The Ninth Secret Bureau

Vol 6 Chapter 231: Bingdingqiu

Huolongyou is the champion team of Hubei Province. Although they have never shown their true strength in the regional competitions and the top 32 matches, it is certain that the strength of their team should be regarded as the upper-middle level in the Kunlun Club. It is definitely not that. Kind of weak team.

"The strength of the three provinces of Lu is very strong. When I left the Lu family, his strength was already much higher than mine...Compared with the sons of the sixth and other big families, he is not weak, and our Lu family has been born for generations. Some things inherited are not simple. Although I am not qualified to learn it, that **** must have learned it thoroughly."

Lu Yisheng was sitting in the corner of the sofa with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, frowning and talking to everyone.

"Those weird Luban alchemy is different from ordinary religious alchemy. If he learns those things thoroughly, it is really not easy for us to deal with him."

"Are you sure it is us?" Li Daosheng asked rhetorically, giving Chen Xian a calm look.

Lu Yisheng seemed to realize that what he said was a little absolute, and changed his words after thinking about it for a while.

"Except for the boss and Brother Bone, his strength should not be much different from the two of you. This is not true." Lu Yisheng looked at Li Daosheng and Xu Yanan when he spoke, the expressions on his faces were very helpless, "Don't Seeing that the Lu family is a small family, the magic techniques handed down from generation to generation are not simple."

"Why is their team name called Huolongyou?" Chen Xian suddenly asked, seeming to be very interested in the name of their team in Shandong Province. "This name doesn't seem to be taken casually. What is the meaning of their name?"

"Have you not read their information?" Lu Yisheng couldn't help asking.

Chen Xian shook his head, and said with some embarrassment: "I didn't look carefully. I mainly read the information about the three provinces of Shandong."

"It's mainly the person surnamed C!" Lu Yisheng frowned when he said that, it seemed that the person in his mouth had put a lot of pressure on him, "That person is the main force of their team in the three provinces of Shandong, but He didn't have much chance to shoot in the previous games. I have seen him personally deal with him...I dare not say how strong he is, but his ability is really a headache."

"What is his ability?" Chen Xian asked curiously.

"Fire." Lu Yisheng said word by word, his expression becoming solemn, "He can control a fire of two thousand five hundred degrees, this is what he said himself."

The person surnamed C was originally named Bing Ding Yuan. He changed his name when he was twenty-four years old. Now he is called Bing Ding Qiu, a name much stranger than his original name...

"According to Zong. Teaching, C and D among the five elements of the Heavenly Stems and the Five Elements belong to fire, so the first D in his name comes from this. As for the latter character..."

When Lu Yisheng said this, he raised his finger and pointed at his right shoulder.

"He was born with a crimson birthmark here. It looks like a horned dragon with distinct limbs, so he later changed his name to Bingdingqiu."

"C? There seems to be no family with this surname in our circle..." Li Daosheng muttered softly.

"He is not a child of a family at first, just like the boss, he has the kind of mud legs of folk origin... Boss, I am not mocking you! I just compare it!"

"It's okay, I don't mind, you continue talking." Chen Xian retracted his raised fist again.

"He is very strange...He is very angry, but he has hardly ever touched anyone. Even if the people on the other side point to his nose and scold his mother, he just swears and scolds him back. Anxious eyes can control himself in the end." Lu Yisheng frowned and said, "He often tells us how awesome he is and can control a fire of two thousand five hundred degrees, but we have never seen him use it. , So no one believes him..."

Hearing Lu Yisheng's description, Chen Xian looked at each other, everyone's face was covered with questions, because it was the first time they heard of such a strange stranger.

"That person named Bingdingqiu is a thermometer?" Li Daosheng asked suddenly, his expression very curious, "How does he know that the fire he controls is two thousand five hundred degrees?"

"I don't know about this." Lu Yisheng shook his head. "Lu Sansheng is not the kind of person who likes to drag oil bottles. Since he can let Bingdingqiu in his team, it is indeed very possible... .. Damn, I don’t believe it, but maybe those things Bingdingqiu said before are true?"

High temperature of two thousand five hundred degrees.

Is this temperature enough to melt steel?

"If it is true, maybe his combat effectiveness has exceeded our imagination. He is indeed a very troublesome opponent..." Li Daosheng frowned, seeming to be a little bit distressed, "If I was stricken by two thousand five hundred The flame of .degree is surrounded, maybe it will turn into a barbecue!"

"Barbecue? If it really is two thousand five hundred degrees Celsius, I guess you won't even have ashes left. The temperature of the crematorium in the funeral home is only about 1,000 degrees Celsius..." Xu Yanan muttered.

"Boss, if that kid really has this ability, do you have a way to deal with him?"

Lu Yisheng seemed to put all his hopes on Chen Xian. Seeing his look of expectation, Chen Xian had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod his head.

"The black light parasite is very thermally insulated, so there shouldn't be any problems."

"That's it!" Lu Yisheng was obviously relieved, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face again, "Boss, when the game comes, you will take care of that Bingding Qiu."

"Give him to me?" Chen Xian was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Then what about their captain? Isn't the three provinces of Lu very strong?"

Chen Xian’s idea is actually very simple. In order to prevent his friends from being at risk of injury, he has already made the most basic strategic plan in his mind. He decided to pick the two more threatening enemies one by one. Go, and then resolve the battle as quickly as possible. By that time...the other people in the team in the three provinces of Lu are no longer threatening, and you can safely and boldly let Lu Yi give birth to them.

Of course, this plan just emerged from Chen Xian's heart, and he hadn't had time to ask Lu Yisheng their opinions.

"Boss, leave it to me in the three provinces of Lu."

Hearing this sudden sentence, Chen Xian was stunned for a long time and did not speak up. Although it is not surprising that this sentence came out of Lu Yisheng's mouth, it is even reasonable, but... Lu Yisheng really Are you sure of that? Or is he dazzled by some previous grudges?

"The risk is great." Chen Xian said tactfully.

"I know, but I have confidence..." Lu Yisheng smiled, raised his hand and patted on the shoulder of the boy next to him, "I'm not fighting alone, he helps me , I can run even if I can't beat it."

"If you really want to kill him, I can help you." Chen Xian frowned and said, "You go to the three provinces of Shandong...the risk is really not small."

Hearing this, Lu Yisheng took a deep breath, picked up a lighter bought for one dollar, and lit the cigarette in his mouth with a slap.

"I have too many grievances with him, let's count the new hatred and the old hatred together..." Lu Yisheng smiled, "Although the boss has always been covered by you, it feels really cool, but revenge... .. I still have to take revenge myself, otherwise it won’t taste like that!"

Chen Xian took a deep look at him and seemed to have noticed that the decision made by Lu Yisheng was unshakable, so he simply stopped persuading him.

"When it comes to the game, I will always pay attention to you." Chen Xian whispered, "If you can't handle him, let me come. Although he is great, it is not difficult for me to kill him."

"Oh, I know! Boss, don't worry about me!" Lu Yisheng laughed and revealed the topic, and then said, "This time we buy peripherals and whoever wins, do you think about it? I decided to place a bet. In the 32nd round, I won more than 200,000 yuan..."

At the same time, in a corner of the villa area, the team of six in Shandong Province was also having a headache because of this schedule.

"It's not easy."

Bingdingqiu is the youngest person in this team. He shaved a clean head, his deep sunken eye sockets and his pale complexion looked sickly. The five fingers of his right hand showed burn marks. , His nose twitched when he spoke, as if he had a cold.

"The one named Chen Xian... his background is too deep and I can't see through... the others are easy to say..."

Bingdingqiu sniffed and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, as if he knew that other people didn't like to smoke such cheap cigarettes that choked their throats, so he lit one for himself instead of sending it to others.

"If you want to win this game, you must win Chen Xian first. He gives me the feeling that it is much harder to deal with than Xiaotianshi... Brother Lu, are you sure?"

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