The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 863 The Power of the World-Destroying Demon Sword

Yanye's strength was not something Bei Tinghuang could match at this time. He used 80% of his strength to make a move, which was completely different from when Bei Tinghuang was in Broken Soul Canyon, hiding behind a stone and peeking at him fighting Aguer.

If Bei Tinghuang really dared to face the World Exterminating Demon Sword in his hand to compete with the tomb treasure left by the Creator God, the consequences would be disastrous.

Countless rays of light burst out, the entire mountain was lifted, and the water leveled in all directions. The thousand-foot-high waves never dared to rush towards the Yanye area. The so-called "sky" above the head, at this time A crack burst, and a ray of skylight projected down. Yan Ye didn't wait for the power in his body to calm down, and the turbulent wave-like magic power surged out, wrapping the World Exterminating Demon Sword in his hand, and slammed it upwards.

He hugged Bei Tinghuang with one hand, and was extremely gentle. He held the World-Exterminating Demon Sword in his other hand. The crack has been broken.

boom! rumble!

The dull and violent voice, even if Bei Tinghuang had covered her ears by Yan Ye, she could vaguely hear it. She suddenly felt a surge of energy and blood, and her head arched more and more towards Yan Ye's arms.

The sound of collapse came, and the whole space was really torn apart. The air waves and the underground water flow merged together, and a big wave that soared to the sky, which even Yan Ye's magic power could not suppress, blasted towards the zenith.

Despite the huge waves flying straight into the sky, and the ground constantly collapsing, they still dare not get close to this man's body. The World Extinguishing Demon Sword turned into a ray of light and penetrated into his body. An energy platform, like a surfboard, rested on the bottom of his feet, and another huge wave came. The man hugged his beloved woman in his arms. A huge wave rushed towards the sky suddenly.

With a ray of warm sunlight shining on her body, Bei Tinghuang opened her eyes and looked down. In the boundless forest of monsters, at this time, they were in the sky above the abyss of the swamp, the ground collapsed inch by inch, countless water jets spewed upwards, and ancient trees of ten thousand years were broken and filled towards the ground, filled with dust and smoke At this time, the birds and beasts ran for their lives in panic, even those high-level monsters climbed up the hills in panic at this time, looking towards this side.

The sky collapses, the earth cracks, it's no exaggeration!

The rumbling sound can still be heard in the ears halfway across the sky. The collapse of the entire space caused huge energy fluctuations. At this time, the originally clear sky was piled up with ink clouds, and lightning flashed faintly behind the clouds. Like the eye of a peeping god, glaring at the human beings who caused this tragedy.

A spatial rift appeared above the swamp, and the turbulent flow from different time and space stirred the world even more turbulently. Even those powerful high-level monsters began to flee towards the outskirts of the monster forest, and the entire swamp abyss fell into the apocalypse.

"Ye, will there be a problem?" Bei Tinghuang didn't expect that the movement would be so big.

Yan Ye nodded, a pair of purple pupils slowly swept across the entire swamp abyss, his eyes seemed to carry huge energy, the place he swept began to calm down, even the ink clouds in the sky Started to evacuate, "I'm afraid it will alarm those people."

He smiled lightly, with obvious contempt on his face, and gently caressed Bei Tinghuang's hair, "But it's okay, it's just a matter of time, there will always be a day when we will meet."

Today's update!

It's already set up. In the early morning of the 30th of the day after tomorrow, the update will start. I'll wait for you, see you soon!

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