The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 880 There Are Thousands Of Ways To Hook Up People

"Since a woman wouldn't even look at him, why did you look at him? Aren't you a woman? If you don't look at him, how do you know he was born with purple pupils?"

At the entrance of the tavern, a woman stood leaning against the door. She was born as beautiful as an elf, with black hair and black pupils, and her drooping bangs covered most of her forehead, only revealing three clusters of strange flames in the center of her forehead. She was as clear and dark as a deer, and her skin was as delicate and fair as jade, which could be broken by blows. People had to be careful even when they looked at her, for fear that their eyes would scratch her cheeks.

The nose carved out of white spirit jade is a genius's handiwork, and the bright red lips are slightly pouty, making her look as cute as snow. She stood with her arms folded, and a short waistcoat set off her exquisite girlish figure, with an ethereal temperament all over her body. The cunning flashed in the eyes, showing a hint of seductiveness, pure and beautiful without losing the seductiveness of a woman.

Compared with Qingxi, a gorgeous woman who is flirting with men's organs everywhere at a glance, this girl is obviously several grades higher.

As soon as the girl appeared at the door, Qingyue's voice was like a spring ding-dong, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. The fiery eyes that were originally on Qingxi disappeared, making her look at the door with a smile on her face. There was a trace of cruelty.

But I have to say that this girl is the real beauty, so beautiful that Qingxi, who is famous all over the world on the Central Continent, can't help being jealous.

A girl with such aura will be born in the world. She is like a dewdrop in the early morning mist, and a ray of sunshine falling on the fingertips of a god.

In the originally noisy tavern, at this time, there was silence, and everyone dared not even vent their breath, for fear of disturbing the elf-like dewdrop girl. Pairs of fiery eyes carefully stared at the girl, one by one. Heart beating wildly.

This was a blow that Qingxi had never suffered before. She was known for her beauty, but at this time, as soon as this woman appeared, she took away all the aura from her body. Jealousy, like a poisonous snake, coiled around her heart, her heart seemed to be soaked in venom, her eyes were like snakes, and she licked towards the girl at the door.

"Who are you? Do you care if I look straight at you?"

Qingxi's voice was extraordinarily mean because of jealousy, compared to Beitinghuang's ethereal valley-like voice, it was like heaven and earth.

The people in the tavern couldn't react for a while, and they all looked at Qingxi with strange eyes. Seeing the original beauty, her face was twisted so badly at this time, there was a rhythm of a beauty turning into a witch in an instant, and they were dumbfounded.

"Of course I can manage it!"

An elf-like girl walked step by step in her little soft boots, her exquisite chin slightly raised, this is the real pride, it makes people feel that a girl like her can never be too proud. The girl walked up to Qingxi's side with nimble footwork, squinted her eyes up and down, then smiled lightly, "There are thousands of ways to hook up, and your way is too low. Just you Kind of, if you want strength but no strength, you want low-quality goods with no good looks, just find a man who is not demanding to warm the bed, don't run out and embarrass yourself!"

Eternal humiliation!

When Qingxi said this to Yan Ye, she didn't think it was too unpleasant, but at this moment, the words came out of another person's mouth and entered her ears, as if this person had used thousands of knives to scratch her. Bone like, is tolerable or unbearable!

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