23. Capable Trash


The Black Magic Society’s security used to be terrible. Needless to say, each branch’s information was shared with each other.

But now, it was so thorough that it had multiple layers of security.

Even Galahad found the last door somewhat difficult.

Three magic stones were inserted into the door. Even at a glance, their level was at least intermediate. Even the tower master’s room didn’t have such a door. It was a luxury possible because it was in the north, where the magic stone quarry was located.

The design of the magic circle connecting the magic stones seemed familiar.

‘It’s the old man’s work.’

He kept bragging about retiring, but it seemed like he couldn’t let go of his old habits.

‘Is the old man in the north?’

It was unknown. If Galahad had come alone, things could have gotten quite complicated.

If it was a door designed by the old man, even Galahad couldn’t easily break through it.

How much was the old man worth, plus three intermediate magic stones? He didn’t even know how much money had gone into the security.

‘Did I hit him that hard?’

Galahad clicked his tongue softly.

However, there was something they had overlooked.

No matter how perfect the security was, problems always arose from people.

People couldn’t be perfect. Even more so for someone who had taken four years to graduate from the academy.

“Oh, and for now, keep your name a secret.”

He was even keeping his name a secret.

Judging from the greedy flickering in Cordell’s eyes, it seemed like he had other plans.

Galahad didn’t need to refuse, so he nodded.

“Come in.”

Cordell confidently opened the door.

Unlike the elaborate security, the interior was surprisingly ordinary.

The interior was drab gray, as if no attention had been paid to it. The only difference from a dungeon was the lack of iron bars. There was nothing to say about the aesthetic sense of those damn sorcerers.

Books everywhere and gloomy guys walking around in hoods. Unlike the name Black Mage, it was surprisingly ordinary tower scenery.

Among them, magic stones rolling around like rocks and expensive-looking magical tools caught his eye.

“The facilities are impressive.”

“Didn’t I tell you? The north is in its heyday. There are so many excavated magic stone quarries that we can’t even keep track of them. And the stupid northerners treat magic stones like worthless pebbles, so what more can I say?”

When he prodded him a little, his dear alumnus, Cordell, immediately explained. What a kind guy.

‘Rather, it’s a boom period.’

He had worked so hard to get it, but he was surprised that the north was doing so well.

‘I guess I’ll have to change my approach this time.’

Originally, he had planned to find some evidence and persuade them one by one to get information from other branches. That would have been cleaner.

However, the situation was different from what he had expected.

‘The security is too tight.’

Even Cortan, who seemed to be quite high-ranking, didn’t know the location of the other branches. There was a chance that even if they dug into their heads, they wouldn’t get any information.

Palho would bring the information, but he couldn’t just wait for that.

An agent always had to dig two tunnels.

“We need a lot of magicians to dig out magic stones. We treat magicians the best. It’s an amount you won’t get even in the capital.”

“The magicians dig out the magic stones themselves?”

“Oh, you don’t know. Hmm-.”

Galahad knew quite well about the utilization and usage of magic stones, but he didn’t know how to dig them out.

No, he wasn’t interested in it in the first place.

To Galahad, magic stones were just toys. Or they were just assistant tools.

“It’s more efficient for magicians to dig out magic stones. If ordinary people dig them out, the quality often decreases-. That’s why Mark can’t let go of my hand.”

Galahad nodded at the kind explanation.

‘So that’s why Mark acted neutral.’

In order to utilize the magic stone mines, they needed magicians, so even if Cortan acted suspiciously, Mark wouldn’t have been able to let him go.

‘He’s brave.’

In the north, where the perception of magicians was not good, the captain was accepting magicians and even doing business with them-. It wasn’t just bravery.

The three magic stone mines were worth that much.

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The strengthened security, the relationship with Mark of the 5th Battalion, the operation of the magic stone mines-. Galahad calculated them one by one.

There were too many side effects to just get rid of it. Moreover, the advantages of keeping it were enormous.

They were so thorough with the security that they didn’t even know the location of the other branches.

That meant that the branches were disconnected. It meant that even if someone swallowed something, the higher-ups wouldn’t notice-.

‘It would be better to keep this branch.’

Galahad nodded.

If he kept this branch, he could receive information from the other branches. He could also hold the hilt in his relationship with Mark of the 5th Battalion.

Moreover, he would get a lot of money by operating the magic stone mines.

Damian’s meal expenses were quite a lot.


Galahad’s eyes sank.

Originally, there were no bad swords.

There were only bad owners.

‘I just have to use it in a good place.’

The corners of Galahad’s lips went up.

At that moment, a sharp voice was heard.

“Lord Cortan, where are you going?”

He was a man with a face full of freckles. The man’s eyes were full of vigilance.

There was a huge magic stone embedded in the staff the man was holding.

In the capital, a staff with a magic stone embedded in it was a symbol of a popular magician. But here, it felt like a hiking stick.

“Oh, Bart. I’m busy, so get out of the way.”

“I have never heard of any visitors today. The academy strictly prohibits outsiders from entering. If this fact reaches the higher-ups, it’s clear that it will bring disadvantages to the branch itself.”

“You there, freckled whelp!” barked the guard, looking Galad up and down.

His words were as rigid as his posture, and as such, irksome.

Galad wondered how Cornton would talk his way out of this one.

“Pipe down, Bart! You should be out there mining mana stones! How dare you raise your voice at me, your acting site manager!”

Cornton immediately roared back.

What a novel approach.

“N-no, sir. I just meant that allowing outsiders in is a sensitive matter.”

“Do my words not sound like words to you? What do you know, a mere grunt?”

“Have you spoken to the higher-ups about this?”

“The branch manager is out, so I am the higher-up! Do I have to report to you? Who do you think you are?”

“That’s not what I-“

“Fine. You be the acting site manager then! I’ll report to you.”

“N-no, that’s not necessary.”

Cornton’s blatant abuse of authority turned the freckled guard’s face red.

‘Impressive,’ Galad thought, genuinely impressed.

Yet, the guard didn’t back down easily.

“Outsiders are still dangerous, regardless. We must be prepared for any potential threats.”

“We’re not even carrying wands, and you’re worried about potential threats?”

Galad brushed open his coat. No sword, no wand. Just a neat shirt and trousers.

‘So that’s why he’s taking me so lightly. He thinks I’m unarmed.’

It was only then that Galad realized why Cornton was taking him so lightly.

Indeed, the possession of a mana stone-embedded wand made a huge difference among mages.

Mages didn’t spend their entire life savings on wands for nothing.

Once they confirmed that Galad didn’t have a wand, the suspicion in the eyes of the others dissipated. It seemed that their reliance on wands was even more severe than in the capital.

However, the guard still wouldn’t let it go.

“Your mana capacity could still be high. We need to measure it.”

“Ugh, you’re really starting to annoy me. That’s why you’ll never rise above being a grunt.”

“We can’t be too careful.”

“Fine. Let’s see it then. Go ahead and check my magical equipment. It’s the same as what you did back at the academy.”

Galad nodded.

The principle of the mana measurement tool was the same as when Galad infused mana during a handshake.

It was a method of roughly estimating one’s total mana capacity by measuring the amount instantly absorbed after infusing a high concentration of mana.

“Bart, if you’re just messing with us, you’d better brace yourself.”

Cornton glared at the freckled guard and clicked his tongue.

The guard reluctantly looked away and handed Galad the mana measurement tool.

“The instructions are…”

“I know how to use it.”

Galad took it from him and strapped it around his forearm.

Galad recalled the amount of mana he had back when he was at the academy.

‘It would be better if it was slightly reduced.’

Mana measuring tools were not very reliable in the first place.

Even the Intelligence Agency used mana measuring tools only as references.

However, these guys seemed to trust it blindly. Starting from each of them holding a staff to the mana measuring tool – it seemed their reliance on magical tools was worse than expected.

It was an inevitable phenomenon when magic stones were overflowing.

Magic was less efficient than increasing one’s mana stone even after training for a year.

As humans, they had no choice but to take shortcuts.

However, unfortunately, the right path was always the hardest.

‘To think a wizard is relying on tools.’

Galahad suppressed his rising disgust and adjusted his mana concentration.

Mana verification was nothing more than a habit for Galahad. Manipulating it in reverse to adjust his mana was a piece of cake.

The mana measuring tool emitted a crimson light.

The mana measuring tool would turn black when there was little mana and red when there was a lot. It meant he was an average wizard.

It seemed the fact that an average wizard didn’t even have a staff made him seem completely harmless to them.

A mocking smile crept onto Corton’s face. His mocking skills were top-notch.

The freckled man’s face showed slight relief. He was a true loyalist.

However, our reliable Corton didn’t have eyes to see loyalty.

“Didn’t I tell you clearly! That it is necessary! And yet, you dare doubt me, a mere subordinate?!”

“No, that’s not it—”

“What! You punk! Go dig up some magic stones! You have double the quota today!”

Corton’s outburst made the freckled man’s face crumple.

The freckled man disappeared as if running away.

It was a typical loyalist’s excuse.


Galahad muttered the name softly.

“A nobody is causing trouble! Ha, anyway, since the branch manager is away, let’s take a look around the lab. Don’t you like research?”

Corton chattered and laughed.

It seemed he was completely relieved after passing the mana test.

He must have also had the intention of holding onto Galahad tightly.

But still, he was going to show him the lab-.

‘He’s capable.’

He really was a capable trash.

“Thank you.”

Galahad once again expressed his sincere gratitude.

“That’s what fellow alumni are for.”

Corton grinned.

He truly was a reliable fellow alumnus.


“I heard the vice-captain brought an outsider.”

“My goodness, really-?”

Sheron doubted his ears.

The deputy director was incompetent, but he was fiercely ambitious. It was common for him to claim the achievements of his subordinates as his own.

However, it was difficult to dismiss him as completely useless.

Cortan, whose ambition knew no bounds, often boasted of ridiculous achievements.

His deal with the captain of the 5th Battalion was also Cortan’s doing. That was how he had risen to the position of deputy director.

But bringing in an outsider was a reckless act that crossed the line.

“Even as deputy director, would he have brought in an outsider without thinking? He’s the kind of guy who’d sell his own body for a promotion. He must be someone important enough to ignore security.”

Everyone nodded in agreement with Sheron’s words.

The topic shifted to the person the deputy director had brought in.

Who on earth could it be, that the deputy director would resort to such extreme measures?

“What are you all doing here!”

A familiar roar came from behind. It was the deputy director, his shoulders hunched up.

Naturally, everyone’s attention turned to the person next to him.

He was a handsome man with slicked-back hair. He had the appearance of a man between a youth and an adult, but his deep-set eyes were filled with fatigue.

He was a man with long, slender legs and arms, but he had a certain air of solidity about him.

In a word, he was a clean-cut, handsome, aristocratic priest.

However, his eyes were strange. They were deeply sunken. As if-.

Sheron met the man’s gaze and quickly looked away.

“Sheron, show this guy your research.”

“······Yes? My research?”

It was an absurd order. Sheron’s job was to study the Mazoku. To show it to an outsider-.

“You’ll be working together from now on, anyway.”


With the branch director out of town, there was no one to stop Cortan. All he would get for resisting was a scolding.

“Take a look around. I’ll be back after making a report.”

Sheron was slightly shocked that Cortan referred to his Mazoku research as something to be gawked at.

Sheron and the unknown man headed to the laboratory together.

“It’s a bit messy. I didn’t expect any guests.”

“It’s fine. A wizard’s laboratory is always a bit chaotic.”

The man’s old-fashioned way of speaking convinced Sheron that he was an aristocrat.

“What… what is it, Sheron?”

Farntal, who was in the laboratory, asked nervously, his eyes wide. His sharp gaze was fixed on the man.

Farntal was a pain in the neck who even the branch director had a hard time dealing with when it came to research. Sheron hurriedly explained the situation.

“The deputy director wants me to show him the research results.”

“To whom? Surely not-.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m the one in question.”

The man waved his hand cheekily, and Farntal’s eyebrows shot up.

“Are you crazy? Do you know what research is-.”

“You do your thing. I’ll show him around.”

Farntal’s furrowed brow did not relax even at Sheron’s words.

“You wouldn’t understand even if you saw it anyway,” Sherin whispered, and only then did the blue-haired man step back.

Sherin’s research wasn’t the kind that could be understood with just one look anyway.

“My task is to research the blood of the demons.”

“The blood of the demons?”

Sherin’s lips curled up at the man’s question.

That was the typical reaction when someone heard that she researched demons.

In the Empire, researching the demons was strictly forbidden.

Researching the demons was no different than an act of rebellion. Of course, she was bound to be nervous.

‘Is he… laughing?’

Sherin’s eyes widened at the slight upturn of the man’s lips.

She looked closer and it was indeed the case.

She must have been mistaken.

“I suppose you receive supplies from the 5th Corps?”

“·······Ah, yes. They use the skin of the demons, but not their blood.”

“How did you research it? You can’t measure the blood of the demons with mana measuring tools.”

“Yes, that’s why I had to create a separate mana measuring tool for the demons.”

The man knew that the blood of the demons contained mana, and that its concentration was high. He must have researched the demons.

“A mana measuring tool for demons? You must be using magic stones, but isn’t it impossible because the concentration is too low? Ah, I see, you’re checking the rate at which mana escapes. Is it a one-time use?”

Sherin nodded shakily at the man’s question.

He had only said a few words, but the man was asking about the principles of the mana measuring tool for demons. It felt strange, as if she had revealed a secret.

“Wouldn’t that use up too many magic stones?”

“Ha! What a simple observation. You’re saying that it uses up a lot of magic stones. Then why don’t you suggest another solution!”

Blue-hair spoke sharply. Since he was always criticized for using too many magic stones, it was a sensitive topic for him.

However, there was no other way besides using magic stones. The mana concentration of the demons was too high.

The man frowned at Blue-hair’s question.

As if he didn’t understand.

Just as Sherin was about to say something, the man asked a question.

“Can’t you just drink it?”

His voice was calm, as if the content was nothing special.

Sherin, who had been thinking about what the man had said, was shocked.

“Drink the blood of the demons?!”

“Why are you so surprised? Isn’t that efficient? It would reduce the consumption of magic stones and have a positive effect on your own mana.”

Indeed, the man’s words were terribly theoretical.


“Drinking the blood of the demons… how barbaric is that…”

Drinking the blood of the demons directly was a crude and barbaric method.

“Hmm, to research the blood of the demons, you’ll need at least intermediate-grade magic stones, and those aren’t cheap, are they? And wouldn’t drinking it be more accurate and efficient?”

The man calmly explained why he should drink the blood of the demons.

“Ha! Drink the blood of the demons! You can only say that because you don’t know how high the mana concentration of the demons is! How many wizards have died or gone mad from drinking the blood of the demons!”

Blue-hair retorted sharply. Sherin nodded in agreement.

How many people died after drinking the blood of the Dark Clan?

The man shook his head.

As if it were the wrong answer.

“They didn’t die from drinking the blood of the Dark Clan.

The man said in his characteristically calm voice.

‘They died after drinking the blood of the Dark Clan, but they didn’t die from drinking the blood of the Dark Clan?’

Sheren’s eyes widened.

What in the world did that mean?

“They died because they couldn’t withstand the blood of the Dark Clan.”

The man said resolutely.

A heavy silence fell for a moment.

Sheren earnestly considered whether what she had heard was correct.

‘So, they died from drinking the blood of the Dark Clan because they couldn’t stand it?’

It was like saying that someone who died after falling into water died because they couldn’t get out of the water.

However, there was a firm conviction in the man’s calm voice.

“The blood of the Demon Clan is less concentrated than the blood of the Dark Clan, so it’s drinkable. Come on, try it. You just need to sober up. Ah, try it.”

The man offered the cup containing the blood of the Demon Clan as if offering alcohol.

Sheren’s eyes widened as if they were about to tear at the man’s earnest voice.

He was saying that the blood of the Demon Clan was less concentrated than the blood of the Dark Clan and that it was drinkable.

‘He’s saying he drank both of them!!’

Sheren and Parantal’s faces turned pale.

‘Corton! This madman! Did he really bring a real warlock?!’

Sheren desperately suppressed the scream that was about to burst out.

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