46. The One Recognized by the Emperor

The crow remained silent.

Galahad stood still, smoking a pipe in front of him.

The crow waited quietly without speaking first.

After a while, Galahad opened his mouth as if he had finished thinking.

“Can we contact Yeomyeong?”

“Yeomyeong is contacting us unilaterally. We can’t initiate contact.”


The crow swallowed dry saliva at the man’s low, husky voice.

“What about the Academy President?”

“……Yeomyeong probably has a connection with them. However, the Academy President won’t take the lead.”

“That’s right, let’s go to the 5th Circle branch, and I’ll introduce you to Corton.”


The crow, who had nodded, suddenly had a question.

‘How does the branch manager of the 5th Circle know about this?’

No, it didn’t seem like they just knew it from talking. It felt like they had been told beforehand.

How long had it been since they came to the North? The crow swallowed their question, holding it back until the end.

“This is a revised magic circle of a monster tamer. It’s more effective than the one you’re using.”

Galahad pulled out a piece of parchment with a intricately drawn magic circle. There were even notes and explanations on the side.

‘Why do they have a monster tamer’s magic circle…’

Another question arose, but the crow held it back again.

It was better to say less in front of this man.


“If you put that at the top, you’ll get a response. The Academy President will probably freak out, don’t you think?”

The crow nodded again.

It was true. The Dark Magic Academy had invested a lot in the 7th Circle.

No, rather, they had invested too much.

But it was stuck, and the Dark Magic Academy would definitely be in trouble.

That didn’t mean it would collapse, though…

“Giving up on the Dark Path isn’t an option.”

At Galahad’s words, the crow let out a small sigh.

‘So you’ve been holding onto the Dark Path.’

Galahad’s reason for holding onto the Dark Path was a mystery, but now it was clear.

Closing the Dark Path was harder than opening it, but Galahad didn’t seem like someone who couldn’t do it.

The question was, why hadn’t they closed it?

‘It was bait to catch the Academy President.’

If the Dark Path had been completely closed, the Academy President would have hidden.

This cautious man would have gone deeper into the plan.

The plan had failed, but the Dark Path remained. The plan was half-successful.

At this point, the Academy President would contact them somehow…

‘I was aiming for the Academy President.’

Thinking back, Galahad had been talking about the Academy President from the beginning.

Even the idol group’s movements, including the Director and Adrianna, were just a stepping stone for this man.

The crow nodded even deeper.

“If you get a response, let me know. If you’re late or lacking again, I might really be disappointed.”


The crow replied hastily. The man’s voice was still carefree and calm, but that made it even more intimidating.

“You’ve worked hard, so it’s time for you to rise to fame.”

It was a sudden remark.

The crow’s mind went blank.

‘I’ve taken over the 5th Circle branch, and they’re telling me to go there. They’re aiming for the Academy President, and to get to the Academy President, they need to… But rise to fame?’


The crow let out a small sigh.

“You’re planning to take over the Dark Magic Society, aren’t you?”

It wasn’t just about the Dark Magic Society being the goal. It was just a means to get to the top-.

Galahad had set up the crow as the society’s president, planning to catch the top.

“How much benefit do you think you’ll get from just one Dark Magic Society?”

Then, Galahad’s words came to mind.

If I become famous-.

“Then I’ll be the president…?”

The crow nodded its head even more.

“Thank you!”

This time, it was sincere.

“Then I’ll go, I’m late for the meeting.”

The tone was so carefree, it was hard to believe they had just talked about taking over the Dark Magic Society.

As if, this was nothing to him-.

“Let’s work hard!”

The crow trembled with determination.


“Why am I stuck between these giants-.”

Hains, the 7th generation’s commander, slowly let out a heavy sigh.

This time, the commander’s seat was vacant, and Hains had taken it. It was a personnel change due to the previous night’s chaos.

The other commanders also looked uncomfortable, like Hains.

It was because the names of the people in the meeting room were too heavy.

From Gilbert Knight to Bellogram, and even Adrianna-.

Hains, who had been a squad leader until now, felt overwhelmed by these people.

These heavyweights had gathered for the meeting, but it hadn’t started yet. Everyone was waiting for someone, sitting quietly.

“Who is it, anyway?”

He muttered to himself, looking at the empty seat.

Just then, the door opened softly, and a neat, refined man entered. He looked more like a noble than a northerner.

“Ah, everyone’s here.”

The man spoke lightly and naturally took his seat.

“…What do you do when the person who called the meeting is the latest to arrive?”

Gilbert Knight stood behind the man, muttering softly.

“That man is the special forces commander.”

Hains had already heard the rumors.

“The one who received the Duke’s recognition.”

Hains felt a shiver. The Duke’s recognition was a legendary honor in the north.

In the north, those who were called heroes were all people who had received the Duke’s cup at least once.

However, there was no one who had received the cup and lived to tell the tale.

No, there was no one who had survived after receiving the cup.

But that man drank the cup.

He received the Archduke’s approval.

It was very meaningful.


‘The one who receives the Archduke’s approval and marries Adrianna!’

Heinz’s eyes sparkled.

He was the one others would wait for.

“How much damage did the 7th Battalion suffer?”

“Except for two, all the captains have been replaced, and only two-tenths of the soldiers remain.”

Velogrime reported naturally.

“I see, is it enough to maintain security on the front lines?”

“Yes, but since the damage to the inner city is severe, there will be difficulties in supplying supplies.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ve already told the captain of the 5th Battalion. Support will be here soon.”

The man answered as if the 5th Battalion was his own.

Heinz wondered about that, but-.

‘The one who received the Archduke’s approval!’

He seemed even greater.

“Will the front line be maintained?”

“Yes, it will be a little difficult, but we will manage. Since His Highness the Archduke has seen it, additional troops will come soon.”

“I see, then let’s move on to the Demon Realm Training Center-.”

Everyone gulped at the words Demon Realm Training Center.

It was the most talked-about story in the 7th Battalion recently.

Where there should have been an inner city, a strange ash settled.

They called it the Demon Realm because it was as unpleasant as hell.

A place where the demons were. But they were going to make a training center out of it.

As expected, his talent was different from others. The captains couldn’t help but admire him. Everyone’s eyes sparkled.

“The monsters are ready to enter the Demon Realm. The defense is also about to be finalized.”

Everyone nodded firmly at the sight of the one who received the Archduke’s approval.

“I think it’s really great that you survived this serious situation where the Demon Realm opened. It shows how hard the 7th Battalion usually trains.”

The one who received the Archduke’s approval stood up and applauded.

Applause from the one who received the Archduke’s approval-!

Heinz’s eyes filled with tears.

“I mean it. Unlike the 1st Battalion on the front lines, you didn’t have a chance to encounter the Demon Realm, but you handled it so well. I was really impressed.”

The approval of the one who received the Archduke’s approval!

Heinz bit his lip tightly. Otherwise, he felt like he would burst into cheers.

“I saw potential in you. That’s why I promoted the Demon Realm Training Center. Because here in the Demon Realm, there are warriors who have survived against monsters! Now, applaud Sir Gilbert.”

Gilbert clapped his hands belatedly. Clap, clap, clap.

At that moment, even Adrianna joined in.

Not only did he receive the Archduke’s approval, but he was also applauded by Adrianna, the hero of the North.

It was hard to keep his sanity with such overwhelming emotion.

This is…

‘……Aren’t we great?’

Heinz realized it right away.

That he was great.

“I opened the Demon Realm Training Center because I believed in you. Think about it. We didn’t just defend until now. Demons! The Demon Race! We’ve always silently watched!”

Yes! Before they knew it, they were on their feet. They answered in unison.

“But we can’t end the war by just defending. We have to cross the wall someday. And the Demon Realm Training Center will be the first act of that counterattack. I guarantee it.”

The first act of the counterattack! Heinz gulped at the impressive words.

Was it okay for him, who was just a platoon leader yesterday, to hear such grand words! Was it okay to receive recognition from someone who received the Grand Duke’s recognition!

“Company and battalion leaders from other battalions will come to train under you. The 7th Battalion will become the center of the north! Not the corner, but the center!”

Center! It was an electrifying word for the 7th Battalion, which had always been treated like the outskirts.

“You are no longer mere soldiers. You are warriors who will end the war.”

The one who received the Grand Duke’s recognition looked around the crowd. As expected of someone who received the Grand Duke’s recognition, his voice was powerful.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for his next words.

“Now! Warriors, are you ready?”

Warriors. It was a strangely itchy word.

The one who received the Grand Duke’s recognition called them warriors.

The company leaders jumped to their feet.


“Now, warriors, follow me!”

Galahad realized again that the northern bastards were easier than he thought.


“…Is it okay to just shove them into the Demon Realm like that?”

Gilbert narrowed his eyes at the soldiers charging into the Demon Realm with a shout.

Of course, there were no demons inside, but the Demon Realm itself was dangerous.

It created an environment where it was hard to breathe and an instinctive fear where you couldn’t see an inch in front of you.

To go in there with just a sword-.

‘It’s similar to the knight training process.’

Galahad flicked his cigarette.

“How do you become a knight in the north?”

“Yes? You become a knight once you experience actual combat and realize your beliefs.”

It was a truly ignorant method. That was probably why the quality of knights was higher than in the central region-.

“It’ll be fine if we put them in and take them out a few times. Aren’t they all brave?”

Galahad replied, flicking his cigarette.

The enthusiasm he had just now when he was encouraging the soldiers in front of the Demon Realm was nowhere to be seen.

“Northern men are easy to handle.”

“…It’s not like that for everyone.”

Gilbert sharply replied to Galahad’s mutter.

“Is that so? Well, there’s you.”


“Ah, you know that. If you train your sword in the mana zone, the effect is even better. The dense mana concentration affects the physical body.”

“Why are you saying this now!”

Gilberton drew his sword and rushed into the mana zone.

“Enter! Brave warriors! The future of the North depends on you!”


The sound of fierce screams and shouts echoed continuously.

Galahad didn’t need to do anything. He just laid out the training grounds, and they started training on their own.

“I wonder if there’s another training environment as good as this.”

The mana zone was a place where the concentration was so dense that it was hard to compare with anywhere else.

If you went in and out of there, it was impossible for there to be no effect.

Of course, it would be quite painful, but the original answer was always on the difficult path.

“Now that I think about it, that’s the method he used.”

Galahad suddenly remembered the guy and frowned.

There was a weird guy who always bothered Galahad whenever he saw him.

He was originally a knight, but suddenly declared that he would learn magic after seeing Galahad.

And he actually learned magic.

He wasn’t as good as Galahad, but he was better than other magicians.

That’s what the guy had said.

Training in a high-mana concentration environment made him stronger faster-.

It was a foolish method, but seeing the guy, it seemed to be effective.


“What was his name again?”

It wasn’t that important, so Galahad shook his head.


In the information agency within the Grand Duke’s castle, Handsome’s dusty hand was waving.

The situation had finally settled down after the new agency reorganization.

“It’s about time for the reinforcements to arrive-.”

Handsome reported to Galahad that Rose had died at the hands of the demon tribe, according to his advice.

Handsome did it to survive, but also to protect Rose’s honor.

Although he had never seen Rose, she was the one who protected the agency in the northernmost part of the empire.

He wanted her honor to be protected in the cold, bitter darkness where she died.

Just then, the agency’s door shook violently.

Handsome gripped the hilt of his sword and stood up.

He checked the outside through the device next to the door. There was a burly man with a rugged face and a cold-looking woman.

The door opened soon after.

The door opening meant that the person was sent by the information agency. However, Handsome, who had been betrayed, didn’t let go of his sword.

The burly man entered first. His yellow eyebrows looked like a caterpillar.

“Ah- you must be Handsome.”

“Identify yourself.”

Handsome’s sword was already pointed at the man’s neck. The man lowered his eyes, and in that moment-.


The handsome man’s sword flashed roughly. Water droplets sparkled on his hand. It was magic. No-.

“First Lane. You’re the additional personnel for AnGa, right.”


Hansom doubted his own eyes. It was definitely magic, but it looked like Orer.

It was only then that he realized the man’s true identity.

“Magician First-!”

Hansom’s eyes widened as if they would burst. If it was First, he was a famous agent from the Intelligence Agency. He wasn’t someone who would be assigned to a small town like AnGa in the north.

“Hmm, that’s right. I’m that Magician.”

“Stop the unnecessary chatter, First.”

The woman with a cold expression behind the man spoke sharply. The man chuckled and entered the room.

Hansom slightly averted his gaze.

The man sat down naturally in the chair, which creaked under his massive build. He put a thick cigar in his mouth.

Next, he lit a flame on his finger and attached it to the cigar. A damp, wooden smell spread.

‘He’s eerily similar to Galahad.’

Hansom thought of Galahad. For some reason, the two men’s actions seemed similar.

Galahad was natural. Compared to him, the man seemed somehow artificial.

‘Is he imitating Galahad?’

As the man exhaled a long stream of smoke, the woman wrinkled her nose and covered her face.

“Bring me all the information on Galahad.”

The man looked at Hansom and said. Hansom’s lips tightened slightly.

Galahad had never told him to hide his information. However, Galahad was a benefactor. The benefactor’s information-.

“Bring it. Can’t you hear me?”

The man glared at Hansom, his eyes narrowing. The tension rose. Hansom tapped the hilt of his sword.


“Your shoulder’s stiff.”

A flash of lightning struck.

No, it was a sword infused with lightning.

“Hmm, you’re quite flashy, just like Galahad.”

First nodded, looking at the report in his hand.

“Shall we handle it?”

The woman pointed her sword at Hansom’s neck and asked.

“A knight with honor can’t even be praised, and yet you’re going to handle it? Pumpkin, you’re still not married because of that.”

“Shall we handle it?”

“It’s a joke.”

First lowered his gaze to the report in his hand.

“It’s written here too.”

“What does it say?”

“It says Galahad is marrying the Duke’s daughter.”

First waved the report.

“If they find out about it, there will be chaos, won’t there? The princess, and her too.”

“Everyone will think like me. It’s just a mission, or one of his occasional eccentricities. The truth will be like that too.”

First squinted, flicking the cigarette butt away.

Below it was a record of Galahad’s actions. First knew Galahad better than anyone.

Reading it, First was able to grasp his intentions.

Galahad was-.

“Oh, man.”

At First’s mutter, Pumpkin winced. That was the behavior First showed before he went crazy.

First was a really good boss and person, except for other times.

But when it came to Galahad, he became a lunatic.

Like now.

“…What is it?”

“Galahad! He’s planning to marry the Grand Duke’s daughter!”

His voice was serious, unlike before. Here comes the craziness. Pumpkin sighed softly.

“He may fool others, but he can’t fool me! Galahad! He’s been hiding in the North and preparing a decisive move!”

“Damn, he’s lost his mind.”

He probably thought that he would lose if Galahad married first. It was strange logic, but when it came to Galahad, he was crazy like this.

“We’ll lose at this rate! It’s an emergency!”

First started shaking.

First saw Pumpkin and sighed softly.

That hot gaze-.

Pumpkin was afraid of what nonsense would come out.

A brief silence.

“Pumpkin- you’re single, right?”

“Damn it! Really!”

Pumpkin couldn’t help but swear at First, who was kneeling as if proposing.

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