The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 897 Cousin will give whatever Xiaojiu wants!

That's how she is. She created Iron Blood with one hand, but in the end, it fell into his hands. She never heard or asked, but instead made his hegemony.

"Xiao Jiu, Tie Xue has everything now. When we complete this task, we can pay a large amount of Lubisi for Phoenix City." After speaking, Chu Feng couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face. , he has iron and blood in his hands, so he must make some contributions to Phoenix City, right?

But Bei Tinghuang shook her head, she looked around a large forest of monsters, and pointed her finger in the direction of Yinyue Liberia Empire, "Cousin, I don't want Lubisi, what I want is a city, what I want is, the last I have the most powerful empire on the continent, can you help me do it?"

Chu Feng clenched his hands tightly into fists. She said that what she wants is the most powerful empire, can he do it? Chu Feng's gaze was fixed on Bei Tinghuang, and he couldn't see her delicate face, her spirited expression, no one was more arrogant than her, but she was also not more beautiful than her, she was the most beautiful like this.


The man's voice was slightly deeper and more magnetic. Chu Feng laughed loudly. His laughter startled a group of birds perched on the ancient tree. In his ear, he raised his generous hand and patted Bei Tinghuang's shoulder lightly, "Whatever Xiaojiu wants, my cousin will give you whatever!"

Don't say it's just a city, it's just an empire, even if it's the world!

Yanye came in a meandering manner, and the conversation between the siblings could only end here. After seeing Li again with Yan Ye, knowing that Yan Ye had already loosened Yu Rongge's ties with Bei Tinghuang's god-level dagger, as the deputy head of the iron-blooded mercenary group, Chu Feng had no choice but to solemnly thank Yan Ye.

"No need, I'm just doing it for Huang'er's sake." Yan Ye finished speaking casually, and urged Bei Tinghuang with her eyes to get on the road as soon as possible.

Bei Tinghuang glanced at him fiercely, she supported Chu Feng's arm, and led him towards the homeless camp, and said as she walked, "Cousin, the ring mainly contains some pills, and there are some domesticated medicines." Good monster, there is another woman, there are two bottles of broken spirit pills in the pill, more than 90% of them can be promoted to the spiritual sect after taking it, when you attack the Yinyue Liberian Empire, my eldest brother and I They will all help you."

Chu Feng's whole body was stiff and unable to move, it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He still remembers when Bei Tinghuang got the tungsten gold four-beast cauldron, and he accompanied Bei Tinghuang into the depths of Broken Soul Canyon to pick fairy grass and spiritual fruits. The soul is light, she has already been able to refine the breaking spirit pill.

"Xiao Jiu, did you also refine the Breaking God Pill?" Chu Feng summoned up his courage and asked a question that no mainlander dared to ask.

Bei Tinghuang nodded, "So, cousin, it's been fourteen years, you don't need to wait any longer, and you don't need to bear it any longer."

"I won't wait any longer, and I won't bear it any longer. But, Xiao Jiu, if my cousin waits for fourteen years and can exchange for a Xiao Jiu, my cousin will think it's worth it!" Chu Feng clenched his fists tightly, Looking at Beitinghuang seriously, he said, "Xiao Jiu is waiting for my good news!"

There are about a dozen pills in a bottle, and there are two bottles of breaking spirit pills in total, which means that there will be twenty spirit sects in Iron Blood. If the twenty spirit sects and hundreds of beasts could not flatten Yinyue Liberia, then Chu Feng would have lived in vain.

Moreover, when a spiritual master advances, the natal beast will definitely enter the super divine beast level. Chu Feng really can't imagine what the iron blood will look like at that time?

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