"City Guards?"

Tang Xin was also stunned when he heard this, at this stage, the City Guards are invincible to players.

The official regiment of the City Guard had only four battalions, that is, swords, shields, spears, bows and arrows, and cavalry, and each battalion had 2w men, which added up to a full 8w men.

But the city guards also have reserves, that is, the sergeants scattered in various towns, such as Qu Xingjian and others, are recruited reserves, and once the official legion is damaged, it will be replenished from the reserves.

The quality of the reserves is uneven, but the level of the official legion, according to the internal test, I am afraid that it will not be lower than level 40, and it will become stronger with the version update.

But even the most basic level 40 city guards are crushing players who are only level 20 at this stage.

"It shouldn't be the city guards, it may be a domestic servant, according to Anne's personality, it is estimated that there will be a big move, but it is also a big crime to mobilize the city guards without permission, or the person who killed the priest's guild, her father is not so stupid.

Tang Dao said with relief.

"That's good, as long as the city guards don't make a move, we still have a chance.

Tang Xin nodded.

"What are you two muttering?"

"About this mission..."

Tang Dao briefly introduced the situation of the mission.

"I see, this girl is also a hard-working person, wrapped in a certain body, she will definitely protect her!"

"I knew I was going to choose a knight too. The

Nine Heavenly Palaces looked at the heavy armor that was as immovable as a mountain, and then looked at its light leather armor, and suddenly felt as brittle as paper.

"Pretend not to know.

Tang Xin silently distanced himself.

Everyone went out of the east gate and went straight to the barren mountains in the eastern suburbs, and the little monsters encountered on the road were naturally not a problem.

The barren mountains in the eastern suburbs are very large, and the wolves that were originally quite strong on the periphery are now just a group of huskies, and the wolf king doesn't know how many times he has been killed.

However, the monsters in it are also constantly updated, and in addition to the original wolf pack, there are also some stronger monsters.

According to the map given by Koster, everyone took turns to get supplies in the villages along the way and took a short rest.

"Immovable as a mountain, I'll give you the map, you can lead the team, and I'll go out with the heart of death to explore the way. Passing

by a small village again, Tang Dao estimated that the time was almost up, and there was a barren place some distance ahead, which should be a good place to start.

"Okay, be careful. "

If you don't move like a mountain, you are not stunned, you understand the meaning of Tang Dao, adjust the formation, and lead the team to the front, the mountains and rivers protect the rabbit Xiaoyue, Baiyun Gorge, and Red Whisk follow the donkey cart, and the eternal horizontal sky and the five mountains that shake the sky are pressed into formation.

Assassins move very fast and become invisible, so pathfinding is usually done by Assassins.

The two of them divided their own things, outflanked and explored the way, and gained a view of the fan-shaped area ahead.

Sure enough, not long after walking, Tang Dao found that there was a withered forest on the road he had to pass, and there were some figures in it.

Quietly touching it and looking closely, they were all dressed as hunters, about seven or eight people, sitting around the fire and roasting the fire, carrying waist knives on their bodies, carrying large bows on their backs, and quivers hanging from their waists.

"Who is it?" One

of them was facing Tang Dao, and naturally saw Tang Dao, his left hand on his shoulder to take the bow, and his right hand was already pressed on the quiver.

"Don't do it, I'm a passing adventurer, I'm lost here, how do you get to Sal City?"

Tang Dao hurriedly walked out with both hands raised.

"It's an adventurer, oh, go straight this way, it's Saarland.

Seeing that Tang Dao was alone and an adventurer, the man immediately relaxed his vigilance and pointed in a direction casually.


Tang Dao thanked him and left, and as soon as he turned around, he heard the bowstring behind him.


Dodge sideways, an arrow flew out, and the small half of the arrow disappeared into the trunk of the tree on the side, which showed its strength.

"Kill him, up!" The

man beckoned the rest of the men to catch up.

The rest of the people also drew their swords and rushed over.

Evil Slave Elite

Level: 25

Attack: 2000 Defense: 2000 Life: 8000

Skill: No

Introduction: Vicious House Slave, Bullying the Weak and Afraid of the Hard.

"Look for death!" Tang

Dao is now different from what it used to be, he pulled out his dagger with both hands, dodged an arrow again, and several evil slaves have already surrounded him.

In the face of many attacks, Tang Dao could only retreat, taking advantage of the backswing of their attacks to output a knife.


slashed through the blade, wounding a minor, but before it could deliver a second slash, the bowstring snapped and arrows flew.

After dodging the arrow, the rest of the people also caught up, but at this time, Tang Dao's position was already 5 yards away from the archer.

Thunder and Thunder


The figure appeared behind the archer, before he could react.

Brute force strike!

-4474 and -120

two critical hits flew out, depressing the HP, but there was still half of it.

The archer simply abandoned the longbow and reached for the waist knife.

Taking advantage of the stiff kung fu, Tang Dao turned on Qiang Yin, making the other party temporarily lose the target, and at the same time buying time for himself to dodge.


The sword slashed into the tree behind him, and the archer's attack missed, but instead of being furious, he stared closely.

Ding, friend message.

Immovable as a mountain: There are more tails behind them, and there are a few lumberjacks, but they didn't do it first, and we would be wanted if we did.

Heart of Death: Leaning south, there are quite a few people who have met Shenghuang.

Tang Dao glanced at the news roughly, and his heart suddenly became a little solemn, Sheng Huang still didn't give up

, and the time for Qiang Yin was only 5s, but Tang Dao, who was hiding behind a tree, didn't dare to act rashly, because there were thick leaves under his feet, and once he moved, there would definitely be a sound.

At this time, the archer picked up the longbow again, and let the two swordsmen protect him, and his eyes swept around.


This is the effect of the Bat Trap, which scans enemies for weak spot markers, and hits deal an additional 25% damage.

Soon, several spots of light lit up on the bodies of several evil slaves, necks, eyes, and hearts.

From the beginning of the flash to the end of the strong concealment, it should be 9s time, and there will be a gap of 1s in the middle, if you make good use of it, it may be an opportunity.

His eyes swept around and found a few sparrows, Tang Dao had a plan, took out a gold coin, and aimed it at the sparrow.


moment the strong concealment ended, the gold coin came out of his hand, startled a few sparrows, and immediately attracted the attention of several people.

The Tang knife rushed out of the back of the tree and headed towards the archers.

Instantaneous, Blade Kill!

-2243, -2243, -240, -240

several damage flew up, instantly emptying the archer's HP.

The two swordsmen reacted and raised their swords to slash.

-1751, -1751, +3187

seconds were successful, and they withdrew.

Unconsciously, perhaps even Tang Dao himself didn't realize how terrifying his success rate had become.

"Chase!" Several

people naturally refused to let go and chased after them.

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