"I was commissioned by Bishop Koester to escort Miss Erica and Master Tolan to the town of Anchao Lake.

Tang Dao said.

"I see, these people are?"

the holy guard nodded, and handed the letterhead back to Tang Dao, this is a letter that only Dorrell is qualified to read, and he is naturally not qualified to ask.

But he still has to ask about the corpses all over the ground.

"It's the adventurer, who has had some trouble with me, and ambushed us here, but don't worry, the civilians are not harmed.

Tang Dao knew what these guys were worried about, and deliberately emphasized that the civilians were not injured.

"Alright, take me to Master Tolan and Miss Erica. The

guard looked at him again and confirmed that there were no civilian corpses around, and then he was relieved.

"You clean up the battlefield first.

Tang Dao said to the immovable mountain, and then led the holy guard towards Erica and Tolan's hiding place.

"I've seen Master Tolan and Miss Erica.

Seeing that the two of them were safe, the holy guard bowed slightly on the horse, because he was on the same level as Erica, and Tolan was not a member of the Wizards' Guild, so he didn't need much etiquette.

"Well, it's like seeing your own people. Why are you here?"

Tolan asked with some curiosity.

"It's not an orc yet, we have established a town in Anchao Lake, and the nearby orcs often come to harass, so Lord Dorrell sent us out to patrol.

The leading guard sighed.

"I see, it's hard work.

Tolan nodded.

"It's not hard, it's all worth it for the guild. The

guard patted his shoulder, proudly showing the badge of the Priests' Guild on his shoulder.

"In that case, let's set off now, and we can rush back to the town before dawn and drink a sip of hot white porridge. The

Holy Guard didn't want to waste any more time here, so he proposed to leave immediately.

"I went offline first.

Tang Xin said to Tang Dao, and then went offline, it is estimated that Tang Yunshan is back.

Tang Dao glanced at the task panel, confirmed that there was no problem, and also told Erica a few words, and then asked the holy guard to take her to Anchaohu Town, accompanied by Tang Tian, this guy relied on no one to restrain him in the school, so he insisted on following the past.

However, with Tang Tian's guarantee, Tang Dao is still very relieved.

After sending away the priest and the holy guard, the people of Shenghuang also chose to return to the city to resurrect, Tang Dao said hello to the immovable mountain and the Fengyun Sword Immortal, and hurriedly went offline.

took off his helmet and opened the door, and saw Tang Yunshan talking to Tang Xin on the sofa, Tang Xin looked absent-minded.

approached silently, it turned out to be a blind date.

Sorry to bother, silently walked away and drank water.

"I don't want to go on a blind date, how old am I! Your daughter can't get married?" Tang

Xin said with some impatience.

"Do you know that if you can marry the Hong family, whether it is for you or for the Tang Group, there is only good, no harm, no matter what, you have to go on the weekend. "

Tang Yunshan's attitude is very tough.

"Am I just a bargaining chip for your marriage?Tang Group, you are the Tang Group when you open and close your mouth, but have you considered it for me?"

Tang Xin was also a little angry and asked.

"Without the Tang Group, do you think you would have your current life? The money, food, and clothing you have for studying abroad are not earned by the Tang Group.

Tang Yunshan scolded angrily.

Tang Dao never expected it, he could still watch family dramas, NND, if only there were melon seeds.

"Hehe, okay! I'll go this weekend, but in the future, please don't meddle in my private affairs again!" Tang

Xin laughed angrily, and after finishing speaking, he kicked his slippers and went upstairs to his room.


When passing by Tang Dao, he stepped on it hard.

Tang Dao: ???You're amazing, you're tall, you're 1080p, why are you stepping on me?"

Aunt Lin silently brought him tea, and then left silently, which seemed to be commonplace.

"Tang Dao, you come up!" Not

long after, Tang Dao, who was about to go back to the room, heard Tang Xin's voice upstairs, according to the rules, he couldn't go up to the second floor, that was the area of the main house.


Tang Yunshan naturally heard it, and when he saw Tang Dao looking at him, he nodded.

Tang Dao rushed upstairs and knocked on Tang Xin's door.

"Come in.

Tang Xin's voice came out.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a lot of life, the windowsill and the table were full of potted plants, like a small garden.

Tang Xinzheng was wearing the iconic rabbit ear pajamas, sitting in front of the computer desk, and beckoned to Tang Dao.

"Now, this is the person who signed up, I'll screen out a few, and come with me tomorrow.

Tang Xin pointed to several resumes on the computer and said.

Mirror Flower LV20 Light Magician Water Moon LV20 Dark Magician Autumn Official LV20 Crusader

The three of them are all girls, and they are very beautiful, and Mirror Flower

Water Moon

is still a bound sister.

"Okay, just the boss's side?"

Tang Dao nodded, and his eyes swept the direction of Tang Yunshan downstairs.

"Just tell him I'm going to the playground tomorrow, remember, if you dare to leak secrets-"

Tang Xin gestured with a slashing gesture, although he tried to be as fierce as possible, but because he was too cute, he was even cuter (I'm not good at writing emotional dramas, and the girls I know outside of my family are not as many as my fingers, so I'll just watch it).


Tang Dao wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare, so he had to hold back.

After leaving Tang Xin's room, Tang Yunshan naturally interrogated, although it was very stiff just now, but after all, it was a father and daughter, and in the final analysis, he still cared about this daughter.

Tang Dao originally wanted to say a few words for Tang Xin, but considering his identity, he silently shut up and nodded.

Back in the room, Tang Dao locked the door, climbed under the bed, and entered the dark world again.

Today's task is to upgrade to the fifth level, in addition to the support of the Abyss Beast's Stygian Crystal, there is also the Great Stygian Crystal given by Yama before, and it shouldn't be a problem to absorb it.

After completing the hunting task, Tang Dao chose to return to the room to cultivate, slowly absorbing the energy of the Immortal Crystal.

As the last bit of the dark crystal was absorbed, Tang Dao suddenly opened his eyes, and his original brown-black eyes had all turned into the faint blue of flames, and his whole body was as cold and piercing as ice, but there was a burning sensation of flames on his skin.

On the skin of the exposed hands, there were already dark blue flames, and the flames seemed to be gushing out of the body, and he struggled to get out of bed and came to the mirror, and Tang Dao saw himself in the mirror.


the mirror, it was not himself, but the white and bone judge, who did not move with his movements, and was not his own appearance, he clearly felt that his skin and flesh were still there.

But aren't you a judge? If the judge is in the mirror, who is he?

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