Along the way, 142

, everyone looked at the scenery while walking, and Tang Dao went to the forum to read the posts and pay attention to the latest trends in Saarland.

With the continuous activities and tasks of Shenghuang around the Flame Forest, Thrall City will establish a Thousand Golden Castle south of Copperstone Town and north of the Flame Forest to garrison troops to facilitate the subsequent conquest of the Flame Forest.

Now the Thousand Gold Castle is under construction, a lot of materials are needed, and you can get experience points and gold coins by submitting the corresponding materials!Friends in need!

1st floor player Feng Qingge: Welcome everyone to help, there are many hidden tasks here!2nd floor

player Shui Yuexing: No need to fight, no PK, just help transport materials have experience points, suitable for all levels of players.

3rd floor player Gu Kongyu: By the way, an advertisement, Shenghuang is recruiting people, welcome masters from all walks of life to join, and the salary is generous!

"Qianjin Castle, Shenghuang's movements are also fast enough, I'm afraid this is the first fortress in Thrall City, right?

Tang Dao thought about it and was a little happy.

"Brother Dao, what are you laughing at?" Tang Dao

asked with some confusion.

"Nothing, there are good Samaritans.

"Tang Dao thought that if Shenghuang pleaded Sal City to start a war against the Flame Forest, even if the orcs were defeated, they would ask the half-orcs next to them for help, and when the time came, Sal City would not be able to take advantage.

However, he and the others can take this opportunity to help Anchaohu Town develop a wave, or help Han Shan to intercept the half-orc army returning in the middle of the road, and they will not lose anything.

"It's Xinshi Town in front, we can't get in, it's up to you.

Tang Xin's words interrupted Tang Dao's thoughts.

"Don't worry, it's a piece of cake.

Tang Dao smiled and walked towards Xinshi Town.

"Stop! During the special period, it is forbidden to enter!"

However, the soldiers at the entrance of the town stopped Tang Dao.

"Hmm, what's going on?" Tang

Dao was a little puzzled.

"The orcs are coming, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, those brutes are not easy to mess with. The

soldier said coldly.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm not afraid. Tang

Dao suddenly, thinking that Xinshi Town had also detected the approach of the orc legion, and prepared in advance.

"Then you can't enter, now that martial law is in there, what if you are a spy?"

the soldier still stopped and refused to enter.

"Big brother, I'm a necromancer, the necromancer went to be a spy for the orcs, I'm sick?"

Tang Dao was no longer able to complain.

The soldiers were unmoved.

took out 5 gold coins and quietly handed them over.

"Go inside, don't wander around. The

soldiers were immediately released.

The town, which was supposed to be lively, is now extremely cold, everyone who can run has run, and those who can't have run have hid in the cellar, the doors and windows are closed, and the streets are full of patrolling soldiers, and the aura of murder suddenly appears.

After walking around the town a few times, Tang Dao probably figured out the town's troop allocation.

It should be a garrison of 1,000 people, and there are four hundred-man teams in the south facing Wulan Road, one hundred-man team is arranged in each of the other three parties, and there is a hundred-man team patrolling the streets, and the remaining two are resting and ready to replenish at any time.

At the southern entrance of the town, there are antlers and arrow towers, and a pit is being dug, and many soldiers have worried on their faces.

Sneak out of town, find everyone, explain the situation.

"I'm afraid we have to go to the Wulan Road to see how many half-orcs there are, and a group of thousands of people are so nervous, I'm afraid there will be no less.

Tang Dao said to the rest of the people.

"So, are we going to help Xinshi Town?" Tang

Tian asked.

"It depends, the ideal state is to help a little bit.

Tang Dao shook his head.

"It is not good for us for Xinshi Town to fall now, but if it is completely defended, it will not be good for Anchaohu Town, we and Sal City are not all the way after all, and Anchaohu Town will become our ally.

"The ideal situation is that Xinshi Town has suffered heavy losses, the people's morale is unstable, and a large number of people are heading towards Anchaohu Town.

Tang Xin added.

"Wait, wait, why aren't we all the way to Sal City? Isn't that our main city?"

Jinghua hurriedly asked, and Shui Yue, Qiu Guan, and Tang Tian also nodded in unison, indicating that they had the same doubts.

"No, Sal City is just a transitional city, our main city has not yet been established, and the Huaxia server has three city building orders, namely the Longyuan Sword, the Yitian Sword, and the Dingtang Sword, which represent the three nodes in the history of Huaxia.

"The Longyuan Sword represents the Warring States Qin Dynasty, the Yitian Sword represents the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, and the Dingtang Sword represents the late Sui and early Tang Dynasty.

"The characteristic of these three time nodes is that the world is in chaos, and the heroes are competing for each other, and finally they are unified. "

Tang Xin has participated in the internal test, so he knows these situations well.

"But what does this have to do with the main city?"

Kagamika was still puzzled.

"The Longyuan Sword will activate Xianyang City, the Yitian Sword will activate Chang'an City, and the Dingtang Sword will activate Luoyang City, with the entire game version of the military commander system and quest chain and dungeons.

"In other words, there are only three player main cities in the Huaxia server, Sal City, Yunshui City, Snow Peak City and even the Fire City behind it, all of which are NPC cities, and we can choose to attack them.

"The reason why we are not the same as Sal City is because there is a high probability that the conquest of Sal City will be started later, otherwise the Huaxia server cannot be unified, how can the national war be fought?

"Well, I didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

Kagyoka probably understood a little and shrugged her shoulders.

"Trouble is trouble, but in this way, it's more focused, isn't it? There are thousands of guilds in the Huaxia server, large and small, and there are only three city-building orders, and before the start of the national war, there will be at least three major melees, thus establishing the level and strength of each guild.

"In fact, it is also equivalent to raising Gu, lest when the national war occurs, if you disobey me, I don't accept you, just fight first and determine who the eldest brother is."

Tang Dao said with a smile.

"Then judging from the current situation, isn't Shenghuang invincible?" said

Shui Yue with a bitter face, she had been at odds with Shenghuang's players before.

"No, Shenghuang is not invincible.

Tang Dao smiled.

"It is not yet known who the flowers will be.

Tang Xin also said confidently.

"Eh, wait, listen to what you mean, and you want to fight for this main city too?"

Jinghua seemed to realize something, and exclaimed.

"Isn't it okay?"

Tang Dao asked rhetorically.

"It's not that it can't be done, the main thing is that we are a little less?"

Jinghua's gaze swept around, there were only 6 people, and it shouldn't be able to beat Shenghuang's 10w registered players.

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