"Then I'll choose the heart of death's sister."

Jinghua smiled slightly, I have to say that the elf magician is already good-looking, and Jinghua herself is also very good looking, and it can be said that she is at the level of red face and disaster in the game.

"Then I can only choose the Nine Heavenly Palace. Shui

Yue was a little helpless.

The three groups of people each opened the ring to fight, and they didn't lose anything by dying, except for the 5 gold coins that opened the ring.


figure of Tang Dao appeared in the ring.

Qiu Guan's level is now level 21, one level higher than when he was interviewed in the morning, he is equipped with at least 3 pieces of green, wearing armor, holding a long sword, and his posture is heroic.


Qiu Guan slowly raised his long sword.

The 20-level crusader has 4 skills, fast step, heavy slash, block, and stab, compared to the knight who is also a swordsman turned into a class, there is no Lingbo's two-stage displacement, and the flexibility is much lower, but with the combination of blocking and stabbing this group of defense + attack skills, positional warfare is stronger.

To put it simply, a chivalrous man is a light infantry, and a crusader is a heavy infantry.

Therefore, in the face of the assassin, he is still a master assassin, Qiu Guan chose the style of defense and counterattack, anyway, he will not hit him if he takes the initiative to shoot, and it will show flaws, so it is better to wait for him to do it.

Of course, there is naturally a risk in this, that is, a master assassin, if you are not sure, I am afraid that you will not make a move, and if you make a move, it will be a killer move.

But to her surprise, Tang Dao did not use the most basic combo of strong concealment + instant flash + blade kill, but rushed over with a swagger.

What kind of fighting style is this? Assassin as a warrior?

Qiu Guan frowned, but seeing Tang Dao approaching, the long sword in his hand also swung out suddenly, slashing hard!

Woo -

the sound of breaking wind sounded, but it missed, Tang Dao dodged this sword sideways, and the dagger in his hand stabbed towards Qiu Guan's wrist, Qiu Guan's reaction was also not slow, and his left hand grabbed Tang Dao's right arm in the air.

"Oh no!" Immediately

Qiu Guan realized that something was wrong, Tang Dao was a confrontation, not a cold swordsman, and he also had a dagger!


Critical Strike flew up, and Qiu Guan died.

"Come again!"

Tang Dao threw out of the ring again.

The two appeared on the stage, and Qiu Guan still chose to defend and counterattack.

"Block?" Tang

Dao saw Qiu Guan's movements, and he didn't hide himself, and still rushed straight over.

A vertical slash in his right hand, as if he were a swordsman.


Qiu Guan raised his long sword to parry, the difference in strength value was enough, the angle was enough, the parry was successful, and only 10% of the HP was lost.

But Tang Dao's other hand held the dagger and stabbed it towards Qiu Guan's ribs from below, which was the location of the heart.

Qiu Guan took advantage of the situation and dragged the long sword to smash down.


The left hand was withdrawn, and Tang Dao flashed behind Qiu Guan.

Turn around + stab!

Qiu Guan's movements are very fast, if Tang Dao is brewing an attack at this time, I am afraid that he has been killed, and the two sides will be tied.

But it's a pity that Tang Dao didn't raise his knife and dodged behind Qiu Guan, Tang Dao chose the back side and deceived his skills.


At the moment when Qiu Guan's stab ended, Tang Dao's dagger slashed through his neck, killing him instantly.

"I've lost two out of three, but I want to play one more game.

Qiu Guan took the initiative to throw out of the ring this time.


Tang Dao nodded secretly, her operation and consciousness have reached the quasi-first-class, and it is a good seedling to cultivate it well.

This time, Qiu Guan chose to take the initiative and swung his long sword to kill.

A series of attacks forced Tang Dao to retreat, and soon reached the edge of the ring.

Woo -

another sword, the Tang knife has reached the edge.

However, at this moment, Tang Dao launched a counterattack, and the moment Qiu Guan slashed down with a sword, when he was still swinging the long sword with both hands, Tang Dao jumped and stepped on his hands holding the hilt of the sword, and then turned around in the air and landed behind Qiu Guan.

Qiu Guan also learned to be smart this time, and instead of turning around, he turned his hand and stabbed a sword from his armpit waist, and at the same time turned and retreated, similar to the move of returning the horse pistol.


The long sword knocked out the dagger of the Tang Dao, but unfortunately there was only one.


figures of the two were staggered in the air, but they were only V-shaped, that is, they each came diagonally behind the other.

Hurry +

slash! Qiu Guan held the long sword in both hands, turned around and smashed at Tang Dao with a heavy slash.


Tang Dao dodged this sword and came to Qiu Guan's left hand, because she is not left-handed, it is very inconvenient to hit the left with a sword in her right hand, it takes time to adjust, and this time is enough.

Qiu Guan reluctantly raised the long sword, and there was only one block left in her hand, but Tang Dao still had at least two skills in his hand: cutting + blade killing.

-1865 and -1865

flew into the air, and Qiu Guan died again.

"What are the results of the assessment?" Qiu

Guan lost three battles in a row, so naturally there was no roll result.

"Congratulations, passed. Tang

Dao submitted a friend application.

"Thank you.

Qiu Guan's eyes were happy.

On the other side, the Tang Xin sisters and brothers have also completed the assessment one after another, and the strength of Jinghua Shuiyue is not weak, and the small team has suddenly grown to 6 people.

"Boss, where are we going to level up now?" asked

Kagami, holding her staff, with a smile.

"Going to Copperstone Town, there is something to do.

Tang Xin replied casually.

"Oh, Tongshi Town, it seems to be Shenghuang's territory, what are we going to do?"

Qiu Guan was a little puzzled.

"Rebellion, robbery.

Tang Xin said confidently.

Three: ....

"Seriously, go to the prison in Copperstone Town and rob someone.

Tang Xin saw that the three of them were a little unconvinced, and emphasized it again.

"Well, I can only say that it is worthy of the heart of death, and the first vote to join is so big.

Jinghua said helplessly.

"Piece of cake.

Tang Xin said indifferently.

The six of them rushed to Copperstone Town, and it was already twelve o'clock in the afternoon, just in time for the darkness in the game.

"God help me!" Tang

Dao was pleasantly surprised, and was about to rush towards the tavern.

"Why are you going?"

Tang Xin grabbed him.

"I'm going to buy food and drinks, and you're waiting for me here.

Tang Dao rushed away, and then brought back a chicken and four jars of wine.


The rest of the people were a little surprised, but Tang Xin, looking at the guards at the door of the prison, seemed to understand something.

The group arrived at the door of the prison and was unsurprisingly stopped.

"The prison is heavy, and the idlers stop. Two

level 25 soldiers stopped Tang Dao and the others.

"Big brother, our friend is inside, I want to go in and have a look, this thing is considered filial piety to you.

Tang Dao handed over the wine and food.

"Don't think about it!" the

soldier's face was awe-inspiring.

"This money should be used to buy tea. Tang

Dao took out 10 gold coins and stuffed them into the hands of the city guard soldiers.

"That's pretty much it. Caring about friends, human nature, go ahead, go. The

soldier weighed the money bag and smiled.

"Wait, your food... It's not appropriate, right?"

the soldier stopped Tang Dao again.

"Oh, ah, yes, yes, yes, it's not suitable, so I have to stay outside and trouble my eldest brother to help keep it.

Tang Dao instantly understood and left the wine and food.

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