Fengye killed the pseudo-god Situ Bo, which can be said to be effortless.

And this news spread to several surrounding countries in the future, in the Uranus country, the Situ family was in panic all day long!

For them, the ancestor died, it was like a towering tree with its back leaning on it, and it fell down, as if the end had come!

From this day on, the entire Situ family has become a lot low-key.

The children of their clan have finished their practice outside and returned home early.

Moreover, several elders in the family have given orders, all members of the Situ family, don't go out easily during this time!

Because the death of their ancestors is known to other power sects, it is inevitable that they will have to impose some means of revenge.

Because they usually have their ancestors in charge, the Situ family is also relatively high-profile, they don't put others in their eyes!

Even the royal family of Uranus, strictly speaking, bowed their heads in front of the Situ family.

Nowadays, the strongest person in the Situ family is nothing more than a powerful man, not even a supreme, so that the royal family of Uranus has already taken actions.

One after another, the powerful men of the royal family awakened from the closed state. After they learned of Stubb’s death, their minds immediately became active...

At this moment, the entire Uranus kingdom seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of clouds, and people knew that the sky was about to change.

However, none of this has anything to do with Fengye. At this time, he is walking on the vast ground, but he is not clueless.

Fengye has been searching for the secrets of Buddhism, but what happened in the White Night Kingdom has never revealed more information.

At this moment, he accidentally came to the border of White Night Kingdom and Raksha Kingdom, where he found that the storage space suddenly produced a weak wave.

With a thought, a huge fierce beast changed into a burst of smoke, and slowly appeared, it was the fierce beast that had not been seen for a long time!

It stays in the storage space, and it will never take the initiative to convey any belief to Fengye in normal meditation practice.

But at this moment, Qiongqi said that it has something to tell!

"Master Fengye, I wonder if you can remember the promise you made on Jufeng Mountain?"

Fengye nodded. He remembered that the elder of the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts killed one of his mounts because of cause and effect.

And that mount and the fierce beast Qiongqi have a trace of ancient blood. Their common ancestors are all from the real Qiongqi before the eternal age.

At this moment, Fengye also knew why Qiongqi Qiongqi would ask such a question, because the place at this junction is where the old nest of the Pantheon is located!

"Master Fengye, please fulfill your promise and go to destroy the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts!"

The Pantheon Palace is three thousand seven hundred miles away from Fengye. It does not belong to the Raksha Kingdom or the White Night Kingdom. Therefore, the two imperial families cannot interfere too much with the Pantheon Palace.

This is also the reason why the Ten Thousand Beasts Palace has grown stronger and stronger over the years, and it is difficult for outsiders to know what their true strength is!

Fengye also learned something from the White Night Kingdom Palace.

That is, today there are many countries or sect forces that are good at hiding their true strength, not as simple as it seems on the surface!

Ferocious Beast Qiongqi did not return to the storage space, but became Fengye's mount.

At this moment Fengye was sitting on Qiongqi's back, closing his eyes to rest his mind, and Qiongqi was showing the starlight, stepping on all fours in the air, fast as lightning, and instantly surpassed hundreds of thousands of miles!

Before long, the Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts had already appeared in front of them.

The Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts is located in a jungle, and the reason why it was chosen here is also because this mountain forest is suitable for stocking many fierce beasts.

These fierce beasts absorb the aura of the sun and the moon all day in the mountains and forests, and their strength has become stronger and stronger!

It's just that their unique souls have already been forcibly erased by a group of old guys in the Ten Thousand Beast Palace using secret means!

Therefore, no matter how powerful these fierce beasts develop, they are just like walking dead and can only obediently obey orders.

At this moment, the beast Qiongqi came to this mountain forest, and it immediately noticed many beasts with shackles on their necks, walking in the forest.

And these fierce beast powerhouses who should have been energetic, at this time are like pigs and dogs raised in captivity in the mortal world, eating the vegetation on the ground! ?

Not far away, people in the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts are laughing and chatting, looking like they are guarding these fierce beasts...

If placed in the mortal world, these people are the so-called herders!

Seeing this scene, Qiongqi, who is also a fierce beast, couldn't help it!

It opened its mouth wide, and let out an extremely angry roar!


This sound was like a cannonball, and the waves of air roared out and slammed forward fiercely!

This immediately opened up a road in the mountains and forests, and all the grass, trees, and rocks collapsed one after another.

This violent roar also shocked several disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Palace in the distance, they were so scared that they immediately jumped out of the boulder!

"There is an enemy attacking, sound the alarm quickly!"

A disciple said loudly.

Immediately, without waiting for them to take any action, the fierce beast Qiongqi had stepped forward and stood in front of them.

Seeing such a big and mighty beast, Qiongqi, with terrifying looks and terrifying looks, the thighs of the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Palace kept trembling.

Although they usually associate with fierce beasts, those fierce beasts are like very docile sheep in front of them.

However, seeing the terrifying appearance of this beast, they felt scared from the bottom of their hearts!

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!"

Several disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Palace stammered.

But why would Fengye care about such a little guy?

Before Fengye could speak, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of the beast Qiongqi, his mouth opened, and a blood-red brilliance spurted out of his mouth!

In an instant, surrounded by the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Palace, after a few blinks, the blood-colored brilliance returned to the mouth of the fierce beast Qiongqi.

And these disciples have turned into flesh and blood all over the ground, and their life essence has been absorbed by the fierce beast Qiongqi!

But for Qiongqi, the flesh and blood essence of these ordinary disciples didn't have much effect at all.

However, the fluctuations here have been captured by the Ten Thousand Beast Palace headquarters!

Suddenly in the palace, in several retreats, at the same time an old man opened his eyes.

They frowned, and then used a certain secret method, wanting to perceive who the intruder is?

At this moment, in the entire mountain forest, at least dozens of places were lit up with colorful lights at the same time! .

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