Soon after the 118

people lined up in formation, a large number of players appeared in front of them, with a hideous golden dragon head on their left arm, Shenghuang!

Water Moon Star LV22 Crusader, Linglong Flower LV22 Light Magician

"The road is narrow. "

For this guy who has chased and killed him many times, Tang Dao naturally has no good impression, but the other party's strength is really strong, so I don't have to say.

"The bellflower is gone, Erica, do you know how to illuminate?"

Tang Xin keenly noticed that the other party was missing a master.

"Yes, do you want to release it now?" Erica

also knew that the comer was not good.

"Well, hit the dirt slope ahead.

Tang Xin nodded and pointed ahead.

Pop -

the illumination flew into the sky, but it was empty.

"Hmm, Xiaoyue, put one on the other side of the village!" Tang

Dao was puzzled, and then thought of something, and hurriedly said to the rabbit Xiaoyue.

Smack -

As the illumination technique flew up, three figures appeared on the wheat field of the village, which was originally somewhat empty, all of them were assassins.

"Let's go!"

Tang Dao's heart tightened, and he beckoned Tang Xin to return to the rear, but he didn't see the bellflower, it was obvious that it was not just 3 assassins coming.

Almost at the same time, Shui Yuexing led people to rush into battle, and 300+ players rushed over.

The Scroll of Immunity

directly opened the tower shield and tightly protected Erica behind him, beware of the assassin's sneak attack.

Tolan's reaction was also not slow, he grabbed a few medicine bottles and threw them in front of the mountains and rivers, and the slime slime inside suddenly stuck a few figures in the air.


Tang Tian waved his dagger and eliminated the nearest assassin.

-734, -587, and -448

several critical hits flew up, suppressing the blood line of mountains and rivers, but judging from the critical hit value, it shouldn't be bellflower.

The cooldown time under the Illumination Technique is 30 seconds, and there is too much room to maneuver during this time.

Baiyunxia laid 3 traps behind him, then pulled his longbow and began to shoot at the Shenghuang players who rushed over.

The three knights at the front have turned on Tower Shield + Morale, gaining 20% damage immunity and 15% defense boost.

Shui Yuexing took the lead, dodged several swords from Baiyun Gorge, and rushed to the front of the immovable mountain, the light flashing on the long sword in his hand.



A damage that is neither high nor low flies up, and he smiled slightly, and the long sword in his hand was swung out.


The damage was not much lower than that of a swordsman, Shui Yuexing glanced at the long sword in the hand of the immovable Rushan with some surprise, and quickly reacted that this was a hard bone.


poured the blood vial, and against the output of Baiyun Gorge, he dodged the Red Whisk's Ice Pick Technique.

The rest of the players followed, slashing the shields of the three knights and reducing their health.

With a wave of the rabbit Xiaoyue staff, the recovery + healing technique pulled back the blood volume, and with the potion given by Tang Dao and the bloodsucking of his own equipment, he barely resisted.

Several knights used Limbo to cross the knight, but they were intercepted by Tang Xin, who rushed back to support, and cut one on the spot, and after dodging in position, he slashed and killed another, and the person who went to chase was also slowed down by the icicle technique and traps.

Tang Dao on the other side killed several assassins one after another, and finally found the trace of bellflower.

The two handed over the flash almost at the same time, but Tang Dao also had a thunderbolt in his hand, which appeared behind the bellflower, killed it with a critical hit, sideways to avoid the assassin's sneak attack behind him, cut his throat with his left hand, and took advantage of the situation to pick up a boot burst by the bellflower and stuff it into the backpack.

Although Tang Tian is not as good as Tang Xin and Tang Dao, he is not bad under the influence of his ears and eyes, and he is also very handy in dealing with these little assassins, and he still does not die after killing several assassins.

However, the record ahead was not so good-looking, Baiyunxia and Hongfu were killed one after another, the rabbit Xiaoyue also fell in the chaos, and the three knights had to retreat with their blood.


At this moment, there was a shout of killing from behind Shenghuang, and several knights rushed into the crowd, tearing apart Shenghuang's rear army like a tiger pounced on a lamb, and all ranged and supply players were slashed and killed with knives.

"Boss, it's someone from Fengyun Pavilion!" Without

having to report to his subordinates, Shui Yuexing naturally noticed the situation behind him.

"Kill, kill those two NPCs!" Shui

Yuexing's gaze locked on Erica and Tolan.

The Five Mountains of Heaven Shaking and the Eternal Hengtian fell, moving like a mountain dragging 3% of the residual blood all the way back, their faces were ugly, the opponent's combat power was indeed brave, not comparable to ordinary guilds.

Behind the people in Fengyun Pavilion, Feng Qingge took people to watch all this, and couldn't help but sneer.

"It's time for us to play! Annihilate the people

of Fengyun Pavilion!" Feng Qingge naturally knew that making such a big disturbance in the territory of Fengyun Pavilion would naturally alarm Fengyun Sword Immortal, so what would Fengyun Sword Immortal do?

Of course, he chose to join forces with the Death Scythe to reject Shenghuang together.

Therefore, when he first sent Shui Yuexing to take the lead, he also led people to press the rear and fight the rear.

In this way, a double encirclement was formed, with Shui Yuexing surrounding the Death Scythe, Fengyun Sword Immortal surrounding Shui Yuexing, and himself surrounding Fengyun Sword Immortal.

A full 500+ players came out in one turn, all of whom were the elite of Shenghuang, blocking everyone's way.


Feng Qingge, as a top mage, naturally has his own core team under his hands, a full 100+ master magicians, and when they shoot together, they are almost like washing the ground, and everywhere they pass, there is not a single grass.

"Oh no!" Fengyun

Sword Immortal, who was slashing in the crowd, also changed his face, and he had no information at all beforehand.

"Kill through the enemy formation!Join the Death Scythe and the others!"

No matter what to do in the future, the plan for now is to stabilize your footing first.

There are also 500+ people in Fengyun Pavilion, and under the leadership of several first-class swordsmen such as Fengyun Sword Immortal, they pierced through Shenghuang's defense camp and recaptured the corpse point where Rabbit Xiaoyue and others were lying down, so as to facilitate resurrection.

In the innermost, Tang Dao saw that the blood volume of the mountain was as low as a mountain, and a holy guard healing technique flew out, lifting its blood volume.



With a flash of cold light, a critical hit flew up, and Tang Dao's health bar was instantly emptied.

A figure slowly appeared, and there would be no one else who could silently touch Tang Dao's side and slaughter him, except for the top assassin.

Darkest Starfire LV23 Confrontation

"Brother Knife!" Tang

Tian wanted to come to the rescue.

"Don't come..."

Tang Dao hurriedly shouted in the team channel, but unfortunately the words did not fall, and the soul of the dead was added to the dark starfire.

"Look for death!" Tang

Xin solved Shui Yuexing and turned back.

Darkest Starfire didn't speak, choosing to meet the heart of the Grim Reaper, everyone in Sal City knew that the Twin Reaper assassins were powerful, but that was the end of it...


After several battles, Dark Starfire has never killed the Heart of Death, and the opponent's skills are very exquisite, although he is a cold swordsman, but he can also parry his own double knife attack.

The Darkest Starfire became more and more frightened, and his attack speed was also 200%, and the frequency of two knives a second was parried to death.

This Grim Reaper's heart is no weaker than the Grim Reaper's scythe

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