"Oh no! Starfire is coming back for help!" Feng

Qingge looked at the swordsman who was slashing in the mage group, and waved his staff while calling for help from Darkest Starfire.


Darkest Starfire hesitated, but chose to turn back.

However, since the central area of the village was still in the hands of the people of Fengyun Pavilion, he could only choose to take a detour from the side.

At the same time, there were also a dozen figures at the door of the house where Erica and Tolan and the others were, and it was none other than those lumberjacks, but they should be called evil slaves now.


the leader waved his hand, and everyone slowly approached with their weapons, there was no light in the room, but the fire outside made the weapons in the hands of these people glow coldly.

"You, who are you?" asked

the crowd, despite not having much combat power, Tolan was a man after all, and was also Erica's teacher, protecting him behind him.

"Master Tolan, I know you're a famous alchemist, but unfortunately, you'll die here tonight. The

man in the lead tore off his beard, revealing a slightly hideous face.

"You're Raymond the Killer!, the infamous bed bug,"

Tolan exclaimed, seemingly recognizing the comer.

"Master good eyesight, let's get on the road!" Raymond

sneered and slowly raised the axe in his hand.

Killer Raymond (E)

Level: 25Attack

: 2800Defense: 2800Health:


: Bloodslaughter

Introduction: A notorious killer in Sal City, but he is unprincipled and has a lot of blood on his hands.

"Hmph, you have to ask me, right?"

Shanhe Wanli stood in front of Raymond with his shield in his hand, and Tang Tian blocked the rest of the elite monsters.

Raymond didn't say much, but slashed with an axe, and everyone rushed up.

Tolan threw out several potion bottles, slime or toxins, as long as they weren't therapeutic.

Erica also treats mountains and rivers.

There was a lot of noise inside the house, but it was even more lively outside.

After the Fengyun Sword Immortal led people to rush and kill, he was finally surrounded by the crowd.

"Fengyun Sword Immortal, you are very good, but it's a pity that you are a person from Fengyun Pavilion, and you still want to go against my Shenghuang, and you are a fool!" Feng

Qingge said coldly.

Lonely Sky Feather, Shui Yuexing and other quasi-first-class masters around him, as well as a number of quasi-first-class masters such as Overlord Bone, No. 9 Gray, Linglong Flower, and Bellflower, faced with the lone Fengyun Sword Immortal, there was no need to be afraid at all.

"Haha, Shenghuang, can you win me once, win me twice, can you always win me?"

The blue stripe of the Fengyun Sword Immortal was empty, and his eyes swept over the swordsman knights around him, and he smiled.

"Kill him.

Feng Qingge waved his right hand, and everyone rushed up and slashed the Fengyun Sword Immortal with a knife.

The darkest spark on the other side, when he was hurrying, suddenly heard the sound of breaking wind behind him, and immediately turned sideways and dodged a knife.


Starfire even grabbed the comer's arm directly in the darkness, and judging by the thickness of this arm, it was the Death Scythe, and his skeleton was larger.

Sure enough, another knife attacked, backhanded, and then flashed behind Tang Dao, but at the same time, Tang Dao also dodged in an instant.

Two heartbeats are heard again in the darkness around them, and both of them know the approximate location of the other (the player necronomicon has a heartbeat, the NPC necro does not).

Tang Dao took the lead and stabbed at the Darkest Starfire, but was dodged by it, and slashed with a backhand, Tang Dao dodged sideways and kicked the opponent's knee side, where it could make him lose his balance.


! But Tang Dao kicked the other foot in the air, Darkest Starfire!"Huh?"

Tang Dao and Darkest Starfire were both a little puzzled, how could the other party know?

But before he had time to think about it, Tang Dao's left hand stabbed into the ribs in

reverse, but he was framed again, the strength of the two was about the same, but the Darkest Starfire was a little higher, so he slowly pressed Tang Dao's right hand back.

The right hand stabbed at the neck of the Darkest Starfire, and after being dodged by it, the other party also stabbed him, and was also dodged by Tang Dao.

At the moment when Tang Dao dodged, Darkest Starfire used Phantom Flash again.

Tang Dao's left-hand dagger naturally tore the phantom apart, and at the same time, the sound of breaking wind also sounded behind him.

You have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder.

Tang Dao appeared behind the Darkest Starfire, the Darkest Starfire's expression changed, and he didn't have time to react, the critical hit flew up, the blood bar was emptied, and he fell to the ground, and a pair of bracers exploded along the way.

After picking up the bracers, Tang Dao hurried towards the village.

At this time, in the village, the battle was not completely over, and after the Fengyun Sword Immortal was killed, the body was guarded, so the command was given to the immovable mountain.

But the defeat was like a mountain, and the defeated army retreated to the center of the village, surrounded by enemies on all sides.

"Shenghuang!account, it won't be just settled!"

Immovable Rushan was also red-eyed, roared, and rushed towards Feng Qingge with his shield.

But naturally, he couldn't withstand the output of many mages, and not only was he killed, but his shield was also exploded.

Many of the rest of the players were also killed one by one, and this battle still ended with a great victory for Shenghuang.

"Clean up the battlefield and get ready to go back to the city.

Feng Qingge finished speaking in high spirits, but found that the voice of the darkest spark came.

"I was killed by the Death Scythe, be careful!" As

soon as the words fell, a figure jumped down from the roof, and the sharp dagger slashed through the snow-white neck, and it exploded in the air, along with the staff.

"Not good!"

the surrounding Shenghuang players exclaimed, but Tang Dao flew onto the roof in an instant, and ran fast through the night.

"Shui Yuexing, follow me to chase!" Gu

Kongyu's face was extremely ugly, and he drew his long sword and rushed out with someone.

In the deserted dwellings, the two of them, who were originally a little unsupportable, Shanhe Wanli and the Nine Heavenly Palace, suddenly ushered in a rescuer, the heart of death!

The two were originally squatting on one side to guard the Darkest Starfire, and they both said that whoever intercepted the Darkest Starfire, regardless of victory or defeat, the other person had to rescue Erica, after all, the task was to protect her.

Tang Xin's appearance is undoubtedly a shot in the arm, after killing several evil slaves in a row, only this boss remains, with the mountains and rivers of carrying injuries and Erica's treatment, with her strength to fight is quite simple.

Just when Tang Dao lured away Gu Kongyu and Shui Yuexing, Fengyun Sword Immortal and others, who were originally guarding the corpse, were resurrected together, and under the surprise, Fengyun Sword Immortal dragged half of his blood to kill several people, and then under the cover of many remnant blood swordsmen, he continued to encroach on Shenghuang's battle line.

"Don't panic, the knight stepped forward to resist! They don't have a supply system, they won't be able to support it for long, and the long-range fire gathering Fengyun Sword Immortal!" Feng

Qingge also commanded in the team after learning the situation.

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