The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 1291 Unfortunately, I am an ancient beast tamer

Bei Tinghuang's promotion from the rank of one sword god to the rank of nine sword gods is just a promotion, not a promotion. The energy given by the rules of heaven and earth is not enough to drive all his monsters to follow. But the strength must have increased somewhat. At this moment, when they saw the mighty and mighty monsters summoned by Bei Tinghuang, everyone's eyes were not just envious.

Even the Great Elder of Yancheng and the others, the Four Great Venerables of Huangcheng, had bursts of fear in their eyes. You know, even if one of these magical beasts is randomly picked out and placed on the Central Continent, it is enough to support a huge force, and Bei Tinghuang casually summoned five.

"This, this, this is too powerful, right?" The Great Elder spoke a little cryptically because of his status, but the shock in his eyes did not fade for a long time.

At this moment, Ming Guang saw Bei Ting Huang's demonic beasts covering him one after another, and his eyes also showed bursts of horror. What kind of monster is his opponent?

Bei Tinghuang didn't miss Mingguang's inadvertent gaze, he smiled lightly, and a look of disdain that was more obvious than Mingguang's was revealed from his face, "Mingguang, unfortunately, I am an ancient beast trainer, I Believe me, you'll find out even if I don't tell you!"

Bei Tinghuang pointed to a layer of black battle armor on her body, "You should be very clear that only ancient beast tamers can tame monsters above the god rank."

The battle armor transformed from a great lord-level monster, the black streamer has a metallic luster, and the simple inscriptions like oracle bone inscriptions flow slowly on the surface of the armor, as if depicting an ancient picture. A trembling power quietly rose, and no one would doubt how amazing the defensive power of this armor would be.

Behind Bei Tinghuang, there are a total of twelve bone spur wings on the left and right, with a icy luster like a sword. In the night sky, it is like ice, which makes people dare not look at it. The black wings transformed by the Komodo clouded leopard are even purer than the night sky at this time.

There was a cloud of silver mist on his feet. On the silver boots, lightning bolts burst, as if thunder roared, covering his calf. Two bone spurs protruded from the toes, and the hook was like a sword. In the cold light, the blood groove in it has a chilling sharpness.

Nine fluffy fiery red tails hung down his waist like tassels. The fiery red fox tail, changing in length constantly, emits a strange light, against the black streamer armor, bringing a strong visual conflict. But at this time, no one dared to look at Beitinghuang with admiring eyes. Everyone knew very well that once the nine tails were launched, the furry touch would definitely drive a continent to the strongest.

Bei Tinghuang's wrists were covered with golden wrist guards, and on each of the wrist guards, there was a miniature version of the head of a golden ancient ape, covering the back of Bei Tinghuang's hand. And in his hand, he was holding a three-meter-long soft sword. A slight movement of the snow-white soft sword, which was as white as a horse, brought about a huge wave of energy, and the whole world seemed to be in turmoil.

Beitinghuang looked at the other party coldly, and also transformed the three-eyed howling wolf armor into combat boots, and transformed the earth-shattering dragon into gauntlets, shaking the judgment scepter inlaid with ruby-like energy spar in his hand, his eyes were stern He turned towards Bei Tinghuang, "Bei Tinghuang, you god judge, you destroy the holy city, let me represent the judgment temple to bestow heaven's punishment on you today!"

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