The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 933 I actually look a lot like His Royal Highness the Night King!

Bei Tinghuang rescued her lapel from the warrior's hands, patted it, smoothed it, and said very unhappy, "It turned out that it was a lie to say that as long as you report her location, you can give ten drops of source liquid. Who doesn't know that Your Excellency Beitinghuang is a Three-Sword Spirit Sect, who was able to flatten the Holy City, and that the Divine Monarch, as a Divine Rank, can't beat her, and even said that if you offer her head, you will be rewarded with a Breaking God Pill. Isn't that also a lie?"

Originally, everyone only saw that the reward was extraordinarily generous, and almost everyone was attracted by the ten drops of source liquid and one God-breaking pill. They didn't even consider how unrealistic the conditions were. Huang Yi said that everyone had woken up, and there was a lot of discussion immediately.

"Wucao, if I have the ability to cut off the head of Your Excellency Bei Tinghuang, I will also be a god!"

"That's right, what this little brother said is, doesn't the Temple of Judgment know that Her Excellency Beitinghuang is in Phoenix City? Do you want others to report it?"

"Whoever dares to report Her Majesty Bei Tinghuang and beheads her head recklessly, won't that attract the pursuit of the entire Phoenix City, Flame City and Dark Demon Palace? Do you still want to live?"

Seeing that Bei Tinghuang's words provoked the people to question the Temple of Judgment, the group of warriors looked at Bei Tinghuang one after another. Seeing that her pair of phoenix eyes were particularly bright, and her jade nose was like a pear blossom protruding from the courtyard wall in April, Her lips are as red as snow, and her whole body is full of evil charms, with a monstrous aura, male and female are indistinguishable.

At this time, everyone discovered that the young man was not afraid of death, wearing a purple long robe. On the hem of the robe was embroidered with large golden nine-layered Bana flowers. Following the boy's every move, those Bana flowers bloomed and faded as if they were alive. , the demon is impermanent.

Wucao, this boy, do you want to die? She was wearing the clothes of His Royal Highness the Night King? Oh, no, it's the same as the clothes of His Royal Highness the Night King, who doesn't know the whole continent, without the permission of His Highness the Night King, no one is allowed to wear the same clothes as him?

In fact, no one would go forward without fear of death and ask His Highness the Night King, "May I wear a dress of the same style as yours?"

This young man is very good, without further ado, he directly copied a dress of the same style as His Royal Highness the Night King, put it on, and walked on the street swaggeringly.

I have seen people who are not afraid of death, but I have never seen this kind of people who want to chase death.

All of a sudden, everyone backed away, three steps further away from Bei Ting Huang than before.

Of course, Bei Tinghuang could feel that everyone was looking at her at this moment, she touched her nose, glanced at her robe, and turned around in a very showy manner, "What's the matter? You also think this dress is good? Hehe, I saw that His Royal Highness the Night King looked good in his clothes, so I specially made a suit."

After she finished speaking, she touched her face again, "Don't you realize that I actually look a lot like His Royal Highness the Night King? Otherwise, I wouldn't be dressed like him."

Everyone shook their heads, and no one dared to admit in public that they had seen the face of His Royal Highness the Night King.

Everyone looked at Bei Tinghuang as if they were looking at a fool. This young man may not live long. Alas, she looks handsome and smart. It's a pity that she looks very much like His Royal Highness the Night King. face, and an abnormal brain.

Those warriors who caught people along the way and wanted to compare them with the portraits, seeing that Bei Tinghuang was purely a mentally ill person, gave Bei Tinghuang an angry look, and continued to walk forward.

Almost instantly, almost everyone in the city was spreading the word that there was a man who looked like His Highness the Night King and had an abnormal mind. The news, like the wind, blew across the entire western part of the continent.

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