She sent all the medicinal materials into the space, and filled the large grass field at the door of the space. Even Aguer was shocked, and kept complaining in the space, "Master, there are already some medicines in the space." The medicine garden, and the space of the bracelet also grows medicinal materials, those low-level medicinal materials, you buy so many, even rabbits don’t eat them, what’s the use?”

Bei Tinghuang touched her nose, is she in the rhythm of chopping off her hands? But it can't be her fault, can it? Mu Qingling picked up a Dijiuhuang that looked rich in aura, and asked Bei Tinghuang, "Xiao Jiu, can I buy this too?"

There are definitely a lot of Dijiuhuang in the space, not to mention a lot, and there is no need to buy them at all. But Mu Qingling said, Bei Tinghuang had no choice but to grit his teeth, "Buy it!"

There were already a lot of people in the pharmacy. Seeing Bei Tinghuang and her shopping spree, she couldn't help being dumbfounded. Seeing that these two people were not rich in their clothes, did her family know that they were so extravagant?

Some people really couldn't stand it any longer. They muttered softly, but they were afraid that Bei Tinghuang would not hear them, and said in a voice that could be heard by the entire pharmacy store, "Young people nowadays, they really don't know how to be a good family. It’s okay to raise a child who is successful, but it’s better not to raise a child who is a prodigal.”

"Yeah, alas, some children may not look good, but they like to spend money to attract others' attention."

"Even if you come to participate in the alchemy conference, it doesn't mean that you can get a place in the alchemy conference if you buy a lot of medicinal materials!"


Although there are a lot of criticisms, there are some people who still envy Bei Tinghuang's aggressiveness in sweeping up goods. As long as they like it, they can buy it regardless of the price. This kind of behavior needs to be supported by strength!

Especially those pharmacists, the strength of a pharmacist is not only in what grade of elixir they can refine, but also in the amount of medicinal materials in their collection. Bei Tinghuang's behavior is indeed a bit rough, but many alchemists want this kind of rough behavior. Even if it is a master of alchemy, the chances of becoming a pill are not very high. Sometimes it can be used to refine the medicinal materials of the three furnaces, and finally it is lucky to be able to obtain the elixir of a furnace. No alchemist I will dislike the many medicinal materials on hand.

And some noble ladies who came here specially to watch the alchemy competition saw Bei Tinghuang's arrogance of spending money like water, and none of them was not envious, and even looked at Mu Qingling who was following Bei Tinghuang with jealous eyes, how many times I hope that the girl who is with Bei Tinghuang at this time is me!

"Do you think that this young man has particularly beautiful eyes? Wow, I'm so fascinated!" A noble woman stared at Beitinghuang with a pair of star-studded eyes.

"Really, woo woo woo, it's not fair, he is handsome, rich, and has a good temperament. Why is a good man like Mao not mine?"

"Do you want to go forward and hook up? Do you want to, do you want to?"

Hearing that these noble ladies wanted to come forward to recommend the pillow mat, Mu Qingling raised her fists angrily, wishing to tear the mouths of these shameless noble ladies to pieces. Hmph, is Xiao Jiu also something they can miss? These vulgar fans.

Sensing Mu Qingling's mood swings, Bei Tinghuang smiled and shook her head helplessly. Ling'er's current personality is becoming more and more vivid. Compared with just coming out of Luobei City, she is much more confident, cheerful, and beautiful.

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