System Announcement: Version of the event - Wind and Snow Rescue, officially coming!An

adventurous team of Sal City is trapped in the northern wasteland, and is chased and intercepted by the barbarians of the wasteland, and sends a distress letter to Sal City, the situation is very urgent!

Players belong to the camp of Sal City, cross the bridge jungle, attack the barbarians in the north, and kill the barbarians to get points, and exchange rewards according to the points after the event.

With the issuance of this announcement, the entire Thrall City was boiling again, and at the same time, two versions of the event!

Many players who were killed by Shenghuang in the defensive battle of the camp of Qianjin Castle were unwilling to follow Shenghuang to participate in the ore battle, so they turned to the Wind and Snow Rescue Event.

In the Thousand Golden Castle, the Shenghuang people who had just gathered the players looked a little embarrassed.

"Don't panic, it's business as usual.

Feng Qingge's expression was indifferent, reassuring many players.

"Vice President, what did the President say?" asked

Gu Kongyu with some apprehension.

"Don't worry.

Feng Qingge waved his hand, and Gu Kongyu didn't want to ask again.

In the offline studio, everyone has simply eaten and is resting in the living room, Jinghua Shuiyue is playing with Forest Ice and Fire, Qiu Guan and Cangshan Xue are practicing yoga, Su Su has turned on the makeup mirror, and Tang Xin is brushing the forum.

"Vice President, where have you been?" Shui

Yue suddenly raised her head and asked.

"Ah, you stupid, you're dead again!" Jinghua

said angrily, eager to pinch the stupid sister's head and sway from side to side.

However, Shuiyue's question did attract attention, and the rest of the people looked at it.

Previously, Tang Dao was taken away by the Xuanyu Eagle King, and then withdrew from the team, and now everyone wanted to know what was going on with him.

"What equipment did the Xuanyu Eagle King explode?"

Tang Xin put down his phone and looked at Tang Dao curiously.

"How do you know?"

Tang Dao asked rhetorically.

"When you went offline, it was level 25, but it was level 24 first, and then it changed back to level 25, except for the experience points of a single E-level boss, I can't think of any other way to level up so quickly.

Tang Xin shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I did kill the Xuanyu Eagle King, and then fell down and died. "

Tang Dao is also very helpless.

"How do you kill it? That's a level 30 E-class boss.

Shui Yue asked in surprise.

"It killed itself and flew into the clouds to freeze me to death, but its blood flowed onto its feathers and was frozen into ice, and then I fell down with it and fell to my death, because the damage it did was 30%, so it was decided to kill and exploded a ring.

Tang Dao posted a picture to the WeChat group.

Ring of Feather (Blue)

Level Requirements: 25Class Requirements

: Leather Armor Agility

Requirements: 3600

Strength + 20

Agility + 140

Critical Strike Effect +5% Physical Lifesteal + 7

% Physical Penetration +5

% Effect

: Eagle Strike - When using Cut and Blade Kill, inflict an additional 3% per second on the target 's lost health (up to 300 for bosses) for 3 seconds.

"It's a very good ring.

Tang Xin also said with some envy after reading it, after all, she still had green equipment in her hand.

"It's okay, but I've made a bigger discovery than this piece of equipment.

Tang Dao shrugged his shoulders, and then said somewhat mysteriously.

"What?" The

rest of the people looked at it with some curiosity, after all, with a master like Tang Dao, they all said that they were interested, and it was definitely not simple.

"Look at this.

Tang Dao sent a picture again.

It was a screenshot from the game, and it seemed to be taken from high in the air, overlooking most of the Flame Forest.

Seen from above, the Flame Forest lives up to its name, the whole tends to be red, covers an extremely wide area, and there is no end in sight, lush and lush, and the trees are towering.

The real attraction was the heart of the Flame Forest, which seemed to be a sinkhole, several kilometers in diameter, but in the middle of the sinkhole, there was a huge tree, even taller than the sinkhole, and the overgrown canopy was already high above the ground.

The reason why I could see it so clearly was because the tree was verdant, completely different from the ordinary flame forest with its slightly red leaves.

"This is—"

Several people were a little silent after reading it.

"This should be the final boss of the Flame Forest, if I'm not mistaken, it seems to be called the Ancestral Spirit Tree, the oldest wise man in the entire forest, and as long as it's alive, the Flame Forest won't die.

Tang Xin said slowly, after all, she had participated in the internal test, and she also knew a little about some bosses that had not been released by the official.

"Boss, what is the grade of this boss?" Jinghua

asked with some curiosity, this time Sal City used troops, I am afraid that it may not be able to defeat this ancestral spirit tree.

"I don't know, at the moment, the Flame Forest is a level III map, at least a D-level boss.

Tang Xin shook his head, with the version update, many bosses will evolve, and the final boss like the Ancestral Spirit Tree can definitely evolve.

"It's okay, we're not going to do this task anymore, it doesn't matter what grade he is.

Shui Yue pursed her lips.

"By the way, what's going on with that snow rescue you guys?"

Tang Dao also remembered the system announcement before going offline.

"It's the activity triggered by the cold-blooded rose..."Tang

Xin said briefly.

"I see, have you all returned to Sal City now?"

Tang Dao nodded after hearing this, it is okay to expand north.

"Not yet, it's all in Copperstone Town, where are you located?"

Tang Xin shook his head, but just formed a team to go in and determine the task.

"At the edge of the Flame Forest, it will soon be able to rush back to the town, the Xuanyu Eagle King's intuition is good, it wants to fly back to the Flame Forest to find the Ancestral Spirit Tree, but unfortunately it died.

Tang Dao shrugged.

"Okay, we'll meet in Copperstone in a moment. "


everyone went online again at 7 p.m.

At this time, it is daytime in the game, and the flow of people in the town of Copperstone is still the same as before, after all, it is close to the battlefield, prices are skyrocketing, and many wandering merchants come to sell their goods with their own goods.

In the teahouse, Tang Xin and others were drinking tea.

"Sorry, it's late.

Tang Dao appeared in front of everyone panting.

"Do you want to return to Sal City now to start the blizzard rescue?" Tang

Xin asked, and the cold-blooded rose had strongly invited her before, and she also agreed.

"Go kill the boar king first, and then go. Tang

Dao thought for a while, the task of the Wild Boar King could not be delayed any longer, and the version of the event had to wait for the military of Sal City, so there was no hurry.

"Let's go.

Tang Xin finished the account and prepared to leave with a few people.


he walked to the door, Tang Dao suddenly bumped into a beggar.

"Eh, you don't have long eyes to walk, don't even think about leaving if you don't pay today. The

beggar grabbed Tang Dao's wrist and said scoldingly.

"You guys go have some tea, there's something going on here.

Tang Dao's gaze swept over the few beggars at the intersection around him, and he suddenly knew it.

Sure enough, he followed the beggar to a dilapidated wooden house on the edge of the town, where Tang Dao met the old man again.

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