Within the 010

swamp plain, Tang Dao took a deep breath, tightened the dagger in his hand, and rushed towards the boss.

The first knife, no crit, very good, sent a quarter.

The second knife, still no crit, sent half.


Tang Dao retreated, and as soon as he exited the attack range of the boss, he began to count the seconds, ready to regain blood.

The Heart of Death is almost seamless, one knife, no crit, two slashes, no crit, and then retreats, waiting for the health to return.

Although the first four knives were not critical, neither of them was affected, and they took time to rush forward again.

This time is not the time they give the boss, but the time that the boss gives them.

It started at ten o'clock in the evening, and until eleven o'clock in the evening, the boss's blood volume was still more than 900, and the crit rate of the two was not high, so they could only keep trying.

At twelve o'clock, the boss's HP came to 800 points.

At one o'clock in the morning, the boss's HP returned to 900 points, because the two of them had too few critical hits.

At two o'clock in the morning, the boss's blood volume was full, and the two continued to face black.

At five o'clock in the morning, the boss's HP came to 600 points.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the boss's HP returned to 700 points.


The cycle continued, until three o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, Tang Dao hit the last critical blow.


The boss's body crashed to the ground, bursting out with a bunch of things, more than a dozen silver coins alone.

Neither of them went to grab it, because they were already tired.

"You go get your gear.

Deathheart's voice was a little hoarse.


Tang Dao was also a little unable to support it, so he walked to the boss, lifted the corpse, and took out the equipment underneath.

Rotting Tooth (Green)

Level Requirements: 8

Strength + 15

Agility + 20

Stamina +

10 Effect: Quenching Poison - Each attack stacks a sigil and detonates after 3 times, dealing 3% of the enemy's maximum health as true damage (up to 100 points against bosses).

Mastery - Reduced use level

requirements 4Alchemy Zealot's Heart (Green)

Level requirements

: 8 Strength + 10 Agility + 15

Stamina + 8

Effect: Alchemy - Every time you kill an opponent, there is a 5% chance to gain an additional 100

% of their gold gains.

Ease of use - reduce the use level requirements

4 Two pieces of equipment, one is a dagger, one is a necklace, in addition to 12 silver coins, 2 small blood vials.

Primary Red Potion

Effect: Restore 200 HP

Cooldown: 5 seconds

"How can I say that the value of the dagger is higher, the necklace and a set of blood bottles and silver coins, ROLL points?"

Tang Dao is not greedy for equipment, after all, it was made by the two of them with hard work.

"I want the necklace, you can take the dagger. "

The heart of death chose the necklace, and after getting the thing, it went offline in seconds.

Tang Dao kept an eye on it, left here, and found a nearby place where he didn't brush the carrion and went offline.

In the rental room, Tang Dao fell asleep on the bed.

In the dream, it seems to be back to the college days, at that time, although he and Yi Ya have no money, but they are very happy, and they bought her a skirt with the money they saved from playing games every month, Yi Ya blamed herself while being happy...

Later, a fire burned everything, and everything was reduced to ashes.

"Whew!" When

Tang Dao opened his eyes again, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and the surrounding area was still cold rental houses.

After washing my face with cold water, my stomach was so hungry that I couldn't help it, so I went downstairs to the stall and ordered two fried rice in one go, and after taking it back to the room and gobbling it up, I drank two sips of tap water and continued to go online.

Tang Dao appeared in the plain again, the first thing was to send a friend application to the heart of death, she is a master, and a lone ranger, if they can cooperate, the two of them will level up much faster.

The second thing is to see if the boss on the forum has been beaten.

Poster:Eating melons Xiao Song

is shocked!9527 No. 9527 Novice Village,Fengyun Pavilion VS Shenghuang,Shenghuang is defeated!A newcomer in Fengyun Pavilion,ID is called Fengyun Sword Immortal,Finished abusing the overlord bone!This person's ID is very similar to Fengyun Sword,Please have any brothers and sisters who know the inside story break the news?PS:Is it good for the handsome guy to leave a QQ!@风云剑仙

The 1st floor player husky eats watermelon: Help, how to play this game, I'm going to cry if I'm still at level 1, a helmet of 50,000 yuan!

3rd floor player husky eats watermelon: what's the point?

4th floor player overlord bone: Hmph! What is called complete abuse, but it's just relying on good equipment!5th

floor player Feng Yanju: It's more than you, or it's more agile, and the dish is the dish.

6th Floor Player Fengyun Sword Immortal: The newcomer arrives, please take care

of it!7th Floor Player Fengyun Sword Immortal: You have to work hard, there are still some flaws in the swordsmanship, go back and practice hard with logistics!8th Floor Player

Lonely Sky Huang: Fengyun Sword Immortal is the nephew of Fengyun Sword and is indeed a master.

Players on the 9th floor eat melons Xiao Song: My God!

After browsing the posts, it is not surprising that the BOSS has been taken down by Fengyun Pavilion, and there is a video in the post, which is the battle when the boss is competed.

Fengyun Sword Immortal is probably a young man of twenty-four or five, with a cold face and sharp eyes, but his strength is quite strong, and in the case of the same level, he has mastered the famous master of the overlord bone throughout the operation.

Every time he takes out and closes his sword, it is just right, and his control of strength and skill is also perfect, and every attack of the overlord bone is perfectly blocked by him, minimizing the damage.

"The nephew of the Fengyun Divine Sword is a newcomer, it seems that the Fengyun Pavilion is going to prosper, I'm afraid it won't be long before this will be another Fengyun Divine Sword.

After watching the video, Tang Dao couldn't help but sigh with emotion, but Gu Konghuang appeared under this post, which was a little intriguing.

In fact, Gu Konghuang also invited Tang Dao to join, and at that time his ID was still called "Found", because a certain Han was called "Hanshan", but then Tang Dao declined, and Gu Konghuang did not continue to invite.

Retracting his thoughts, Tang Dao replaced it with the tooth of the carrion, and his attributes rose slightly, the attack and defense reached 151/51, the attack speed was also 143%, and the blood volume reached 380, because of the addition of 10 points of physical strength, in fact, the highest increase was the critical strike rate, reaching a full 23%, with this data, it was easy to brush back to level 8.

Now the experience value is 70%, and there is still 30% left to brush it back, and he is level 4, and killing a level 5 monster is 3% of the experience value, and

once again stepping into the territory of the mutant slime, this is no longer the previous Tang knife.


The damage of the mutant slime hitting the Tang Knife is not as high as the damage of the Tang Knife hitting it, and the critical hit will be killed directly, and it will be easy to brush.

Soon, Tang Dao once again reached level 5, and there was no change in attributes, under normal circumstances, after dropping the level, the only thing that changed was the calculation of experience points, which was still to let the player brush back quickly.

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