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Time flies, and another month passes in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Hu Baibai never left Shen Shuqiu, talking to himself like a madman all day long.

Hu Baibai didn't know how many times he had cried, and he didn't know how many days and nights he had not closed his eyes.

She seemed to have lost her soul, like a zombie, suffering inhuman torture every moment.

"do not Cry."

At this time, a gentle female voice sounded in Hu Baibai's ears.

Yu Linghuan didn't know when she came to Hu Baibai's side.

Hu Baibai said nothing, still lying in Shen Shuqiu's arms.

Over the past month, Shen Shuqiu's cold body had gradually warmed up under the influence of Hu Baibai day and night, but his heart no longer had any intention of beating.

"He doesn't want to see you so sad either, please stop crying, okay."

Yu Linghuan leaned down and comforted her gently.

Yu Linghuan felt a pain in her heart when she saw Hu Baibai's appearance.

From the gradual contact with Shen Shuqiu, she could feel that Shen Shuqiu had a heart that wanted to die.

Although he didn't understand what kind of secrets Shen Shuqiu was hiding, what he did was too cruel to Hu Baibai, and he vaguely remembered what Shen Shuqiu once said in his mind.

The appearance of some people is destined to be a passer-by in life, so there is no need to be sad.

To Shen Shuqiu, he may be a passer-by in life, but to Hu Baibai, this is a significant part of her life.

Hu Baibai still didn't reply, and Yu Linghuan didn't say anything more, but stayed with her quietly.

Before they left last time, she left a message to Hu Baibai that he could contact her if anything happened. Yesterday, she received the message from Hu Baibai, and then rushed over without stopping.

"I would like to ask you to help look after the master."

After a while, Hu Baibai said hoarsely.

Yu Linghuan's eyes flashed and she didn't know what she was thinking, and then she said, "What are you going to do?"


Hu Baibai didn't say much. Two simple words explained the boundless murderous intention in her heart.

"You can't take revenge with your current level of cultivation. The most important thing right now is to live well so that you can have a chance to take revenge in the future."

Yu Linghuan was slightly surprised.

"I have my own way. During this period, you just need to help me take care of the master."

Hu Baibai reluctantly stood up from Shen Shuqiu's arms, and suddenly stumbled. She was so weak now, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

"No, I can't let you go."

Seeing Hu Baibai almost losing her balance, Yu Linghuan was even less likely to let her do something stupid.

"I said, I have my own way."

Hu Baibai's voice became cold.

Those empty pupils were like an endless abyss, carrying a bone-gnawing chill.

For a moment, Yu Linghuan felt chills and an inexplicable feeling of fear emerged in her heart.

At this moment, Yu Linghuan felt that the fox in front of her had changed instantly, becoming scary, and she shuddered just by looking at it.

Seeing this, Yu Linghuan didn't say anything more. He nodded slightly and said, "I will take care of it for you."

"When I come out, I will come here to find you. If I find you missing with my master at that time, I will definitely kill you."

Fox Baibai's voice was as bone-chilling as the desolate cold night.

Yu Linghuan forced a smile and said, "Are you still afraid that I will eat your master?"

Hu Baibai didn't reply anymore, turned around and returned to Shen Shuqiu. His eyes that were cold just now became as tender as water and said: "Master, wait for Bai Bai to come back."

The fox-white mouth gently pecked the tip of Shen Shuqiu's bloodless lips.

After doing this, Hu Baibai bid farewell to Yu Linghuan and quickly rushed out of the bamboo forest.

She is going to Falling Sun Valley now. Hu Baibai has a strong feeling in her heart. Only by going there can she have a chance to bring Shen Shuqiu back to life.

At the same time, it seems that there are important things of his own waiting for him to get them.

Looking at Hu Baibai's retreating figure, Yu Linghuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The Hu Baibai just now really made her feel scared.

Yu Linghuan looked at the lifeless Shen Shuqiu with her beautiful eyes and was filled with thoughts.

"You are truly heartless and unjust. You died freeing yourself, but you only left sorrow in the world."

Yu Linghuan's eyes flashed.

"So what secret do you have that makes it worthwhile for you to give up your peerless talent and die resolutely?"

Yu Linghuan said again.

She has never been able to see through Shen Shuqiu, and Yu Linghuan sometimes even felt that he was not supposed to exist in the world.

That free and easy feeling, that calmness, and that impenetrable secret all made Yu Linghuan

Can't read.

Then Yu Linghuan simply sat next to Shen Shuqiu and stared at that face, lost in thought.

Something suddenly occurred to him, and there was a strong sense of confusion in his apricot eyes.

After a moment, Yu Linghuan turned around and glanced behind him, as if he had made up his mind.

Then he used his true energy to lift up Shen Shuqiu's body and slowly walked into the house.

Yu Linghuan's face was red, and she gently took off her clothes with her jade hands.

Suddenly the whole room was filled with an alluring spring scenery.

The sun shines through the window, reflecting the snow-white shadow on the wall.

Yu Linghuan shyly leaned down and looked at Shen Shuqiu who was motionless, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

It was as if someone was watching her from the dark, and this feeling came from Shen Shuqiu lying underneath her.

"Hey! Don't scare me."

Yu Linghuan covered the snow-white mountains on her chest and said nervously.

But after a while, there was no movement from Shen Shuqiu underneath him.

Yu Linghuan felt relieved or a little regretful.

But she couldn't care less. She closed her eyes and leaned forward with her body trembling slightly.

Within a few moments, the room was filled with bursts of coquettish cries that made people blush, like the sound of birds chirping.

As everyone knows, a pair of eyes above the sky slowly closed at this moment.

I don't know how much time passed, but Yu Linghuan limped out again, with the moisture still lingering on his face.

Behind her, Shen Shuqiu's body slowly followed and walked out.

But those eyes were extremely hollow, and there was no trace of life in his body.

"From now on, your name will be Yu Shu, and I will be your wife. Do you understand?"

Yu Linghuan panted.

"As commanded."

Shen Shuqiu responded with a mechanical voice.

"Speak with some emotion."

Yu Linghuan wrinkled her nose and said dissatisfiedly.

"As commanded."

This time Shen Shuqiu's voice was no different from that of ordinary people.

Only then did Yu Linghuan smile with satisfaction.

She used the double cultivation method of the goddess palace to turn Shen Shuqiu into her puppet.

Yu Linghuan also had his own selfish motives for doing this.

She wanted to give Yu Shuiwei an explanation, which was also an explanation for herself.

Yu Shuiwei is very smart. Even at the age of three, she has already asked her where her father is several times.

Yu Linghuan couldn't bear that she hadn't experienced her father's love since she was a child, and the arrogant Yu Linghuan didn't want to find someone to pretend to be.

Coupled with Hu Baibai's departure today, Yu Linghuan came up with this idea.

Yu Linghuan left a trace of aura in the small courtyard. She could feel it as soon as Hu Baibai came back, and then she would return Shen Shuqiu.

Even if Hu Baibai notices something, Yu Linghuan will bear it alone if she wants to be killed or chopped into pieces.

Everything she does now is just fulfilling the responsibilities of a mother.

Then Yu Linghuan took Shen Shuqiu out of the forest courtyard and sped away in a certain direction.

One day later, Yu Linghuan took Shen Shuqiu to a lakeside cabin.

"Mom is back."

Before Yu Linghuan opened the door, she saw a girl in a pink skirt running out with her bare pink feet.

"Yu Shuiwei, where are your shoes? You don't wear them, right?"

Yu Linghuan scolded with a straight face.

"It's not comfortable to wear shoes, why don't you, mother, be in a bad nest?"

Yu Shuiwei pouted her little mouth and twisted it.

Yu Shuiwei hugged Yu Linghuan's thigh, tilted her head and stared blankly at Shen Shuchou behind her.

On the pink and jade-carved little face, a pair of big, watery eyes were full of doubts.

"Here! Shui Wei, you are the father."

Yu Linghuan quickly introduced Shen Shuqiu.

Hearing these words again, Yu Shuiwei let go of her little hand and quickly rushed to Shen Shuqiu's side.

After receiving Yu Linghuan's order, Shen Shuqiu hugged her and asked with a smile, "Do you miss daddy?"

"Yes, Shui Wei dreams about daddy every night."

Yu Shuiwei's small mouth makes a milky sound.

Seeing this heartwarming scene, the corners of Yu Linghuan's mouth raised slightly.

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