6 people to fight 1 creek snapping turtle is 0.03% of the experience value of this level, and it is calculated that it will kill 3300+ snapping turtles to upgrade to 1 level, but fortunately, the equipment of several people is quite good, but it can also be impressed.

At half past eleven o'clock in the evening, the nearby creek snapping turtles were almost cleaned up, this is an I-level map, there are only 1000+ monsters, and it won't take long to kill.

But fortunately, there is a snapping turtle king, which is a level 28 E-level BOSS, and the attributes are okay, and a level 25 blue cuirass was given to Qiu Guan, worth 5700 gold coins, which is considered the income of the studio.

In the future, the equipment that the team plays every day will be regarded as the income of the studio, and it will be settled every month, after deducting the salary and daily expenses of the members, 30% will be left as the living expenses of the next month, and the rest will be used as bonuses.

Tang Xin said with a smile while hanging the money on the Treasure Pavilion.

"Boss, what about my salary?"

asked Tang Dao.

"No, it's going to be hard to feed a few of them, okay.

Tang Xin immediately retorted, just kidding, the three of them, the monthly expenses are close to 2w, where can they afford a master like Tang Dao.

"Sister, I'm going down, I'll be back tomorrow. Tang

Tian said hello and went offline, tomorrow weekend, this kid has no class.

"Let's brush it up a little longer. Tang

Xin found another map, which was also an I-level map.

Due to the previous level 28 E-level boss, each of the 6 people got 20% of the experience value of this level, plus the original snapping turtle, the experience value has reached level 24 50%+.

"Boss, when did you officially set up a studio, and after a long time in the game, I didn't have much contact with my original friends.

While hurrying, Jinghua asked with some hope.

"Next week, the contract and formalities are estimated to be next month.

Tang Xin waved his hand.

"It's okay, the studio is OK, call me, and I'll fly over.

Jinghua said with a smile, after playing together for so long, several people are very familiar.

The level was trained until two o'clock in the morning, and the five of them finally rose to level 25, and Tang Dao couldn't suppress the power of the desolation in his body!"

"Go offline to sleep, and I have to go on a blind date tomorrow, I'm so tired."

Tang Xin yawned.

Several people went offline one after another, and Tang Dao entered the dark world to hunt the abyssal beasts as usual.

Since becoming a judge, it seems that he no longer needs to sleep, relying on the power of the Immortal Crystal, his body seems to be full of power.

At five o'clock the next morning, Tang Dao finished his cultivation, and after entering the fifth level, his cultivation improved very slowly, and the effect of the Immortal Crystal below the fourth level was very small, and he could hardly feel the improvement, only the fifth-level Earth Giant Barbarian Immortal Crystal had some feelings.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Tang Xin sent a message saying that he would meet the unlucky guy at twelve o'clock at noon.

After a simple wash, Tang Dao sat on the sofa in the living room and watched the forum while planning the route.

At eleven o'clock in the afternoon, go out!

In the restaurant, a handsome guy in a suit swept his eyes over the hands on his watch from time to time, and it had been five minutes out of time.

"Hello, are you Mr. Hong Xian?" a

beautiful woman with sunglasses sat opposite him, and the elegant smell of perfume hit him, dispelling the unhappiness in his heart.

"Yes, hello I am..."

"Hello, I'm sorry, we're not suitable, goodbye!" Before

Hong Xian's words were finished, the beauty had already walked away, leaving only Hong Xian, who was messy in the restaurant alone.

In the Audi in the parking lot, Tang Xin took off his sunglasses and looked at Tang Dao in the back seat through the rearview mirror:

"Am I good-looking?"

"It's good-looking." Tang

Dao was a little puzzled, although this girl is a road idiot, her appearance is really good.

"Then what to eat for lunch?" Tang

Xin smiled slightly and continued to ask.

"Uh, is there any need for the two to have anything to do with it?"

Tang Dao didn't get the connection between the two points.

"Can you eat it if you look good? If you starve to death, you are a bodyguard, if you don't give me a drive, do you want me to invite you to dinner?"

Tang Xin patted the steering wheel and said angrily.

"Uh, no, you're the boss, okay, shouldn't I be a bodyguard? Besides, what I eat is definitely not to your taste.

Tang Dao said speechlessly.

"You can eat whatever you want, I don't pick and choose.

Tang Xin drove away.

"Okay, I remember that there is a bowl chicken around here that is very delicious, and it is a must for dipping! Turn left and two streets away.

Tang Dao thought for a moment and said.

"Oh, the evaluation is so high?"

Tang Xin was also interested.

"No, it's mainly about rice and kimchi, I used to come here a lot to cook.

Tang Dao thought about it for a while, and then said, at that time, he had just graduated and had no money, and he didn't find a job, so he submitted resumes for interviews everywhere, and finally met this bowl chicken in an alley.

Tang Dao, who had all been yellowed in four interviews in the morning, turned his grief and anger into appetite, and added ten meals in a row, which shocked the four people.

Tang Xin was stunned for a moment, and then spoke:

"If it's not delicious, you'll die." "

Tang Xin: Silently praying that it has gone out of business!

As a result, the two of them still didn't eat it in the end, because they didn't open the door, and the boss posted a printer paper saying that the chicken was stolen.

"Forget it, it's really unreliable, I'll take you to eat.

Tang Xin supported his forehead.

The two ordered a few dishes in a stir-fry restaurant, and after confirming that the rice was unlimited, Tang Dao turned on the dry rice mode.

"Grandma, two more meals!" Tang

Dao put the rice bowl aside and said to the proprietress .

"Little brother, we don't have any food here, a total of five rice cooker meals, all of which have been eaten by you. "

The proprietress wanted to cry without tears.

"Well, remember to do more next time.

Tang Dao was still unsatisfied, and immediately checked out and left.

"In the future, you will be responsible for the food expenses in the studio. In

the car, Tang Xin said while driving.

"Ah, don't you eat and live, you might as well go to Foxconn!" Tang

Dao was shocked.

"No, you can eat as much as the rest of us.

Tang Xin said angrily.

"What kind of capitalist, sooner or later find a street lamp to hang you up.

Tang Dao muttered.

"Hmm, what street lamp?"

Tang Xin glanced at Tang Dao.

"I said the street lamp in front, I'm obedient, this street lamp is too street lamp!" Tang

Dao hurriedly shut up, not daring to say more.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, several people went online again, and it was daytime in the game.

Due to the previous breach of Xinshi Town, the NPC residents lost confidence in Xinshi Town, and a large number of residents moved to Anchaohu Town, and now the town has a new look, with a large population and sufficient labor.

"Here, send the wood over and build a few wooden houses there to house the residents. "

Dorrell is in command.

Qu Xingjian is training new militia with the selected militia, and they will take over the defense and general combat missions of Anchao Lake Town in the future, and the Priest Shengwei will be used as an elite combat force.

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