The Ninth Secret Bureau

Vol 6 Chapter 425: disaster

Two minutes ago.

At the headquarters of the Secret Bureau in the capital, in the highest meeting room, all the ministers of the various departments of the Secret Bureau were all present, and only belonged to the main seat of the director Zhou Tuan. At this moment, there is another old man sitting... this person rarely appears. At the headquarters of the Secret Bureau, this is the fourth time he has been here since his tenure, and it is the first time to sit on the main seat.

"How long will the missile be launched?"

In front of the old man was a pile of documents with obvious traces of flipping, but his attention was not on these documents at the moment. His eyes were fixed on the big screen hanging on the wall from beginning to end, judging from his expression... The old man seemed tired and desperate. He had never thought that something like this would happen in our country.

"Reporter...Reporter leader!" The Minister of the Armed Forces Department Di Xiao was very nervous, especially in front of this old man who is often on TV. Launch in minutes, and arrive at the designated location one minute after launch."

"You have more experience in dealing with this kind of things." The old man sighed, took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and wiped them carefully with the glasses cloth. "You think the special No. 16 three-phase bomb has something to do with this monster. Does it work?"

Hearing the old man’s question, everyone did not dare to answer, and turned their heads to look at Chang Sansi, the head of the scientific research department sitting in the corner. After all, this special thermonuclear weapon was developed by him. It stands to reason that the world knows this best. He was the only one who planted missiles, so everyone looked at them and thought twice, hoping to hear an exciting answer from him.


Chang Sansi is a nerd, and he has only engaged in scientific research all year round, so in the strict secret bureau, he is considered a stranger, at least in front of this old man, he behaves very calmly, not as nervous as other people.

Even if he knew that the answer he said would be very disappointing, he could only rely on the facts to speak, brazenly boasting that he couldn't do such a thing.

"It can be seen from the video transmitted by the satellite that the monster is no longer any kind of abnormal life in our cognition... If I only say my opinion, I think its life form has surpassed us too much. Although I have never believed that there is a **** in this world, from a certain perspective, it is the **** in my imagination."

"Open the world, move the stars to change battles, steal the sky and change the sun, cast beans and become soldiers... These are the abilities of the legendary gods, but in my opinion, these abilities are almost contrived by people. The gods are only so powerful that we humans cannot understand. Abnormal life, their abilities will naturally be terrifying, but they will definitely not be as diverse as humans imagine. The most likely one is to control energy..."

Having said that, Chang thinks twice and stares at the huge ball of light on the screen like a pilgrimage.

"It itself is composed of energy, and it seems to be able to control external energy. Any kind of external attack will be calmly resolved by it... Just a beam of energy can wipe out hundreds of thousands of people. This kind of strength is called a god. It's not too much."

"And can you see it... It controls energy in a very unique way... It seems that external energy can be converted into its own energy by it at will... It is the colorful matter... It is the world... The world is it? ...It is really not easy to kill this powerful and unknown life..."

After listening to Chang Sansi Shen and talking about it for a long time, the atmosphere in the meeting room is becoming more and more depressing... Is it not easy to kill this powerful and unknown creature?

In other words.

No matter how difficult it is, is there a way to kill it?

"What are you looking at me for?" Chang Sansi suddenly came back to his senses. Seeing that everyone in the room was staring at him, he subconsciously felt that something was wrong, "Is there something on my face?"

"Do you have a way to kill it?" the old man asked.

"There is a way……"

Hearing this reply, everyone was immediately ecstatic, but before everyone was happy for two seconds, Chang thought twice before saying the following words.

"It's just that I didn't expect it, maybe I won't think of it for a lifetime."

"Then what do you say there is a way?!" Yan Qing couldn't help but scolded, and he almost didn't lift his chair and smashed it over, "You can't think of you saying a fart!"

"I just don't think there will be an invincible existence in this world. Although it is very powerful... but it does not necessarily have weaknesses!" Chang Sansi said plausibly, seeming to feel wronged, "As long as we find it. Weakness, it shouldn’t be difficult to kill it."

"When will this weakness be found?" the old man asked patiently.

"I don't know." Chang Sansi shook his head. He didn't feel that all he had said before was bullshit. "For such a perfect energy body life as it is, the probability that we can find its weakness is about one in a billion."

If the person who said these bullshits in the conference room is not always thinking twice but other ministers, it is estimated that the old man’s temperament will either be killed directly, or he will be locked up in a small dark room for ten and a half months... …

"Where is Zhou Tuan?" the old man asked, resisting the anger in his heart, and asked a question that he was very concerned about, "What happened after he was swallowed by that ball of light? How likely is his life threatened?"

"This question shouldn't be asked like that." Although Chang Sansi seemed insane, but when he said this, there was only grief in his eyes, because to these ministers, Zhou Tuan was a fatherly existence, saying Not being sad is definitely false, "You should ask him how likely he is to survive... To be honest... I don't want to face this reality... But the reality is that his chance of surviving is almost zero... No... Maybe it's one percent... I'm not sure..."

"Is the three-phase bullet the last weapon in the secret bureau?" The old man was still worried and couldn't help asking again, "Is this the most powerful weapon?"

"Yes." Chang Sansi nodded without hesitation, his expression gradually becoming solemn, "If the special No. 16 three-phase bomb is useless for it, then we really can't do anything about it. In the end, maybe..."

Chang Sansi didn't say the next words, frowned and said nothing.

"Maybe what will happen?" the old man asked.

Chang Sansi frowned, looked at the old man seriously, and said something "provocative".

"We will perish a country."

In an instant, the meeting room fell silent and fell into a dead silence.

In the end, the old man spoke first. He lit a cigarette and took two sips slowly. His old face seemed to have added a bit of vicissitudes at the moment.

"What about after the death of a country?" the old man asked.

"Although one country will surely perish in the end, there are two possibilities, sooner or later."

Chang Sansi shook his fingers and analyzed it to everyone. There was no expression on his face, as if a robot was giving a report to everyone.

"The first possibility is that after killing all the humans around the Kunlun Mountains, it will continue to advance inland. How many people will die in the middle depends on the path it walks."

"The second possibility is that its path is to advance towards the border at the beginning, and it may be other countries that will suffer, but in the end... the lips and the teeth are cold. As long as it continues to wreak havoc in our world, then our country cannot be spared. difficult."

The old man nodded, and then asked, "Do you think we can't handle things that we can't handle to Lao Meizi... How many wins do they have?"


Chang Sansi answered without hesitation.

"Although there is still a big gap between our country and their countries in terms of technology, this monster is obviously not able to be leveled with technology, unless their technology has developed to the point where it can turn energy particles like arms... but Judging from the intelligence obtained by our spies, their technological level has obviously not yet reached that level. If it does, they will have the final say in this world."

"I received a call before..." the old man said suddenly, his fingers flicking on the table, "It was Lao Mei who contacted me... Ask if we need help... They can support us with the latest research and development. The energy detonating seems that that kind of missile was also developed on the basis of three-phase bomb..."

"I know that, it is similar to our country's special 16 three-phase bomb, but its power is definitely worse than ours, because their use of de-state energy lags behind us. In this technology, we are ahead of their country. ."

At this moment, there was a loud bang from the armed base located on the edge of the headquarters of the Secret Bureau. Everyone looked out the window following the sound, only to see a missile with a red tail light, it broke through the sound barrier and flew straight to Kunlun. go with……

"If this missile can achieve our ideal effect, it is naturally best, but if it still can't cause damage to that monster..."

The old man turned his back to the ministers present, looking out the window with complicated eyes, and the breath on his body gradually became stronger.

"Then fight!"

"The previous wars did not destroy our backbone, so now we can't!"

"Even if it is not our kind, even if it is much stronger than us, it is so powerful that all our resistance is reduced to a joke... We will not admit defeat, there is unyielding blood flowing in our bones, even if it is death, we will To die on the battlefield, even if it kills a country and exterminates species, even if all the elderly and children are desperately killed on the battlefield...We must not sit and wait to become fish on the chopping board!"

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