"Don't worry about this, since I dare to come, I am naturally ready."

Tang Dao said confidently.

"Well, if you're really capable, I can even handle it from the inside. "

Jiang Chengji is also reluctant to make fish and meat.


Tang Dao was stunned.

"Do you think I'm the only one here?"

Jiang Chengji sneered.


Tang Dao nodded.

After the two discussed the details again, they agreed on a time and started the next night.

Tang Dao swaggered out of the mine, and seeing that nothing was happening inside, the guards also relaxed their vigilance.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, it was dawn in the game, and Tang Dao did not rush back to the copper and stone town, but chose to go to the abandoned mine cave to find the mine elves and burst out sulfur and carbon crystals.

After a simple dinner halfway off, Tang Dao was already level 21, and there were 70+ sulfur carbon crystals and another miner's diary in his backpack.

Miner's Diary 5

seems to be a little strange about the mines here, and it makes me feel deeply uneasy, but for the sake of money, I will do my best.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Tang Dao successfully rose to level 22.

At the same time, it was also time to get started.

In the dead of night, most of the soldiers on patrol were afraid of the night wind, and walked casually through the motions, and after making sure that there was nothing serious, they hurried back to the barracks.

Tang Dao placed sulfur and carbon crystals near several barracks, and then took advantage of the night to touch the brazier under the watchtower, leaning on the pillars of the watchtower to hide.

"Do it!" With

Tang Dao's low shout in the team channel, Tang Xin, who was far away in Tongshi Town, also made a move.

Tang Dao threw a piece of sulfur carbon crystal into the brazier, and the explosion instantly blew the watchtower to the ground, and at the same time woke everyone up.

Jiang Chengji and others, who had been prepared for a long time, also came out of the mine, and he gathered about thirty-four people, all of whom were his henchmen.

"Ignite the camp!" Tang

Dao shouted at Jiang Chengji and the others, and then kicked down the sentry tower, which was already the end of the crossbow, and fell to the ground with the soldiers.

Two critical hits flew up, Tang Dao directly dealt with this remnant soldier, and Jiang Chengji and others on the other side also lit the camp with torches, and the flames detonated the sulfur and carbon crystals, and the entire mine suddenly fell into chaos.

"Not good!" Luke

, the partial general who stayed here, also exclaimed, and hurriedly put on his armor and went out.

"Archers on the wall, cross-fire to block these people, swords and shields are in formation, spears follow, slow advance!" Luke

is a level 30 E-level boss, that is, two hundred people long, but the basic military command ability is still there.

"Hold your ground, don't panic! These people don't have weapons and armor, and they won't be able to support them for long.

Luke naturally also saw Jiang Chengji, who took the lead, and he didn't have the slightest sympathy for this former colleague.

"Capture the thief and capture the king first, aim at Jiang Chengji!" Luke

pointed at his long sword and ordered the archers to release their arrows.

Boom -

At that moment, the wooden wall that held the entrance to the mine was blown down, and several archers fell to their deaths.


Just when Luke was surprised, a group of men and horses had already rushed in, breaking up the formation of the city guards from behind, and since the two sides were fighting together, there was no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, and the archers on the wooden wall did not dare to release their arrows rashly.

"Kill with me!" Jiang

Chengji saw that there was no fire suppression of the archers and the iron wall of the infantry phalanx, so he killed him with a long sword.


in the end, it's a centurion, a sword, slashing several people in a row, grabbing a shield, and fighting with pikemen.

"Damn, where did these people come from?" Luke

saw that the group of men and horses rushing in were all well-armed and well-trained, and he would have wondered if it wasn't for the bloody corpses in front of him.

"Luke, you also have a share of the credit for being wrongfully imprisoned, right?"

Jiang Chengji cut down the soldiers and cleared a passage to Luke.

"Hmph, who told you to pretend to be tall, everyone is drunk, you wake up alone, right?"

Luke sneered, threw away his long sword, grabbed a soldier's spear, and rushed towards Jiang Chengji, after all, the other party did not wear armor, and he was dragging his tired body, no matter how you look at it, the advantage is mine.

"Hmph, let you pampered young master soldiers see what a real warrior is!" Jiang

Chengji waved his long sword to meet him.

Luke stabbed a shot, but Jiang Chengji slid through and pressed away with his shield, and the long sword slid against the barrel of the gun.

The right hand let go of the left hand to dodge the sword, and then kicked Jiang Chengji's shield, kicking it back again and again.

At that moment, Luke exploded in the back with two damages.


, -300, -500, and -300 shots are naturally Tang Knife, but due to the large difference in attributes, there is basically only 300 points of basic damage and blade kill, which is not helpful for Luke, who has a blood volume of up to 5w.

Partial General Luke (E)

Level: 30Attack: 4500Defense: 4500Health:


: Heavy Slash, Block

Introduction: Partial General of the Copperstone Town City Guards stationed in the mines.

"Do it!" Tang

Dao roared angrily, and the immobilization spell was issued, controlling Luke, but it was only a short 0.3s, and the attribute gap was too big.

But for a life-and-death fight, it was enough!

Jiang Chengji seized the opportunity and cut off Luke's wrist with a sword, and the spear suddenly fell to the ground, and then quickly stepped forward and cut his throat.

"Luke is dead! still not surrendered!" After

chopping off Luke's head, Jiang Chengji grabbed his head and shouted at the many soldiers who were resisting.


"The general is dead. "

Do you want to surrender?"


Many soldiers hesitated, and Jiang Chengji killed the nearest soldier with a sword, and blood splattered on the spot.

The soldiers laid down their weapons one after another, and then crouched on the ground.

"Take off your armor!" Jiang

Chengji motioned for his men to step forward and change into armor and equipment.

"Xiaoyou is really a person who has achieved great things. The

old man was dressed in armor at this time, and he had the style of a veteran, and he walked in front of Tang Dao.

"Praise, the ore here, I don't think you will give up, right?"

Tang Dao glanced at the people brought by the old man, as well as the migrant workers with torches, obviously to carry the supplies.

"Of course, the money and food are at your disposal, and the rest is ours. The

old man smiled.

Jiang Chengji was grateful.

Jiang Chengji also came over at this time to clasp his fists and salute.

"No, thank you for the adventurer. The

old man looked indifferent and waved his hand.

The people behind him understood, and stepped forward with a team of swordsmen, and beheaded all the soldiers who had surrendered in a frightened cry for mercy.

"Just to be on the safe side. The

old man said slowly.

"Let's go, we're still waiting for us over there.

Tang Dao naturally didn't care, and said to Jiang Chengji.

"Okay, brothers, if you are willing to follow me, you can come with me, and if you don't want to, you can leave, the end of the world is far away, and you will see you again.

Jiang Chengji said to the many laborers who were fighting together not far away.

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