"What? Is it unexpected? The copperstone town is far away from the emperor, and it has long been no longer the copperstone town controlled by Sal City.

Jiang Chengji sneered.

"But there are only more than 100 bandits in Jingmu Mountain, how many ordnance can be sold in the armory workshop?"

Qu Xingjian still felt a little incredible.

"To the southeast of Jingmu Mountain is the Tiantong Mountains, and that side is the territory of the orcs, and I heard from the brothers of the patrol that they once saw heavily armed orc warriors.

Jiang Chengji sighed.

"Half-orcs? Are they crazy? Half-orcs are already stronger than human warriors, once they have enough ordnance and equipment, it is tantamount to slaughtering human warriors!" Qu

Xingjian's eyes were full of shock.

"Do you think those money-hungry men will go to war? It's not us low-level soldiers who will die in the end.

Jiang Chengji's tone was full of disdain.

"Alas!" Qu

Xingjian was resentful, and he didn't know what to say, so he had to sigh.

"Okay, the top priority is to quickly find a place to stay, this brother, you should have a suitable recommendation, right?"

Jiang Chengji looked at Tang Dao.

"Of course, but I'm going to take Qu Xingjian to another place, and as for leading the way, I'll leave it to my friend.

Tang Dao smiled slightly.

At this moment, there was a sound in the surrounding mountains and forests.

"Captain, someone's coming. One

of the soldiers in charge of the guard said.

"There's no hurry.

Jiang Chengji raised his hand and signaled that everyone should not act rashly.

Sure enough, it wasn't the NPC's city guards, but a team of players, well-equipped.

"General Jiang, hello, in Xiahanshan. "

Naturally, the level 22 knight who took the lead was immovable like a mountain, and since Tang Dao had explained it in advance, Han Shan also came over to say hello very politely.

"Hello, Jiang Chengji.

Jiang Chengji nodded, his eyes swept over the equipment of the players, and he nodded secretly in his heart.

"We are the adventurers he said were going to enter the Tiantong Mountains, and I will ask for more advice in the future.

Han Shan smiled.

"Wherever you are, you have to rely on you more. Jiang

Chengji is also a good person, and the two sides were polite.

"General Jiang, here are two thousand gold coins, counting the initial funds I lent you, if there is anything in the future, you can go to Mr. Han to solve it.

Tang Dao handed over a large bag of gold coins.

"Thank you! Today's grace will be reciprocated by a spring on another day!" Jiang

Chengji was not polite and took the gold coin.

"Let's go!"

The two sides said goodbye, Han Shan took the group to the Tiantong Mountain Range, and Tang Dao led the people back to the Anchao Lake small array.

System prompt: Qu Xingjian's favorability +70, Jiang Chengji's favorability +40.

Since the plan was successful, everyone's interest was not bad, except for being wanted.

"Brother Dao, why did you spend so much effort to rescue this NPC?"

Along the way, Tang Tian asked with some incomprehension.

"In the future, when there is a national war and a city war, they will come in handy.

Tang Dao smiled, maybe his current behavior seems meaningless, but time will tell.


Tang Tian was a little speechless, and the old lady also replied like this just now.

"Brother Dao, where are we going?" Qu

Xingjian is now a level 25 E-level BOSS, and his attributes are still very good, but after all, he is an NPC and will feel tired, so he has to rest and replenish his physical strength every time he walks a distance.

"Go to Anchao Lake, I will settle you over there, rest assured, it's not for you to be a farmer, it's for you to continue to be able to take up arms.

Tang Dao said.

"That's good, the world is impermanent.

Qu Xingjian nodded and sighed.

"Someone is coming! everyone be careful!"

Tang Xin said suddenly, and at the same time pulled out the dagger, and almost at the same time, Tang Dao also pulled out the dagger.

A few vicious NPCs came out of the surrounding jungle.

Wandering BanditsElite

Level: 25Attack

: 4000Defense: 3500Health: 8000Skill

: OppressionIntroduction


A vicious person who has broken the law, and does all kinds of evil.

"The wanted effect is out.

Seeing the comer clearly, Tang Dao smiled, Tang Xin, Tang Tian, Jinghua, Shui Yue, and Qiu Guan's five wanted criminals together were enough to trigger the punishment mechanism in the game.

The so-called punishment mechanism means that after being wanted by NPCs, it will continue to attract outlaws and bounty hunters to attack and kill, and the wanted people cannot get supplies in ordinary villages and towns.

"Boy, leave the money on your body, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" said

the one who took the lead fiercely with a total of 4 bandits.

"Qiu Guan and Xiaotian will play one in a group, one will be played in Jinghua Shuiyue, and Tang Xin and I will each play one. "

Tang Dao is not afraid at all, okay, at this time, the punishment mechanism will be triggered, just come over to deliver food.


The group suddenly divided into four groups, each locking on to a target.

-3204, -3204

dagger swing, less than 2 seconds to deal with this bandit, burst 1 gold coin, no experience points and equipment.

Killing outlaws and bounty hunters only earns gold, which is also a punishment mechanism that prevents players from using this mechanic to farm equipment.

"Wow, you're too violent. The

two of them, who were pulling, also exclaimed.

"If it weren't for such attributes and strength, Canggongpo would be difficult to fight with Shenghuang in a battle, right?"

"Don't say it, at that time, I was assessed under Tang Xinmei's paper, and I couldn't see the operation clearly at all.

Jinghua said speechlessly.

"Ah, is it only me who has fought back and forth?" Tang

Tian was shocked, my sister is so powerful

, "Otherwise, hurry up and fight, the longer it drags on, the more outlaw fanatics and bounty hunters will refresh nearby."

Tang Xin urged, and the other two groups also completed the kills one after another.

Everyone hurried away, as long as they sent Qu Xingjian to Anchao Lake, they waited for someone to sleep offline, and practiced for a while online, they could get through the wanted time.

"How long are you wanted for robbing the prison?"

Tang Dao looked at Tang Xin.

"72 hours, the boss punishment mechanism will be triggered.

Tang Xin immediately replied.

When the wanted time is greater than or equal to 72 hours, a special punishment mechanism will be triggered, which indefinitely refreshes a boss by your side, locks the hatred and cannot be pulled off, and you must either be killed once or kill the boss.

"It's just right to hit a piece of equipment.

Tang Dao was overjoyed and nodded.

"I suspect that there may be more than one person coming, most likely one person.

Tang Xin replied.


Tang Dao was a little puzzled.

"Because it's already here.

Tang Xin's voice was a little solemn, and he looked at the woods in front of him.

I saw that in the woods not far away, five figures slowly walked out.

Killer Rodney LV27 Killer Felton LV27 Killer Tracy LV27 Killer Thompson

LV27 Killer Humphrey


There are exactly 5 level


E-level bosses, with an attack and defense of up to 4000.

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