After a long time, she was still very happy.

Zuo Shu felt that she had a very long dream, a nightmare that made her tremble all over.

In the dream world, she had a senior brother whom she loved very much.

The two of them had been together for several years, and Zuo Shu had kept her love hidden in her heart.

She did not expect anything else, and the happiest thing every day was to see her senior brother.

She thought that the days would go on like this as time went by, and she would eventually be able to be with her senior brother one day and become the immortal couple in the eyes of others.

But the accident still came one day, and her senior brother left Shangqing Dao Sect without saying a word, and also left Zuo Shu's side.

It was three years later when they met again, and at this time, there was a beautiful girl beside her senior brother.

Zuo Shu saw the tenderness in her senior brother's eyes that he had never seen before, but it only brought her a familiar strangeness.

From that moment on, Zuo Shu knew that this girl was a hindrance to her senior brother, a chain that trapped her senior brother, and the culprit who took her senior brother away from her.

That was also the first time that Zuo Shu had a strong desire to kill. She would not allow anyone to take away her senior brother who only belonged to her.

From that moment on, Zuo Shu decided to kill the girl who took her senior brother away.

This almost became Zuo Shu's inner demon, and she wanted to get rid of it first and then quickly.

In the last five years of the dream, Zuo Shu finally waited for this dream opportunity.

The long-sightedness that she had placed her five years of longing and endless murderous intentions on was deeply inserted into the body of the senior brother that Zuo Shu loved.

In an instant!

In Zuo Shu's eyes, there were sad and beautiful blood flowers blooming, and the gentle blood soaked the long-sightedness.

Zuo Shu never thought that the long-scented lover full of longing and love would be dedicated to her senior brother in this way.

In an instant, Zuo Shu's world collapsed, and the figure she loved slowly fell into a pool of blood, and his body became no longer warm.

At the same time, Zuo Shu's heart also cooled down.

The strong feeling of suffocation turned into a dark tide in the void, drowning Zuo Shu in an instant.



In the dim room, Zuo Shu suddenly broke free from the shackles of darkness.

The whole person lay on the ground like a dehydrated fish, trembling all over.

"Hehehe... I killed my senior brother... I killed... my senior brother."

"Hehehe... Hahaha..."

"I'm sorry, senior brother, wuwuwu..."

Zuo Shu's pale and beautiful face was full of tears, and she murmured to herself while crying and laughing.

Zuo Shu's heart was like a knife, and the heart-wrenching pain made it difficult for her to breathe.

That was not a dream. She killed her senior brother with her own hands. This desperate suffocation made Zuo Shu on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, a figure stood silently in front of Zuo Shu.

Feng Yangzi's eyes were full of heartache, and he raised his hand to help Zuo Shu up.

"Wuwuwu, Master, I killed my senior brother, I'm sorry I killed my senior brother."

When Zuo Shu saw that the person coming was Feng Yangzi, she couldn't control her emotions and stumbled into his arms and cried.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Feng Yangzi gently patted Zuo Shu's sweat-soaked back and said softly.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I killed my senior brother."

Zuo Shu's delicate body kept shaking, her eyes were dull and she kept repeating unconsciously.

"Your senior brother is not dead."

Feng Yangzi said softly.

As soon as these words came out, the crying stopped abruptly.

A ray of hope suddenly bloomed in Zuo Shu's dull eyes.

"Where is my senior brother? I want to find him."

Feng Yangzi shook his head slightly without saying anything.

"Please, Master, tell me where my senior brother is quickly. I want to find him. I want to find him."

Zuo Shu anxiously grabbed Feng Yangzi's hand.

"You should recuperate for a while. I will take you to find your senior brother."

Feng Yangzi comforted the emotionally unstable Zuo Shu.

"I want to find my senior brother. I must find him."

Zuo Shu's hand still held tightly.

"I will definitely find him."

After Feng Yangzi's repeated assurances, Zuo Shu's emotions slowly recovered a bit of clarity.

After ensuring that Zuo Shu would not be in trouble, Feng Yangzi left.

Back to the retreat, picked up Shen Shuchou's dark life card, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"If you want to take my disciple's life, I will be the first one to disagree."

"So-called destiny! Haha, I don't believe in this destiny."

Feng Yangzi's eyes were indifferent, and a sneer rose at the corner of his mouth.

In a blink of an eye, time had passed.

It's been three months.

Shen Shuqiu spent some time leisurely in Qingfeng Mountain Range.

Ever since he was penetrated by Zuo Shu's Sauvignon Blanc, Shen Shuqiu's cultivation in the golden elixir realm turned into a mortal in an instant.

Even though Yu Linghuan pulled him back from hell, Shen Shuqiu's body still had serious wounds.

Although he has not reached the point where he cannot move, Shen Shuqiu can still feel that his life is still passing by day by day.

Shen Shuqiu also knew that hiding in this small mountain village, he would be found one day, and that time would be the time of his true death.

At that time, it will be the moment that Hu Baibai's final hatred is aroused, and a real Sky Fox Demon Lord is about to rise.

After Hu Baibai left the Falling Sun Valley, he also realized the path to cultivating immortality. In just three months, he was already in the realm of spiritual silence, and the rapid progress was truly terrifying.

After gaining cultivation, Hu Baibai's desire to control Shen Shuqiu became even stronger, and he had to obey her for almost everything, even what he ate every day had to be arranged by her.

She had to sleep on the same bed as Shen Shuqiu every night, perhaps because Shen Shuqiu still had hidden wounds in his body, otherwise he would have been eaten up by foxes and wiped clean.

During these three months, Shen Shuqiu was imprisoned by Hu Baibai in disguise.

Shen Shuqiu didn't care about this, he just let Hu Baibai go.

It is now autumn in September, and the weather has become cooler.

Shen Shuqiu lay quietly on the rocking chair, shaking slightly and closing his eyes tightly.

The sun shines on him through the window, creating mottled light and shadow.

His face was calm, but there seemed to be a hint of deep contemplation hidden in it.

At this moment, the noise of talking suddenly sounded outside the door, waking Shen Shuqiu up.

"Why are you here again?"

Hu Baibai's dissatisfied voice came to Shen Shuqiu's ears.

"What? Little sister, I can't come!"

Then a charming voice responded.

"Bah! Who is your little sister? You are not allowed to see the master anyway."

Hu Baibai stretched out his hands to block the red figure in front of him with a fierce expression.

"If I don't teach you a lesson for a few days, your wings will get stiff again, right?"

Yu Linghuan pretended to be sullen, with a hint of a smirk in his eyes, and immediately started to suppress the cultivation level, locking Hu Baibai in place and unable to move.

Then he twisted his body and stepped closer to Hu Baibai.

"Ah! What are you going to do?"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!


"You can't fight there."

After a while, Hu Baibai stood aside with stubborn tears in his eyes, covering his buttocks.

Listening to the commotion outside, Shen Shuqiu showed a smile.

After Shen Shuqiu woke up, Yu Linghuan often came to visit Shen Shuqiu.

Every time he came, unpleasant things would happen to Hu Baibai, but every time he would end up with Hu Baibai's failure.

Hu Baibai doesn't like other women approaching Shen Shuqiu, especially Yu Linghuan, but every time Hu Baibai gets a thumbs-down.

I'm afraid only Yu Linghuan can suppress Hu Baibai.

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