The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 1226 Where did she suffer?

Two months later, all the superpowers in the entire continent have received invitations, and the Flame City will be opened, and there is no restriction that those who descended for thirty-three days cannot come. Hearing this, the people in Yancheng didn't feel anything, but they were full of curiosity about the battle between this young man and Bingfeng.

Thirty-three days, if it is less than the supreme level, almost no one will take a look. How many years will it take for this boy to reach the supreme level?

But it has to be said that in a place where the aura of Central Continent is so thin, this young man can reach the strength of a god, and he can even fight a peak god king. He has already carved a deep memory in the hearts of Yancheng and others. The imprint also won the respect of the entire Yancheng people.

It is worthy of being the person that the Devil Emperor likes. Whether it is a man or a woman, even if the current strength is not strong, this talent is enough to make people pay attention.

"A battle between you and her?" Yan Ye's purple eyes reflected the figure of Bei Tinghuang, with a little bit of bright light, like a purple demon lotus blooming, "Why? What happened between you and her?" Why is there a war between them?"

Bei Tinghuang tilted her head and looked at Yan Ye with a strange look. This guy, knowingly asking, seems to be very proud. What is there to be proud of? It seemed that Bei Tinghuang and that Bingfeng made an appointment to fight for him, and he was very happy.

Yan Ye didn't miss the trace of anger in Bei Tinghuang's eyes, but he laughed, and the laughter vibrated from his thick chest, like a cheerful Sanskrit song, with a kind of magic power, which made Bei Tinghuang's mood And also feel comfortable.

The two held hands and walked in the air, only to hear Bei Tinghuang say arrogantly, "The person I like, no one should have the slightest desire to covet him, otherwise, he will be killed without mercy!"

"Hahaha!" Yan Ye laughed louder and louder, and the laughter echoed between heaven and earth. He hugged Bei Tinghuang in his arms and kissed him on the forehead, "What Huang'er means is that I am you!" Someone you fancy?"

Bei Tinghuang tilted his head and looked at him carefully. It's been a long time since we saw him, and he couldn't tell whether this guy was fat or thin. He nodded seriously, "For the time being, it's okay, but you don't have anything to be proud of. Now It’s just a probationary period, whether or not you pass the test depends on your performance in the future!”

Yan Ye hugged him like he was hugging a treasure. When Bei Tinghuang looked at him, Yan Ye also looked him up and down, and raised her hand to gently turn the gear on her bracelet, that delicate face, and the girl's figure appeared in his before.

Compared with Bei Tinghuang at this time, compared with the previous days, the girl's figure has gradually revealed her fullness as she stepped into the god rank, but he still feels distressed, "Why did you make yourself so embarrassed? "

The princess was full of hugs, and Bei Tinghuang felt a little uncomfortable. She pressed her hands against Yan Ye's chest, and wanted to get down and walk by herself, but how could Yan Ye be willing to let go. After some contesting, Bei Tinghuang had no choice but to follow his wishes, and she was dissatisfied when he heard his complaints, "Where is the embarrassment? Hmph, if I hadn't met this powerful peach blossom, how could I have done it? So what? Will it be a disadvantage?"

This little guy is so cheap and good-looking! One by one, she forced a great lord to sacrifice the dragon and phoenix giant sword at the peak of the god king who came down to perfection. What dissatisfaction does she have? Where did you suffer?

"Huang'er, that huge sword can be regarded as a sacred object of Dragon and Phoenix Valley, and Bingfeng can't easily make a move..."

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