With Fengye's permission, Qiongqi can unbridled its desire to kill.

In the past, it was deliberately suppressing itself, and it would cause a lot of catastrophes if you deny it!

However, after getting the default at this time, the beast Qiongqi no longer suppressed himself, and launched a crazy killing!

In front of the fierce beast Qiongqi, these ordinary disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Palace are weak and pitiful, they are like ants and reptiles, one by one screaming and running desperately!

However, Qiongqi used an indiscriminate coverage attack, and the terrifying sound waves were transmitted, causing a devastating wave of air in the air.

With its body as the center, it spreads rapidly to the surroundings!

At this time, some of the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Palace had already fled far away, but their bodies exploded.

There is no resistance under the sound waves, a catastrophe has passed, and the entire Ten Thousand Beast Palace has no life...

Moreover, under the attack of the sound waves of the fierce beasts, the entire palace pillars of the Pantheon Palace collapsed one after another, the roof fell, and the ground cracked and turned into a mass of ruins.

At this moment, a figure quickly flew over from the horizon!

Before he came to the ruins of the Ten Thousand Beasts Palace, he saw this scene of human misery from a distance!

He burst into tears in his eyes, hammering his chest into his chest and yelling: "No!"

This person is the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Hall. He was retreating in the deep mountains, but he was reported by his subordinates that a powerful enemy came and wanted to destroy the Ten Thousand Beasts Hall!

He immediately felt anxious, and then ended his retreat practice and hurried over here quickly.

Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late!

At this moment, I saw that the Temple of the Beasts no longer existed, and all kinds of ruins, bricks and tiles were everywhere on the ground.

There are also some stumps with broken arms. Obviously, these are all from the disciples of the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts!

Moreover, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts covered his Chakra within a radius of hundreds of miles at this time. However, under the induction of his Chakra, there was no one alive!

In other words, the Ten Thousand Beast Palace that he has worked so hard to manage today has been completely wiped out.

Not only the palace was destroyed, but even all the disciples failed to escape and ascend to heaven!

This hatred, it can be said that it is not shared!

Without saying a word, the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts directly carried a monstrous hatred, displayed a unique technique, and rushed towards the fierce beast Qiongqi!

The lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts has worked hard in retreat, and finally cultivated to the realm of supreme. On this planet, a supreme still has a lot of weight.

He is preparing to bring his sect to the surrounding countries, and then create a dynasty of his own!

But I didn't expect it to land at a very fast speed before taking off...

However, in the next moment, the body of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts seemed to be severely hammered, and he kept going backwards.

The fierce beast is very strange, with a fierce light in his eyes, and a trace of scarlet blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth!

Its four hooves ran swiftly in the air, at a rapid speed, and quickly rushed behind the Lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts.

Then it opened its own blood basin and opened its mouth, directly, and instantly don't bite the waist of the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts!

This time, the lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts Palace was so scared that he could feel the vast and majestic power, and it was full of endless blood and sea, which was not something he could fight against!

In front of the fierce beast, Qiongqi, he seemed to be naturally suppressed by blood. Chūnin couldn't help feeling panic, and his limbs became weak and weak.

It's hard to believe that such a situation would happen to him. You must know that he is the supreme!

This is the real supreme, not the half-step supreme.

However, the beast Qiongqi said, even if you are the real supreme, what about it?

Its strength has long surpassed the average pseudo-god. Although it is still a little bit close in realm, its combat effectiveness is indeed equivalent to that of a god!

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving, it was the villain who ran into the lord with no eyes but ""!"

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts, like other strong men, began to beg for mercy frantically when they were about to die.

At this moment, the name of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts and the supreme identity are all forgotten...

Fengye couldn't help but sigh, why everyone is like this, do not know the value of life until death?

The fierce beast Qiongqi gave Fengye a slight gesture with his eyes, and asked what he meant.

However, Fengye waved his hand gently, and said nothing.

This Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts no longer exists, and the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts has also forged a great causal relationship with him.

Since this period of cause and effect cannot be repaid, then just as he said before, cut the mess with a sharp knife, and cut all the cause and effect in half!

Fierce Beast nodded in a strange way, and closed his mouth fiercely in the next moment.

The body of the Lord of the Beasts was instantly bitten off from it, but the true supreme will never die because of the destruction of the body!

His stump flew quickly in the air, trying to escape.

But the next moment, a blood-red ray of light suddenly appeared in Qongqi's eyes, which was like a sharp sword flying through the air, accurately shooting through the residual limbs of the Lord of the Beasts!

The lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts made a scream, which spread far and wide, becoming the last loud noise between heaven and earth!

When this happened, Fengye sat on the back of the beast Qiongqi and ordered it to fly in one direction.

Shortly after the destruction of the Wan Beast Palace, someone from outside passed by, and was frightened suddenly!

What they saw before their eyes was a shattered palace site, the ground was full of ruins, and all kinds of broken branches and arms.

The blood is all over the earth, and one after another strong man who exudes a tyrannical aura before his death, at this time he can't find a complete body!

These people came from several surrounding countries, and they immediately spread the news, so the whole world (Li Zhao) was completely shocked!

You must know that the Hall of Beasts has always been located at the border between the Raksha Kingdom and the White Night Kingdom, and it has never been in dispute with the world.

And because of the particularity of its geographical location, the royal families of the two major countries dare not do anything with it. This gives it enough time and space for it to develop its own power!

After so many years, the two imperial families have realized that the Temple of the Beasts has begun to grow bigger and cannot be allowed to develop like this!

However, the strength of the Ten Thousand Beast Palace was greatly increased at this time, and the two royal families were no longer able to provoke.

There is even a rumor in the world that if the Ten Thousand Beast Palace participates in the ranking of the sect, then the first place in the Xiaoyao Tiangong is at stake!

But I didn't expect that in one night, the Temple of the Beasts turned into ruins and became the dust of history.

Moreover, the body of the Lord of the Beasts was also found, and his stump exuded a terrifying and supreme aura! .

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