The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 832 Zhi Ming, You Are Too Presumptuous!

What is arrogance, this is arrogance!

In the sky, the pale golden light stagnated, and a halo appeared, and the face of a middle-aged man with long silver hair and golden pupils appeared in the sky. In his pupils, he was watching After arriving at Beitinghuang, he showed a contemptuous look, as if he was a real god, and looking at Beitinghuang was like looking at ants.

So what if this damn guy is a peerless genius on the mainland? So what if there is the background of Flame City, Imperial College, and Night King's Mansion? At this time, the person from Yancheng had no idea that he would come, and Nanling, a mere peak spirit sect, was like an ant in front of his eyes, not worth mentioning.

God rank, after Yancheng, the second god rank to appear in Central Continent. Ke Zhiming's eyes did not see the shock, fear, and envy of everyone on the Central Continent as expected. Even Nan Ling of Imperial College, the head of the four major families, looked at him with a particularly indifferent look.

Such a gorgeous appearance was ignored!

Shenjun Zhiming, on the Central Continent, the supreme ruler of the Temple of Judgment. For more than 400 years, under the rule of Zhiming, the Temple of Judgment has been suppressing the Dark Demon Temple to death. The Demon Lord of the Demon Palace came to this world, and it was only when the Temple of Judgment ended its heyday of more than 400 years.

Zhiming is already four hundred and seventy-eight years old. If there is no breakthrough this time, in another twenty-two years, he may be like those spiritual sect powerhouses who have passed the age of five hundred in this continent for thousands of years. After the limit of time, it will be wiped out in the dust and turned into ashes.

All of this is thanks to Bei Tinghuang, the damn god judge.

If it wasn't for her beheading the people in the Temple of Judgment again and again, if it wasn't for her useless physique to rise so strangely, if she hadn't summoned the nine-color dragon and phoenix in Xuanyuan City a few days ago, it would have brought the Temple of Judgment to death. The second elder, together with more than 20 people including the saint, would never have thought of using the Chaos God Source as a good excuse to ask for assistance from that plane.

According to ancient legends, the nine-color dragon and phoenix have always been the guardian monsters of the Chaos God Source.

No one thought that the person from that plane, upon hearing the legend of the nine-color dragon and phoenix, would use secret techniques to raise his strength to the god level.

God level, from now on, he no longer has to worry about the limit. On this plane, as long as he doesn't mess with the one from Yancheng, he is the rule of heaven and earth.

I thought that adopting such a sensational way of appearing on the stage would frighten the crowd and see the scene of Wanmin bowing down, but I didn't expect that I would be despised by this little kid like Bei Tinghuang, which is tolerable intolerable?

Thinking of Bei Tinghuang's identity, as well as the power behind her, Yancheng and Yewangfu, Zhiming, who was originally a bit timid, felt confident again when he thought of the unexpected joy of this breakthrough. The people over there, in addition to using the secret recipe to help him improve, also gave him a Tianlin fruit. His original nine-star beast broke through to the super beast in one fell swoop, and as he broke through to the god level, his monster also followed. After entering the rank of gods, he became a god-rank monster.

"Bei Tinghuang, you really want to die!"

The silver-haired and golden-eyed man couldn't take it anymore. In the void, the sky was torn apart. He stretched out a hand and grabbed Bei Tinghuang. This is the strength of the god rank, to a certain extent, ignoring the rules of heaven and earth, tearing through time and space, and attacking.

"Zhi Ming, you are too presumptuous!"

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