roar -

the giant roared, but his left hand still grasped the chain of the Tang knife, pulled it hard, and trampled out with his right foot.


Tang Dao dodged almost against his scalp, and the dust and rubble that splashed made him unkempt.


With a slap of his right hand on the ground, he instantly rolled under the giant, and at this time, his life was at stake, and he naturally couldn't care about the humiliation of his crotch.

Since one chain was pulled by the giant, the chain that Tang Dao could use now was the other one left, and the position that Tang Dao could attack at this moment was Chrysanthemum.

Thousands of years of killing!

It turns out that no matter what kind of creature it is, this trick always works wonders.

The giant, who had just been infinitely powerful and invulnerable, suddenly seemed to have found Achilles' heel, wailed, subconsciously loosened the chain in his hand, and immediately covered his back.


Tang Dao, who had escaped from his body, naturally had a countermeasure, raised his right foot and kicked the giant's ankle, and his figure flew out against the ground.

Standing up with his left hand, he grabbed the giant's neck with a flick of the chain, and then pulled it hard, and his body pulled closer, and climbed on the giant's broad back, and the chain of his left hand also pierced into the giant's eye socket, and pierced through the eyeball.

The giant was also completely enraged at this moment, and his hands suddenly reached out, threatening to crush the Tang knife.

Tang Dao is not stupid, he doesn't have the ability to break the defense of the commander, so he can't kill his neck with one move

, right? Dodging the giant's hands, his right hand retracted the chain around his neck, and then threw out a tree not far away, pulling hard and dragging his body away.


A bloody eyeball was brought out by the blade that bent slightly inward on the top of the chain.



the giant had a three-meter-tall body, his movement speed was not slow, and he grabbed the chain of Tang Dao's left hand that was still in the air, and directly crushed the eyeballs hanging on it.

With a hard pull, Tang Dao only felt as if his arms were about to be torn off, and even the dead tree that was covered by the chain of his right hand was uprooted.

"Oh no!"

Tang Dao's arms were weak, and he was dragged to the ground like a broken sack in front of the giant.

The giant flipped the chain around his arm with his right hand, and raised his right foot again, and the Tang knife was already unavoidable at this time.


sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh sounded, and the giant staggered to the ground as if it had lost its pillar, and a large amount of blood poured out of the heel of his left foot.


Tang Dao picked up a life while also locked his eyes on the crimson figure that suddenly appeared

, and it was she who cut the giant's hamstrings with a sword, making him unable to stand firmly, and only then did she save Tang Dao.

Poof, poof!

The other side of the flower was quite ruthless, stabbing the giant's only remaining eye with a sword, and then taking advantage of its wail, she sent the long sword into its mouth, and stirred it against its throat, and shattered the trachea.


The giant covered his mouth, blood pouring from his fingers, and struggled for a while before he lost his life completely.

"Thank you, if you hadn't arrived in time, I guess I would have to explain it here.

Tang Dao was still a little weak now, and stood up on the ground.

"A fifth-level earth giant, you are not his opponent yet, but to be able to fight like this, it is not bad for you who are just familiar with life. The

other side of the flower split the giant's head, took out the crystal of the underworld, and then flicked it slightly, the blood on the blade of the sword suddenly slipped down, and the long sword returned to a dusty appearance, which can be seen by the light.

"It's okay, it's just that this chain isn't very handy, and it might be better if it could change form.

Tang Dao picked up the chain in his hand and said with some pity, although this thing is mostly controlled by mind, but after all, there are few people who use it, and there is nothing to refer to.

"Wait until you reach the seventh level, after the seventh level, your current strength is too weak, not to mention the powerful abyss beasts, even many immortal cultivators in the light world can easily kill you.

The other side flower shook her head slightly.

"I'll work hard to cultivate, there's still one last small area, do you want to go with me?, or go back to Qing Mingxuan for tea?"

Tang Dao looked at the other side of the flower.

"Let's come together, the activities of the Abyss Realm have become more and more frequent recently, and there may be a powerful Abyssal Beast hidden in every corner. The

other side flower flashed to Tang Dao's side in an almost flashing way.

Fortunately, no special demon beasts were found next, Tang Dao could deal with it alone, and the other side flower did not make a move, or even spoke.

After cleaning up the abyssal beast, Tang Dao returned to the room in the dark world, took out the dark crystal, and began to cultivate.

Although he has now been hired by Tang Yunshan as a bodyguard, he must reach level five in three days, otherwise he may not be able to pass his test.

At five o'clock in the morning, the rooster announces the dawn, the dark world fades, and the light world dominates.

Tang Dao finished washing up and came to the small courtyard of the villa for a walk, it was very early at the moment, even the maid Aunt Lin hadn't come yet, she wanted to come at six o'clock, clean and cook, and Tang Yunshan was going to the company after breakfast.


a low cry woke up Tang Dao, who was immersed in the early morning mist.

"It's me.

Tang Dao walked over and found that it was Tang Yunshan's personal bodyguard, Ah Long, who was leading the other two people who seemed to be meditating on the ground, just like the cultivators in the novel.

"It turned out to be you, it scared me, except for the three brothers, I haven't seen anyone get up so early, why, you came for a walk?" Ah

Long lowered his voice very low, for fear of waking up the other two who were meditating with their eyes closed.

"Hmm, you are cultivators?" Tang

Dao had only heard of these people in legends and novels before, and had never seen them in real life, so he was a little curious.

"Sort of, you also know cultivators?" Ah

Long looked at Tang Dao, he didn't feel the aura of a cultivator from Tang Dao.

To be honest, he was also very curious, how could Yin Tianfeng recommend such a person, who looked ordinary, or even pale and a little weak, to be the bodyguard of the eldest lady.

However, Yin Tianfeng can become a major general at the age of thirty, presumably there must be something special, and it should not be without reason to arrange this person, his own boss agrees, and it is naturally not good to say anything as a bodyguard.

"I've just heard about it, so you go on, and I won't bother for now.

Tang Dao smiled apologetically, and then left here.

Back in the house, Tang Dao turned on the computer, logged in to the forum, and took a look at what happened in the game during this time.

Xuefeng City, Shenghuang and Fengyun Pavilion clashed again, Shenghuang won completely, and Gukong Huang personally killed Fengyun Divine Sword, and Shenghuang was in full swing in the Huaxia server.

Yunshui City, after the gate of the god of war and the two macho guilds of the blade, there is another guild that rises, and the president is an elven priest, called the dawn of the world, but it is a hidden profession, and the specific skills are not yet known.

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