The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 1282 Beitinghuang VS Mingguang

Bei Tinghuang let go of Xu Xiaomo's hand, the aura on her body changed suddenly at this moment, ice was quenched in Qingyue's voice, and the entire long street was filled with air currents and howling wind, but they still couldn't suppress the young man's voice, "Yes It's not a joke, you'll find out soon, I hope you can still laugh then!"

Seeing that Bei Tinghuang was going to be serious, Xu Xiaomo was also a little anxious. Seeing Bei Tinghuang like this, she would not give up until Ming Guang was killed today. She was a little flustered, "Xiao Jiu, why don't we force him to come here first?" Go outside Yancheng, it's really not allowed to do anything in Yancheng."

Beitinghuang didn't turn his head back, and stared at Mingguang with squinted eyes. Seeing the gloating look on Mingguang's face, he sneered and said, "No need, no one in Yancheng can kill anyone, but not me, Mingguang , don’t take chances, today is your death day!”

After finishing speaking, Bei Tinghuang went straight into the air, holding a long sword in his hand, and staring at Ming Guang mercilessly with eyes filled with ice, as if looking at a dead person. This kind of eyes also annoyed Ming Guang, and he didn't care about Yancheng at all. What order to do or not to do, point your toes on the ground, and chase after Beitinghuang in the sky.

Ming Guang is a God King of Three Swords, and Bei Ting Huang already knew this. The memory crystal engraved all the scenes of Mingguang destroying Phoenix City, and was imprinted in Beitinghuang's mind moment by moment. At this moment, seeing this young man who looked glamorous and honorable, Bei Tinghuang felt deep-seated hatred in his heart.

There has never been a single person who has caused him to hate so much.

On the opposite side, there was a young man in a red brocade robe, his robe fluttered in the night wind, his long black hair was flying wildly in the air, and a pair of dark and cold eyes flashed on a face so delicate that the sun, moon and stars could not match it. His eyes stared at Mingguang, making Mingguang feel hairy all over his body only in his eyes.

His murderous aura is too strong!

A fifteen-year-old boy is able to experience such a murderous aura. It has to be said that even if Ming Guang is in the thirty-three days, I don't know how many people he has met, and none of them can match Beitinghuang.

The talent is good, but it's a pity that it will soon fall in his hands. Mingguang couldn't help but feel a little sorry.

On the entire long street, almost everyone ran out to look at the sky, even if there were gods among them, no one dared to go to the sky at this time. Even if no one can see through Bei Tinghuang's strength and what state he is in, this young man is by no means the kind of person who is overconfident.

"That young man in golden robe is the God King of Three Swords. I don't know what kind of strength this young man is. He must be a god!" There are no lack of strong men in Yancheng, and some people with strong strength and good eyesight point out Mingguang's strength .

"The God King of Three Swords?" Hearing that Ming Guang is the God King of Three Swords, Bei Tingjing and the others, who had known Ming Guang's strength for a long time, immediately felt sorry for Bei Tinghuang. For Bei Tinghuang, he shouldn't be allowed to confront that person.

"What should I do? Will the head be okay?" Nangong Qianmo was so nervous that her whole body was shaking, and the hand holding Nangong Qianxi was trembling, "Sister, do you think the head is going to be okay?"

How did Nangong Qianxi know? She was already so nervous about Bei Tinghuang that it was difficult to breathe. The opponent is a god king. Although the alliance empire already has nine god ranks, it is still not as good as a god king on the other side.

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