The Ninth Secret Bureau

Vol 6 Chapter 94: Knife for the rest of my life

Yu Sheng was not a smart person. Not only did Chen Xian see it, everyone in the room could see it, but he couldn't say that his IQ was low, but his silly brain was very straightforward... and there was one more point, everyone found out. He had almost no defense against Chen Xian, and that feeling was very strange, as if he had known Chen Xian a long time ago.

"I don't seem to be able to open it." Chen Xian played with the utility knife, and seemed to forget that he was on the ring, studying this strange weapon enthusiastically, "This button can't be pushed..."

"Only I can use it." Yu Sheng replied cautiously, and then took the utility knife from Chen Xian's hand. Accompanied by a clacking sound, he pushed the sharp blade out with a light push.

From the appearance point of view, this utility knife is no different from an ordinary utility knife. The outer shell is still full of plastic, and the blade is thin. It looks weak, as if it can be folded at hand... However, Chen Xian is watching carefully. After the episode, I suddenly discovered that this blade was not as simple as I thought.

A knife is an ordinary knife, but the energy that flows faintly on the blade's blade is extraordinary. The strange energy is something that Chen Xian has never seen before. It is like a dark substance that is sharp as a knife. They are like flowing water. Coiled and flowed slowly around the blade.

"Chen! Brother Chen Xian! It's a lifetime honor for me to learn from you!"

"Don't be so polite..."

The thing Chen Xian can't stand most is that others be polite with him, especially Yu Sheng's kind of politeness that seems to be from the heart...It seems that playing against him is a great gift to him. This feeling makes Chen Xian very embarrassed.

"Boss, since this little brother wants to discuss with you, then it's nothing to our business." Lu Yisheng said, and took a look at the rest area under the ring. "You can do it alone, right?"

"It should be." Chen Xian said softly. He didn't dare to act too much in front of the parties. Although he thought from the bottom of his heart that he could win, the only possibility if he could beat himself for the rest of his life was to cooperate with him in the counterfeit match. But... everyone has discussed in advance, you must be humble, polite and amiable. If you come up and start the game relentlessly, you will kick someone down or be beaten up... What if the opponent abandons the game in the finals? ?

"Man, since you want to discuss with our boss, then we will go down first to make room for you."

"Ok... OK! Thank you Brother Lu!"

Seeing that the child was so polite, Lu Yisheng also felt a little embarrassed, and gave Chen Xian a look to let him relax. After all, this is still a child... and he is quite polite, so he can win with a tap.

When everyone walked off the ring, only Chen Xian was left on the ring. At this time Yu Sheng didn't seem so nervous. It seemed that Chen Xian was not a stranger in his eyes, but the others accounted for a bit... …The most feared thing for the rest of my life is dealing with outsiders.

"Did we know each other?"

Chen Xian walked back slowly as he said this, leaving a free space for the rest of his life enough for him to give full play to his full strength. It is also a distance for himself to ensure the safety of the other party. After all, Chen Xian would be afraid if he fights for a while. I can't hold it back, so it is necessary to leave this distance.

"You don't know me... but I know you!" Yu Sheng's eyes were sparkling, like some animals that haunted the night. He didn't intend to speak loudly, but Chen Xian heard it very clearly, "You have dealt with it. During the different case... I actually... watched it many times..."

Hearing this, Chen Xian was startled at first, and then suddenly nervous, but this nervousness was hidden under his eyes and did not dare to show it at will, for fear that the other party would notice his own changes.

He was watching when I was dealing with the different case?

How did he look at it?

The crime scene was blocked by the Secret Bureau, and there could be no outsiders.

"What unusual cases have you seen me deal with?" Chen Xian asked calmly.

"Many...the cases before you joined the branch...many of my presence..." Yu Sheng said cautiously, for fear that Chen Xian would misunderstand himself, "Actually, I want to help too! But every time I go, it's too late! You are there! The case is over!"

"You... what did you see?" Chen Xian asked cautiously.

Although the rest of his life was innocent, he was not a fool. He looked around and saw so many people sitting in the auditorium. He immediately understood that some things were not suitable for talking in the ring, such as some details of the unusual cases... …It seems that many cases have been blocked by the Secret Service. Once those things are said, do they violate the rules of the Secret Service? It seems that Brother Chen Xian's mood is different from just now... Is he angry?

I was nervous for the rest of my life.

It's more nervous than standing on the ring and being stared at by thousands of spectators!

Although Chen Xian didn’t know him, and both of them were still in the state of strangers, in Yu Sheng’s eyes, Chen Xian had always been his idol, and it had been like this since many he didn’t want Chen Xian to be at all. Because I am angry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Brother Chen Xian, I didn't mean to watch it... Don't be angry..."

While apologizing, Yu Sheng made a ninety-degree bow, which directly confuses Chen Xian.

Damn it.

Is this kid so polite? ?

Besides, I'm not angry, I'm just nervous... I'm afraid you see something you shouldn't see.

"Fight first."

Chen Xian didn't say much anymore. In an anxious state, he lost the interest in chatting. He planned to end the battle quickly and then ask him in private.

"You do it first, you must do your best...I won't let the water go!"


Holding the utility knife nervously for the rest of his life, looking at it like the kind of kid who is often bullied, he kept nodding his head.

"Then I am coming!"

After all, Yu Sheng's figure disappeared from Chen Xian's sight.

"This... this shouldn't be..."

Chen Xian looked for Yu Sheng’s figure with a look of astonishment, and was full of shock, because in Yu Sheng’s previous battle videos, he showed strength that Chen Xian can “understand and accept”, although it is better than most foreigners. But it definitely can't reach the level of Li Daosheng and others... But now it seems that Yu Sheng should have been pressing the strength competition, his real combat power is definitely not as shown in the video.

At this moment, the speed he showed has far surpassed the level of Li Daosheng, Xu Yanan and others, and he is definitely considered to be superb in China. Not only that... It is difficult for Chen Xian to perceive his existence after Yu Sheng disappeared, even the high speed. I can't hear the unavoidable sounds when I move. I can only vaguely feel that a mass of energy is moving at a very high speed, and this feeling is also intermittent, and it can only be sensed every two seconds or so.

So Chen Xian is very vigilant at this moment, because Yu Sheng will have a two-second blank file when moving. Two seconds... is enough for a powerful alien to do a lot of things. Within two seconds, whether the rest of his life is Chen Xian couldn't perceive attacking or moving elsewhere.

"You are very strong..."

Chen Xian whispered, the black light parasite began to surging crazily on his surface, forming layers of armor-like material at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the weapon was gradually formed at this moment, it was a parasite composed of parasites. Black long knife...

At this moment, Chen Xian suddenly heard Yu Sheng's voice behind him.

"Brother Chen careful!"

Without waiting for Chen Xian to think about it, his body already had an instinctive defensive reaction, and he drew the knife and slashed behind him sideways, but he hadn't even seen the shadow of the rest of his life... He just felt a cold wind hit, the heavy long knife momentarily It broke into two pieces.

Seeing this scene, not only Chen Xian was stunned, even Lu Yisheng and the others were dumbfounded, because this was the first time they saw someone break open the parasites that had been "solidified" in the arena... As far as the metal arena is concerned, the density and hardness of the parasites are higher, especially the parasites used by Chen Xian as weapons, which have been "refined" by himself.

But just for a moment.

Silently...broken? !

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Brother Chen Xian, I didn't mean it..." Yu Sheng's figure suddenly appeared at this moment. He was standing behind Chen Xian, holding the utility knife tightly in his hand, his eyes full of panic. It seemed that he had never thought that his sword could cut off Chen Xian's weapon.

"Don't blame you." Chen Xian said, and with a wave of his hand, the parasite instantly condensed and formed, and the broken blade recovered as before.

Chen Xian silently looked at the weird stranger Yu Sheng, and the fighting spirit that had been stopped in his heart suddenly became high. From the time he participated in the Kunlun meeting until now... he finally met someone who could barely be called an opponent!

"You do your best, don't keep your hands."

An excited smile appeared at the corner of Chen Xian's mouth, and his calm eyes were also infected by this emotion, as if they were all faintly shining.

"Come... have a good fight with me!"

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