Shao Miao shrank in her arms and didn't say anything. This gentle voice can make her feel at ease.

Muttered in her heart: "Miao Miao is not stupid!"

Soon Shen Shuchou took Shao Miao to the stairs: "Go upstairs! The third floor is safe."

Shao Miao came down from his arms with a worried look on her face: "What about you?"

Shen Shuchou signaled that she didn't need to worry about herself, and then left.

Only when Shen Shuchou's back disappeared from her sight did Shao Miao turn around and slowly go upstairs.

The moment she turned around!

Shao Miao's body trembled, and sadness surged in her heart. Her beautiful face was filled with pain, and something seemed to be pulling out of her mind.

Jiang Qianqiu didn't see all this happening. She was thinking about how to deal with these bad guys who made her husband angry.

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