Condensed Breastplate (Blue)

Level Requirements: 25Class

Requirements: Cold Knifeman, Clashes, Archers, CrossbowmenAgility

Requirements: 1800

Strength + 120 Agility + 720

Stamina + 40

Critical Damage Immunity +10

% Physical Injury Immunity +5% Spell Injury

Immunity +5%.

Effect: Thunder Shield - When taking damage from a lightning skill, convert 30% of the damage caused by all lightning skills within 3s into a shield for 5s.

Thunder Barrier Skill Book

Class Requirements: No

Effect: The first attack received after 5s of use will cause a condensation effect on the enemy for 1s and consume 200 mana points.

Cooldown: 40s

Thunderbolt Skill Book

Class Requirements: Cold Knifeman, Clash

Effect: Moves up to 5 yards towards the designated target that can cause damage, and must appear behind it, and the next attack comes with an additional spell damage equal to the user's magic points, consuming 300 mana.

Cooldown: 20s

"200 gold coins, three things, one piece of equipment, two skill books, how

to divide them?" Tang Dao is a little difficult, if the green equipment can still evenly divide the gold coins

, but this blue equipment is still an assassin god costume, and it is a bit of a pity to divide the gold coins.

And both skill books are also good, very suitable for assassins, and of equal value.

"It's simple, one skill book per person, equip ROLL points, don't give gold coins, just transfer it.

Tang Xin could see it, waved his little hand, and said magnificently.


Tang Dao nodded, and the ROLL point began.

Thunder Barrier, 71, 88, Tang Xin took it.

Thunderbolt, 98, 62, Tang Dao gets.

The most critical condensing breastplate, with this equipment, no suit below level 20 can be compared.

68, 67, Tang Dao got the cuirass.

"Agreed, the market value is 2.5w gold coins, and I'll transfer you 2.5w in a while. "

Although I feel a little worried about money, but equipment is also very important, besides, isn't I still working as a bodyguard in the Tang family now?

"Well, you take the equipment, but I have a request.

Tang Xin smiled slightly, but the necromancer's smile was very mad.

"Uh, don't bring such a play..."Tang

Dao was a little speechless.

"You care about me! Next weekend, my dad made an appointment for me on a blind date, but I don't want to fall in love now, so..."

"Uh, isn't this okay?"

Tang Dao said a little embarrassedly, pretending to be a boyfriend? After all, he is not handsome, and he is poor, but Tang Xin is so beautiful, he will definitely have more face when the time comes.

"What's wrong, he still dares to fight back?" Tang

Xin said angrily.


Tang Dao had a question mark on his face, what is it?


Tang Xin waved his hand, indicating that it was a piece of cake.

"Eldest sister, are you here to smash my job?"

Tang Dao was expressionless, he didn't dare to pretend to be a boyfriend, he miscalculated, YY was too early.

"Why? No, I don't want to go on a blind date, if you can't do it then, you can go on a blind date with him yourself.

Tang said angrily.

"Uh, it shouldn't work, or not, let's discuss it again?"

Tang Dao was sweating profusely, if he really followed what this girl said, his bodyguard would probably have to be dismissed, imprisoned, and escorted to the vegetable market that day...

"Cut! Coward, forget it, outsiders are really unreliable, and this girl will have her own clever plan when the time comes!" Tang

Xin said helplessly.

Ending this topic of smashing jobs, Tang Dao put away the head of the Tiger King, and since it was a task item, he didn't have to worry about the problem of gathering.


two of them went back to the city together, and first went to the warehouse to store the equipment, and there was also a silver light spirit blade in it that was also level 25 equipment, but after all, it was played earlier, and the attributes were much worse.

At half past eleven in real time, it was the afternoon of the game, so the two hurried to the priest's guild and found Koster.

In the bishop's room, Coster was looking at the two girls in front of him, Erica and Annie, with ugly expressions.

The two who were originally quite good-looking now have a little messy hair and slight scratches on their necks, so it should be a fight.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Koster finally spoke.

"There's nothing to say, she's just a wild seed, maybe she's still a bitch who can do her best, stay in the priests' guild and tell me to defile the holy profession of priests!" said

Anne with a sneer, even in the face of Bishop Koester, she was not afraid at all.

"You... You're talking nonsense!

" Erica burst into tears, she had done nothing wrong, why was this happening

?" "Hmph, the bitch's daughter is a bitch, is there anything wrong with that?"

Annie continued to taunt.

"Enough!" even

Coster couldn't take it anymore and let out a low sigh.

"Lord Bishop, please pay attention to your words! you are talking to the daughter of the Rossetti family, my father is the honorable viscount owner of the Rossetti family!" Anne

sneered, and directly scolded Koster.

This made Coster's face almost gloomy to the extreme, and his right fist was clenched, but after taking a few deep breaths, he calmed down.

"Okay, Annie, you go back first, I'll think about it.

Koster said with a smile on his face.

"I hope that the bishop will think about it, as the saying goes, those who know the times are also handsome. Anne

finished and walked away in high spirits.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw the two Tang Dao waiting on the side.

"Tsk, filthy necromancer, will one day drive you back to the cold, damp tombs.

Anne scolded and left, although it was a low scolding, but it did not mean to hide it in the slightest.

"Come in.

Koster rubbed his eyebrows, this matter is extremely tricky, and if it is not handled well, it will offend the guy Ankers Rossetti, he is the general of the city guard, and he is also the viscount of the Fire Kingdom.

"Your Excellency, Miss Erica. "

Tang Dao entered the door and saw Erica with pear blossoms and rain, if it wasn't for watching Anne walk out of here before, outsiders would probably really think that this old guy Coster had done something terrible.

"Your mission accomplished?" Koster

looked at Tang Dao, perhaps the only good news in the last few days.

"Well, this is the head of the Tiger King.

Tang Dao handed over a hideous tiger head.

"Very well, young man, this brutal creature is finally dead, and the villages near the Flame Forest will be able to be at peace too, come on, this is your reward.

Coster breathed a sigh of relief, then handed over a scroll.

Holy Priest Conversion Scroll!


Dao didn't know what to say.

You say it's not good, it's a hidden profession, but well, it's a priest.

"If the Orcs calm down, the war in the south should not rise again, and the people of Thrall City will be able to live a stable life for a while.

Koster didn't pay attention to Tang Dao's stunnedness, but said to himself.

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