The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Qin Hongyi sat in the cell holding Leng Xiang. She would come here every time.

It seemed as if the smell of the master still remained here. In the past few days, Qin Hongyi killed almost all the people who had hurt the master. No one was spared, whether they were righteous or evil.

The major sects on the Xuanming Continent were in a state of panic, fearing that this crazy woman would come to them if she was not satisfied.

Behind her back, they called Qin Hongyi a crazy woman. You killed the master in front of the world.

Now she is killing people under the guise of revenge for the master. Many sects even plan to unite to deal with Qin Hongyi.

But Qin Hongyi is at the Great Emperor level after all. In the past few days, many Mahayana levels could not even stop her for one round, and these sects have not dared to make up their minds.

"Master, Hongyi is wrong, Hongyi is really wrong." Qin Hongyi said sadly with tears in her beautiful eyes.

Qin Hongyi has been living in the pain of dire straits these days. In addition to her parents, even the most important master in her life has left her. Her heart is as painful as a knife.

It seems that the master she has misunderstood for fifty years is her savior, and she killed her beloved master with her own hands.

After the hatred disappeared, it was the love that was late for fifty years, but before she could pour all her love into it, the master left her in advance.

"Hehe..... Woo... Master, Hongyi will come to accompany you now."

Qin Hongyi's beautiful face seemed to cry and laugh sadly and self-deprecatingly.



Shen Shuchou suddenly woke up from the bed.

His back was covered with cold sweat.

He actually had a nightmare, Shen Shuchou rubbed his face hard.

He decided to come down and be an ordinary person, so he naturally had to sleep and eat like an ordinary person.

But he didn't expect that he would have a nightmare this time.

Shen Shuchou sat on the bed and carefully recalled the scenes in his dream, but he couldn't remember anything, but he felt a little melancholy in his heart, as if something was about to be pulled out.

Unexpectedly, he simply stopped thinking about it, turned on his mobile phone and saw that it was already 5:30 in the morning.

Shen Shuchou got dressed and got up from the bed. After a simple wash, he started to prepare breakfast.

There was no food at home, but there were quite a few eggs in the kitchen refrigerator.

Shen Shuchou wouldn't be hungry anyway, so it didn't matter what he ate.

Simply took out three eggs and made fried eggs.

After a while, Shen Shuchou looked at the blackened poached eggs on the dining table and fell into deep self-doubt.

I haven't cooked for too long, how come I can't even make a fried egg now?

Shen Shuchou, adhering to the concept of never wasting food, frowned and put the fried egg into his mouth to taste it.

This bite almost made Shen Shuchou vomit, and he quickly drank some milk to relieve it.

Just two words, unpalatable, and two more words, it is extremely unpalatable.

Hard to swallow.

During the whole process, Shen Shuchou ate with a frown.

It seems that I have to learn to cook again.

After cleaning up the dishes, Shen Shuchou left home.

It was already half past six when he arrived at the bus stop, and the bus came soon.

He put in two yuan to find an empty seat and sat down. Soon a purple-clothed girl came up from the next bus stop.

The girl was very beautiful, with a beautiful face with a pure feeling that was not like the turbid world, and a gentle posture like the bright moon in the sky.

It happened that Shen Shuchou still remembered this girl, who was his classmate sitting behind him named Shao Miao.

However, the two of them had basically nothing to say in their previous life. He was so focused on Chu Siqi that he had no time to look at other women.

Shen Shuchou just thought that his previous life was a little funny.

Shao Miao found an empty seat far away from the others when she got on the bus, as shy as a frightened little rabbit.

Shen Shuchou didn't look at her either, and closed his eyes to rest alone.

After a while, the bus stopped not far from the school gate. The two got off the bus one after the other, and no one said hello.

After getting off the bus, they bumped into Xu Yong who was walking from the east side of the school gate.

Xu Yong looked at Shen Shuchou and Shao Miao with his two little eyes.

"What are you going to say again." Shen Shuchou said helplessly when he saw his thief look.

"Brother Shen, what is your relationship with Shao Miao." Xu Yong gossiped on the side.

"No relationship."

"No relationship, you two go to school together?"

Xu Yong expressed his disbelief.

"She lives in the neighborhood next to mine. Is it weird that we take the same bus?" Shen Shuchou rolled his eyes.

"You even know where she lives, and you still say you have no relationship."

Xu Yong seems to have discovered the key points of capture in the New World.

Shen Shuqiu didn't even bother to pay attention to him and simply couldn't read it back.

Xu Yong kept chattering like a fly: "Brother Shen, you still have a chance to pursue Shaomiao. Women like Chu Siqi are not something you can get your hands on. It's not my brother who wants to attack you."

While Xu Yong was talking, a Rolls-Royce parked in front of the school gate without any mistake.

The driver immediately took a detour and opened the door, and Chu Siqi's figure walked out like a star holding the moon.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of many people in front of the school gate. Almost everyone, regardless of gender, did not miss her.

Shen Shuqiu just glanced briefly and continued walking towards the school.

I have to say that Chu Siqi is indeed good-looking, with a pink face, thin and long eyebrows, and slightly raised beautiful eyebrows.

The red mouth makes people salivate, and they can't help but want to taste this ripe fruit.

But Chu Siqi's whole person revealed that she should not approach strangers. She was so cold that she never had any friends in class and she always kept to herself.

She is like a shining star in the Milky Way, looking down on the world.

But often, the colder the appearance of a woman, the easier it is for a man to arouse the desire to conquer her.

"I really don't know whose hands such a woman will fall into in the future."

Xu Yong said regretfully.

This has nothing to do with Shen Shuqiu. No one in him will pay too much attention to it now.

Then he followed the footsteps of the crowd on campus and returned to the familiar Class 3 and 5.

As soon as he entered the class, Lao Wang followed everyone in.

The originally noisy classroom became quiet the moment Lao Wang appeared.

Lao Wang patted the table and said: "Now I have something to announce. There will be a small physical examination of spiritual affinity in the afternoon. You all should be prepared."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience immediately started whispering.

There are excitement, sadness, all kinds of expressions.

"It's over. My spiritual affinity is definitely not up to par."

Xu Yong lay on his desk dejectedly.

"Aren't you worried?" Xu Yong looked at Shen Shuqiu who looked calm and asked.

"What are you worried about? If you can survive, you can survive. What's the use of worrying about what you can't?" Shen Shuqiu said calmly.

"Hiss! Don't say it. I don't seem so sad anymore after hearing what you said."

Shen Shuqiu gave him a roll of his eyes and didn't even bother to talk to him.

For the spiritual affinity test, Shen Shuqiu only planned to control it within the qualified line and did not intend to be too high-profile.


"You're a great emperor, but now you're crying your heart out. It's really embarrassing for your master."

A cold female voice suddenly sounded in the cell.


Qin Hongyi suddenly raised her head, her pretty face full of murderous intent.

The next moment, a colorful vortex appeared in front of Qin Hongyi, and a figure wearing a hazy starry radiance walked out of it.

Qin Hongyi looked at the hazy woman in front of her with hostility: "Who are you?"

She felt the majestic energy from it like the stars and the sea, which was no less than her own.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I can help you find your master."

The hazy woman said.

"Master is not dead? What you said is true."

Qin Hongyi looked like a madman, her beautiful eyes were red and she stared at the woman in front of her.

"Hmph! Of course your master is not dead. I am the only one who can help you now."

The hazy woman snorted coldly.

Qin Hongyi forced herself to calm down and said, "But why should I believe you? I haven't told you who you are."

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you can only trust me." The hazy woman said lightly.

"Then what should I do?" Qin Hongyi asked one after another.

"When it's time to look for you, I will look for you." After saying this, the hazy woman retreated from the colorful vortex, leaving Qin Hongyi alone in the prison to think.

In a galaxy, a hazy woman appears here, surrounded by the light of stars.

She murmured: "If it weren't for finding the young master, why would I cooperate with you, a bitch who hurt the young master? When I find the young master, I will make you look good."

"Sir, I miss you so much. Where are you?"

The hazy woman's face showed an expression of infatuation, and her body couldn't help but twist.

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