"Just kidding, I'm also a master now, come on, watch you perform.

Immovable Rushan smiled, and then looked at Tang Dao.

"Well, I'll go up with the heart of death to open the BOSS, don't worry about the rest of the people, wait until the specific location of the boss is determined before coming over, don't stand too close, the size of this valley can only accommodate two teams of output, and the rest of the people don't want to fish, ready to rotate.

"Archers and mages also need to prepare, crossbowmen prepare heart-piercing arrows, they don't need to deliberately aim at the heart, just make sure they can output, and dark mages prepare curses and nightmares, in pairs, cast spells at intervals.

Tang Dao commanded to everyone.

Heart Piercing Arrow (Level 1): Deals 120% damage to a single target after 1.5 seconds, can be critical, with 20% armor piercing, if it hits the heart, it will deal an additional 15% damage, consume 100 mana, and have a cooldown of 10s.

Curse (Level 1): After channeling for 1s, apply a debuff to the target within 3×3 radius of the enemy, and lose a maximum health limit of 1% per second for the next 10s, which lasts for 10 minutes or the target is killed, consumes 400 mana, and has a cooldown of 18s.

Nightmare (Level 1): After channeling for 1s, the debuff is applied to a single target, and the attack for the next 10s has a 15% chance of missing (if the target is a boss, it will be attenuated according to the level difference), and deals 1% of the true damage of lost health per second (the boss is up to 300), consumes 600 mana, and has a cooldown of 20s.

"Okay, let's go our separate ways. "

Immovable like a mountain naturally believes in Tang Dao, with a wave of his big hand, everyone immediately dispersed according to the plan, performed their duties, and waited for the battle.

The two of them walked slowly into the mist, and the thick white mist lingered all around, as if stepping into the clouds, and they couldn't see it.

It was even more eerily silent, except for the sound of leather boots stepping on the grass and the sound of heartbeats.

A faint fishy smell melted into the mist, the smell of snake monsters.

Knock knock -

a third heartbeat sounded, more powerful and duller than the heartbeat of the two.

After all, necromantic players don't have muscles, and the sound of heartbeats is heard through the cracks in the ribs like a sieve.

But the monster had muscles and internal organs, and the sound of a heartbeat echoed through the cavity as if it were a low, muffled drum.

Rustling -

the sound of something scratching the lawn sounded, and the two reacted instantly, the boss came, and immediately stood back to back, staring at the white fog around him, listening to the movement.

As voices sounded in all directions, the two of them already understood that the boss surrounded himself in the fog, but they couldn't tell the end at the moment.

"Be careful of the top of your head!"

Tang Xin exclaimed, then kicked Tang Dao away suddenly, and jumped out with the help of his strength.

Almost at the same time, a huge figure smashed down with two red lantern-like lights, blasting a large crater in the ground, which was the snake's head.

Tang Dao took advantage of the situation to rush a few steps, and when he saw the boss body in front of him like a high wall, he couldn't help but be shocked, this volume was a little scary.

However, if it comes, it will be safe, and he will run and jump, and the dagger in his hand will be pierced into the gap between the scales.


level suppression and critical damage avoidance have already pale Tang Dao's already somewhat powerful attacks.

With a full 16w of blood, the damage of these 1754 points is almost 1%, which is far from a kill.

On the other side, Tang Xin didn't have time to output, because the snake head had already chased after her just now.

Running quickly to the snake's side, he jumped out of his thick body like a stone wall, dodged the blow of the snake's head hunting, and fell to the ground and rolled to unload his strength.

Reaching out and slapping it sideways, he made sure there was no threat around him and rushed towards the snake's body.

After all, there is a great advantage, that is, the power is terrifying, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, once the assassin climbs on his body, he is as agile as a flea.

"It's okay, everyone

stepped forward to output!" With Tang Dao's order, the three teams of people who were ready suddenly stepped forward to output.

Tang Dao himself climbed up with the scales, and the side where he was the head of the snake, which gradually rose up, forming a slope.


A Silver Frost Python of this size was no longer an ordinary snake, and it could even let out a beast-like roar, and headed towards Tang Dao with its bloody mouth open.

-1754 and -1754

Tang Dao quickly climbed a few steps, then raised his dagger in both hands and plunged into the scales, bending his legs to avoid the bite.

But there are also benefits, while the snake's head is skipping, Tang Dao kicked on it with both legs, turned his body over, pulled out the dagger in his left hand and stabbed it into a higher place, and then retracted his right hand.

One hit failed, and there were a lot of adventurer outputs around, although the output was not high, but it also made the silver frost python irritable.

The snake head abandoned the Tang knife and swam wildly against the ground, and his originally coiled body suddenly elongated, crushing towards the three teams of players.

"Get out of the way, don't hard-top! The power of the boss is very high!" Tang

Dao hung on the silver frost python and shouted below.

The strength of NPCs is calculated differently from players, players only look at the data panel, but NPCs need to consider many aspects such as level, grade, bloodline, and body type.

It's like this silver frost python's offensive and defensive attributes are actually similar to the small boss of Jingmu Mountain, but if it really fights, the little boss is definitely not the opponent of this silver frost python.

Woo -

but the boss didn't give him a chance, and his tail was rounded and smashed towards Tang Dao.

Tang Dao pulled out the dagger with a snort, and then slid down on the scales.

The boss has lost Tang Dao's hatred, and now he has been attacked by Tang Xin's abdomen exposed by flicking, and the huge snake's head bites towards the abdomen.

Blade Kill!

-2280, -2280, -300, -300

Tang Dao swung his dagger, and four successive damages flew up, pulling the hatred back.

Roar -

the boss roared angrily, and his huge body shook suddenly, directly surrounding Tang Dao, and then the snake's head just raised and smashed down to the ground, and at the same time, the tail also swept in, killing Tang Dao on both sides.

Flash! Thunder Flash!

Tang Dao chose a muscle bulge on the boss's body as a foothold, and just stepped on it, he used his skill again to dodge, appearing on the other side of the body, as if he had climbed over a wall.

"Archers come forward, release!" "

The immovable mountain outside the valley also seized the opportunity at this time, and took a long-range output to the valley outside the valley.

"Don't care if you hit it or not, just output! After beating the boss, each person will subsidize the cost of arrows with 1 gold coin. "

The archers who don't move like a mountain and see a lot of arrows are a little reluctant, after all, it is almost the price of 5 copper, and the durability is gone, so they immediately speak.

The members of the Xuantian Shield are currently close to five hundred, and there are also seventy or eighty archers, except for the three people who form the three output teams, the rest are all in full array.

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