The two of them were sitting on the table, and the two of them were sitting on the table.

Everyone looked at Chu Siqi, who was sitting on the main seat.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the box changed instantly.

Chu Siqi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and a far-fetched smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "It's okay, I'll go and notify the dishes to be served."

Chu Siqi stood up, her petite body staggered slightly, and after walking out of the box, she leaned against the wall as if she had lost all her strength.

Her eyes were slightly red, and a bitter taste filled her heart.

Without the person she wanted to see, Chu Siqi didn't say much at the table.

Chu Siqi, who had never drunk alcohol, ordered a bottle of wine for the first time.

In the past, Chu Siqi would pinch her nose and hide far away when she smelled the alcohol on her father.

But this time, Chu Siqi wanted to taste that taste.

Chu Siqi picked up the wine glass, tilted her head and drank the spicy wine. A flame suddenly ignited in her throat, burning wantonly.

Chu Siqi frowned tightly, enduring the burning sensation.

Her face turned red, and she collapsed on the chair.

"Chu Siqi, are you okay?"

Du Yue asked worriedly.

Chu Siqi didn't speak. She wanted to cry now and wanted to numb herself with alcohol. Maybe the man she wanted to see would appear in front of her.

The dinner was almost spent in a dull atmosphere. After it ended, no one left.

"It's okay, you go first."

Chu Siqi lowered her head and her delicate face was flushed by the alcohol.

With Chu Siqi's permission, and as it was getting late, some people gradually said goodbye and left.

After a while, only Du Yue, Xu Yong, Chen Nan, and Shao Miao had not left.


At this moment, Chu Siqi lay on the table and sobbed.

"Siqi is fine, maybe Shen Shuchou really didn't come because of something."

Xu Yong tried to defend Shen Shuchou at this time.

"Bullshit! What can't he do that he can't come."

Du Yue shouted angrily.

Xu Yong immediately didn't dare to talk, and Chen Nan on the side sent a message to Shen Shuchou.

"Shen Shuchou, I think you still need to come."

Chen Nan didn't know if Shen Shuchou was asleep at this time, so he could only try to send him a message.

"What's wrong?"

Fortunately, Shen Shuchou came back.

"Chu Siqi cried, because of you, you still have to come!"

Shen Shuchou on the other side saw this message and felt that his head was really hurting.

What is Chu Siqi doing again? Shen Shuchou covered his head and felt a little speechless.

Can't Chu Siqi be quiet? Originally thought that Jiang Qianqiu's warning to her worked, but it was only a few days later.

"Her crying has nothing to do with me, you can find someone else!"

Shen Shuchou replied expressionlessly.

Chen Nan didn't know what to say when he saw this.

"Siqi is fine, Shen Shuchou is not a good man, you will find a lot of him when you enter college."

Du Yue was still comforting Chu Siqi.

Chu Siqi had drunk alcohol, and now she completely poured out the sad emotions in her heart.

Crystal tears could not stop falling from her eyes, and her shoulders kept shaking.

At this moment, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

A group of people rushed in, and seeing the people coming, Du Yue glared and said: "Luo Hao, what are you doing here."

"Of course, it's to take Chu Siqi home."

Luo Hao smiled.

There were several lackeys following behind him.

"Chu Siqi has nothing to do with you, Mr. Luo. Get out of here."

Du Yue protected Chu Siqi behind him and said coldly.

"Get out of here, you bitch. Stay out of Mr. Luo's business."

Xiong Zhongrong stood up and scolded.

Du Yue's eyes were blazing with anger when he saw this person: "Did you tell the secret to Mr. Xiong?"

Xiong Zhongrong was in the same class with them. Although Du Yue did not say in the group that Chu Siqi was having a banquet tonight, someone must have told Xiong Zhongrong.

"So what if it was me! How can Mr. Shen be worthy of Chu Siqi? Mr. Luo has to do it."

Xiong Zhongrong looked at Luo Hao flatteringly.

"Mr. Luo, I don't care about you, this one or that one. Don't think about taking Chu Siqi away tonight. If you don't leave, I will call the police."

Du Yue warned.

"My father knows Chu's father, so it's not against the law to pick up Chu Siqi for him. But if you don't leave, don't blame me for being violent."

Luo Hao showed a wicked smile.

His father had talked to him once at a gathering of business tycoons, and Luo Hao was there.

Although he didn't show up again a few days ago, he never forgot about Chu Siqi.

Now is his good opportunity

, plus Chu Siqi is drunk now, she is fragile and needs a broad shoulder at this time.

Luo Hao felt that that person must be him without a doubt. If he said some sweet words, Chu Siqi would be able to catch him.

As soon as Luo Hao finished speaking, the younger brothers behind him immediately gathered around him.

"Shen Shuqiu and Luo Hao are looking for trouble and want to take Chu Siqi away. I think you will regret it later if you don't come today."

Chen Nan sent the last message to Shen Shuqiu.

Then he stood up and said coldly: "Why do you want to fight?"

Then Xu Yong also stood up: "I have never been afraid of anyone in a fight."

They are all full-blooded young men, and no one is afraid of each other at this moment.

Shen Shuqiu at home sighed slightly, hesitated for a moment and decided to take a look!

Simply put on your clothes and disappear in an instant.

"Give it to me. I'll pay for anything you break. I'll pay for the medical expenses if you're injured."

Luo Hao said generously.

With these words, several losers behind him immediately swarmed up.

In an instant, several people were in a mess, and Luo Hao took the opportunity to walk up to Chu Siqi.

Looking at the crying girl in front of him, Luo Hao smiled softly: "Chu Siqi, I have liked you for so long, but you don't agree, but you fell in love with a poor boy. Why haha, now the boy you like is there again Where is it."

Chu Siqi was lying on the table with confused eyes, as if she had lost focus.

There was a strong smell of alcohol in his mouth, and the muttering in his mouth seemed to be telling something, and seemed to be unconscious gibberish.

His body was shaking constantly, as if he was fighting against the alcohol but unable to break free.

"Let's go! Chu Siqi, you will fall in love with me after tonight."

Luo Hao chuckled and was about to touch those soft, boneless hands.

"Are you bothered?"

The sound of fighting in the room stopped suddenly, and a cold voice spoke.

Shen Shuqiu's figure appeared in front of everyone. He glanced at Chu Siqi, who was lying unconscious on the table. His eyes were complicated and he sighed slightly in his heart.

"Kick him out."

Luo Hao said coldly.

After receiving the order, the dog-legged man walked towards Shen Shuqiu with a ferocious smile.



As soon as a few people walked into Shen Shuqiu's side, they were knocked to the ground by three punches and two kicks.

This scene happened very quickly. In just one breath, Luo Hao stared at the incredible scene with wide eyes.

Shen Shuqiu walked towards him expressionlessly. Luo Hao couldn't help but take a step back and said, "What do you want to do? My father is Luo Gang, you can't hit me."


Luo Hao felt something flash before his eyes, and the next moment he felt a burning pain on his face.

"Even if your father is Daluo Jinxian, you will not be able to avoid a beating tonight."

Shen Shuqiu's cold voice echoed in his ears.


Luo Hao covered half of his red and swollen face and glared.

"Why don't you go and get ready to put on a hood and go out later."

Shen Shuqiu was indifferent.

He didn't want to make things too big.

"Just wait for me."

A trace of fear flashed in Luo Hao's eyes, and then he put down a harsh word and led the people out of the box in embarrassment.

"Are you okay?"

Shen Shuqiu turned back to look at the three of them.

Du Yue was a girl, so she was not harmed.

However, both Chen Nan and Xu Yong were bruised and bruised.

"It's okay! I've been rough-skinned and thick-skinned since I was a child."

Xu Yong grinned broadly.

"I'm fine, but Shen Shuqiu, you are really awesome."

Chen Nan also said that nothing was wrong and gave Shen Shuqiu a thumbs up.

"You knew you were here, do you know how long Chu Siqi has been waiting for you, and you are such an idiot and you are trying to blackmail me."

Du Yue didn't give Shen Shuqiu a good look, and now he said the words that he didn't curse at that moment.

Shen Shuqiu smiled slightly and didn't care.

Immediately, the three of them left each other knowingly, and in a blink of an eye, only Shen Shuqiu and the drunken Chu Siqi were left in the box.

Looking at the bottle of fifty-three-proof liquor on the table, Shen Shuqiu twitched his lips.

People who get dizzy after just one can of beer would not dare to touch something like this.

Fortunately, Chu Siqi filled half the bottle directly. Shen Shuqiu said speechlessly: "What an idiot."

"Get up and go home."

Since Shen Shuqiu is here, he will naturally not let Chu Siqi stay here.

He gently poked Chu Siqi with his hand.


Chu Siqi snorted slightly.

As if hearing Shen Shuqiu's voice, Chu Siqi's eyelashes trembled slightly like butterflies fluttering their wings.

This long-remembered voice seemed to break the drunkenness, and he stood up with force.

He rushed towards Shen Shuqiu as if he had found his home.

Shen Shuqiu caught Chu Siqi and let her lie in his arms.

Smelling the pungent smell of alcohol, I pinched my nose in disgust


Seeing Chu Siqi who couldn't figure out where to go, Shen Shuqiu had no choice but to carry her out.

When he walked out of the box, he immediately attracted many eyes.

Shen Shuqiu said in his heart: "Oh no! You didn't pay, didn't you? I don't have any money."

Fortunately, no one stopped him when he left Jinlin Hotel. After walking out of the gate, he saw the Rolls-Royce parked not far away.

Shen Shuqiu had no choice but to carry Chu Siqi over step by step.

Chu Siqi in her arms was as dishonest as a kitten, her little hands gently stroking him.

He whispered in his mouth: "Shen...Shu big idiot."


Shen Shuqiu said perfunctorily.


"I don't like you, please save it!"

"Woo doesn't care. If you don't care about Wo, Wo will care about you."

Chu Siqi said a little anxiously.

"Okay, okay! You like it, you like it." Shen Shuqiu was a little embarrassed.

"Your arms... are so warm... Hufu~"

Chu Siqi shrank into her arms again, whispered and then slowly fell asleep.

And Shen Shuqiu also sent Chu Siqi to Rolls-Royce.

A housekeeper immediately got out of the car and looked at this scene in shock.

Shen Shuqiu put Chu Siqi behind and said, "What's wrong with you? Even your eldest lady can't stand it. She doesn't even know she's been bullied inside. I'll deduct your salary next time."

The housekeeper was stunned by what Shen Shuqiu said.

"Oh! That man's name is Luo Hao, and his father's name is Luo Gang."

Shen Shuqiu turned around and added, slowly disappearing under the neon lights of the night.

The housekeeper was still shocked, and then came to the car and dialed Chu Tianxiong's number.

"Sorry, sir, the young lady was hugged by a man."

"What the hell!!!"

Chu Tianxiong, who was working overtime in the company, answered the phone and his first sentence started.

"The lady is still drunk."

As soon as he finished speaking, the next sentence came to his ears immediately.


Chu Tianxiong immediately stood up and said something rude.

"The man also said that someone bullied the young lady."


Chu Tianxiong's expression turned ugly.

"There is another one named Luo Hao, Luo Gang."

After the housekeeper finished speaking, Chu Tianxiong's face darkened.

"Siqi, are you okay?"

Chu Tianxiong now wants to know if his precious daughter is okay.

"Miss, there's nothing wrong."

Hearing this, Chu Tianxiong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who is that man?"

Then he asked.

"I don't know. He looks very young. He seems to be the lady's classmate."

"Well! Take care of Siqi, I'll go home now."

Chu Tianxiong hung up the phone and rushed home in a hurry.

In the car, Chu Tianxiong made a phone call and said, "Check on these two people, Luo Gang and Luo Hao, for me."


A cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

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