
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, there was a false alarm, but they still expressed regret for not being able to eat melons.

"Xiaotian, you are also older, there are some things that my brother must talk to you about.

Tang Dao patted Tang Tian on the shoulder with some vicissitudes.

"Well, Brother Dao, you say, I'm already an adult.

Tang Tian nodded.

"I accidentally burned that wife of yours last night.

Tang Dao sighed.

"Ah this, alas, well, which one?"

Tang Tian's face darkened, for the sake of friendship, he endured it.

"Every single one.

Tang Dao spat out three words.


- silence - "I meowed and killed you

!" "Brother Tian forget it, spare his life!"

Han Shan hurriedly stopped Tang Tian, who was about to run away.

"Xiao Tian, hurry up, this guy also burned my potted plants and rag dolls!"

"No, you caught fire, how could the two of their rooms burn down? You two, it's the same house?"

Han Shan also realized that something was wrong, and his eyes looked at the three of them, as if he had found something terrible.

Can you go straight to the knife, this is going to live together?"

"I support you, don't go up, don't hack him to death.

Han Shan let go of Tang Tian and also incarnated into the Heavenly Arch Star.

"MMP, what about a good brother for a lifetime

?" Tang Dao's face turned green, can this be arched fire?"


Shan's face was expressionless, what kind of dog thief, originally the master was worried about whether it would be cold if you slept in the bridge cave, but it turned out that you meow directly cohabited with a beautiful woman, right?

"Brother Dao, there is a fire in my harem, you must be responsible.

Tang Tian said very seriously.

"Well, don't worry, I'll try to pay it out, although it may take some time.

Tang Dao nodded, that's five or six hundred thousand things.

"yes, so let's make a list of Erica's hobbies or something, I can exchange my sister's hobbies list with you.

Tang Tianyi said rhetorically.

"You're going die!" Tang

Xin couldn't wait to slaughter this thing with a critical blow.

"Brother Dao, you don't know, since I played this game, I feel heaven, there are so many beautiful young ladies~ Especially Erica, it's just jumping on my aesthetics, happy here, I don't think about it.

Tang Tian said with a happy face.

Everyone: "..."

"Lose the silver, family!" Tang

Xin raised his forehead and sighed, this brother is not saved.

Fighting and making noise along the way, they finally arrived at General Ridge, this time they were fully prepared, everyone found rattan, slowly climbed down the cliff, and once again arrived at Mingbat City.

Since it's been a long time since the last time, the original 3000 Singing Bat Warriors have been refreshed, but fortunately, everyone's attributes have improved a lot, so it didn't take much effort to clean it up.

Tang Dao also recovered to 71.5% of the experience value of level 20.

"Come on, I'll go open the boss. "

Carrying a shield like a mountain, he took the lead in entering the Singing Bat City.

General Bat (E)

Level: 25Attack

: 1800Defense: 1500Health

: 50000Skill: Soul Roar, Bat Wing SlashIntroduction:

The general who guards the city of Thundering Bat, commanding 3,000

elite soldiers, is strong and elusive.

"Little Singing Bat General, Hugh is rampant!" "

Immovable as a mountain of guns pulled out, bringing out 400 damage.

"Up! Pay attention to the pull of hatred. "

Tang Dao and Tang Xin are still outflanking left and right.

-1603, -1603,

-300, -300 Blade Kill!

Two consecutive swords are swung, dealing nearly 4000 points of damage, and the boss's health bar is visibly lowered with the naked eye.

The same is true for Tang Xin on the other side, but her damage is not as high as Tang Dao, so the hatred is still on Tang Dao's side.

Tang Dao used displacement to dodge, although the rest of the knights tried their best to output, but the output was naturally not as good as the assassin, and the hatred within 3s was still on Tang Dao.

Tang Dao opened Qiang Yin and wanted to delay for a second, but the boss directly ignored Tang Dao's stealth and swung his claws.

Fortunately, I still have a movement skill in my hand to dodge this claw.

"Mad, I forgot this thing is a bat, so you don't need to look at it. Tang

Dao had palpitations, but fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he would have to fall off again.

"I'm coming!"

motionless as a mountain turned on the tower shield and morale, and helped Tang Dao to carry this blow.


The bright red crit number flies, but fortunately, the blood volume of the mountain is thick enough to be able to drop the blood volume.

Tang Xin on the other side used cutting to pull away the hatred, she is level 21, don't worry about level 5 suppression, so the damage is very considerable, and the boss is close to 6000 HP, pulling the hatred away.

The two of them, Heaven-Shaking Wuyue and Eternal Hengtian, opened the tower shield, and their morale and bravery each helped to withstand an attack, and then Tang Xin himself dodged it with an instant.

"Stand together, I'll use healing!" Rabbit

Satsuki shouted, and the three remnant blood knights suddenly converged, and a full 1500+ healing technique flew up, pulling back most of the blood volume of the three people, plus the treatment of the red potion, the blood volume suddenly returned to full.

"I'll output, the three of you take turns to help me carry it once, and the rest don't output!" Tang

Dao said to the three of them, his instant flash and thunder flash were still cooling, but if he didn't fight, it would be a pity for the boss's HP.


flew up two numbers in a row, and the boss's HP came to 71%, which was a little bit away from activating the skill.


After dodging the boss's 3 attacks, Tang Dao led everyone to retreat.

After 7s, everyone's skills have been cooled down, and the boss's HP has also returned to 79%.

"The assassins will shoot together, use the highest output to produce skills, and the priest will lock the knight for healing!" Tang

Dao snorted.

The three assassins came to the boss's side, slashed, cut, and slashed, and defeated the boss's nearly 10,000 HP, and the blood line suddenly dropped to 59%.

The bat-winged

general spread his wings and flew up, his wings fully spread, like a knife blade.

-2784, +1186, +3187

can only bear this knife without moving, but just in case, Tang Dao still gave the Holy Guard healing technique, plus the rabbit Xiaoyue's attempt to insert seconds, will stabilize the blood volume that does not move like a mountain.

"Up!" The

three assassins stepped forward again, knocked out its 7,000 HP, and suppressed the blood line to 44%, this time the highest output was Tang Xin, the hatred was pulled away by her, and the knights who had been prepared took turns to step forward to carry the wounds, and then withdrew to receive treatment.

I feel that this soul roar is a control skill, don't be busy with the output for a while, let me try it!

Seeing that the boss's blood volume is gradually approaching 30%, it is time to activate another skill, Tang Xin shouted to the rest.

"Trust her.

Tang Dao had already guessed Tang Xin's operation and took the lead in withdrawing, although the rest of the people were puzzled, they also followed suit.

Sure enough, the moment the blood line dropped to 30%, the boss flew into the sky again, letting out a piercing scream.

System Prompt: You take Soul Scream damage and freeze for 1s.

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