The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 1565 How can there be the breath of the master?

As for the ferocious iron-clad crocodile, it has lived countless ages of monsters, and it must be extraordinary to be able to live in the tomb of the demon god's clothes. At this moment, even though he had already exhaled more air and inhaled less, he still couldn't help being stunned for a long time, his voice was very small, no longer sharp and powerful as before, "You mean, surrender?"


Not wanting Yanye to waste energy again, Beitinghuang stood up, she winked at Yanye, Yanye wrapped her body, and finally returned to the soul pill on Beitinghuang's chest .

Seeing this, both the crocodile and the people from the Dark Demon Realm were stunned for a while, not knowing what the situation was.

Only the blue bird, which has been perched on the big tree by the lake, stared at Beitinghuang's chest and murmured, "How could it be? How could it be? How could there be the breath of the master?"

He still couldn't figure out that there was a demon god's breath in this phantom. At this moment, Qingniao burst into tears, "The master forgot me. I have been waiting for him for so many years, but he forgot me. He didn't even see me for the last time. He really doesn't regard me as his of Warcraft!"

The young man is still complaining about himself here. The iron-armored crocodile in the lake snorted coldly after Yanye disappeared. A mere lord-level weak man actually wants to covet his dignified and supreme-level strong man.

As soon as he snorted coldly, Bei Tinghuang knew what his plan was. At this moment, the nine-color Nirvana fire burst out from his body, and when he held his hand in the flames, a nine-color square sky painted halberd Holding it in his hand, before the iron-clad crocodile had any reaction, Beitinghuang rushed towards the iron-clad crocodile like a Kunpeng hanging from the sky.


Almost everyone gasped. This young man once again showed his toughness and ruthlessness, his shots were ruthless, and he was good at sneak attacks.

After all, the iron-clad crocodile was too burned by the Xuanming Youyan to be able to react. Fang Tianhua of Bei Tinghuang arrived, and the tail of the iron-clad crocodile slapped towards Bei Tinghuang with difficulty. The speed of the supreme monster was simply unstoppable, but it didn't have the all-powerful blow of Beitinghuang.

The nine-color Fangtian painted halberd went straight through the shoulder of the iron-clad crocodile, Bei Tinghuang slapped the handle of Fangtian's painted halberd fiercely, and Fang Tian's painted halberd sank into the body of the iron-clad crocodile , a shrill roar resounded throughout the space.


Immediately, all the hairs on their bodies stood on end. If talking about just now, it was Yan Ye's powerful strength that shocked everyone, but now everyone was afraid, but it was Bei Tinghuang's ruthless attack.

"I won't give in even if I die!" The iron-clad crocodile was in so much pain that life was worse than death. After his powerful defense was broken by the Xuanming Youyan, Bei Tinghuang's attack was almost straight forward.

Bei Tinghuang smiled coldly, "That's up to you!"

The Nine-Color Nirvana Fire has already been refined by him, and for Bei Tinghuang, driving the Nine-Color Nirvana Fire is like a finger. With a thought, the Nine-Colored Fangtian Painting Halberd exploded in the body of the iron-clad crocodile like a bomb, and flesh and blood flew up. The only remaining water in the lake was like a pool of blood, and the strong smell wafted away. When it opened, it immediately provoked the monsters near and far to let out a burst of hissing and roaring.

"You should be very clear about how long you can persist. If you submit to me, you still have a way out. If not, the nine-color Nirvana fire will make you eternally dead between heaven and earth!" Beitinghuang's cold voice made the whole world Suddenly, there seemed to be a gust of cold wind blowing.

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