Boom! Players

within a radius of 5 yards were affected, a large crater appeared in the ground, and two unlucky players who didn't have time to dodge were directly slashed and killed, and even a few goblins were shocked to blood.

Tang Dao had already withdrawn the moment Cronin jumped, and used the instant to retreat.

Unfortunately, the flash only moved 2 yards away, and still couldn't escape Cronin's attack range, and was stunned in place.

"Be careful!" motionless

Rushan hurriedly reminded him, and the rabbit Xiaoyue and Su Su also hurriedly raised their staffs for treatment, but unfortunately it was too late.

Cronin, who stood up, pierced Tang Dao's body with a sword, instantly emptying his blood.

After killing Tang Dao, Cronin lost his hatred target, and was about to swing his sword to kill in the crowd when a critical hit flew up behind him, and it was Tang Xin who shot.

Roar -

Cronin let out a low roar, making a sound that was not human, and then turned around and swept out with a sword, about to cut Tang Xin in half.

Tang Xin's reaction was also extremely fast, he fell backwards with the momentum, and while dodging the blade of the sword, his left hand pushed on the ground, and his body slid towards Cronin's right side, at this time, due to the backward swing of the sword, Cronin's right side had no defense.

Then Tang Xin got up with an oolong skein, and the dagger in his right hand took Cronin's shoulder to strike a critical blow, and at the same time, he tightly pulled the hatred.

Cronin held the sword in his right hand, and swept to the right again with his backhand, and the heavy sword swung in the air with a tiger, and the sound of breaking the wind was quite fierce.

Tang Xin's knees sank slightly, and he jumped at the right time, and then stepped on the spine of the big sword in the air, and jumped again, dodging the grasp of Cronin's left hand in an instant, and then appeared behind Cronin, flying out with a heavy blow.

In just two seconds, the wonderful game between the two almost stunned everyone.

"Don't be stunned, come forward and carry the injury!" "Don't

move, Rushan reacted, and hurriedly stepped forward with his shield to share the damage.

At this time, the boss's HP has dropped to 80% due to the continuous output of many players.

"It's not good, let's go!" Tang

Xin reacted, hesitated, and suddenly withdrew his body.

The light on Cronin's longsword flickered, and his right hand was suddenly raised to the highest point, and then swung down with force.


Tower Shield!Valian!


massive damage flew up, nearly emptying the immovable blood bar.

"Alliance Leader!" Shaking

the Sky Wuyue hurriedly stepped forward with his shield, took over the position of the immovable Lord T, and helped carry the injury.

The retreat was immobile as if he remembered the terrible injury just now, and his heart palpitated.

Since Cronin alone held back many masters, the battle of the rest of the players became extremely difficult, and the shield array began to falter.

This is still a situation where there are many players of the Xuantian Shield Knight, and it has been calculated.

On the side of Fengyun Pavilion, the 35-level E-level BOSS Goblin was raging in the crowd, although there were two veterans of the Clothed Ink Man and the Void Riding Wind, but after all, they were swordsmen, and their defense was far worse than that of knights, and the formation had begun to be chaotic.

The situation on the Blood Rose's side is better, the Song of Ice and Fire chose to help the Cold-Blooded Rose, the two first-class knights of the Cold January and the Snow Mountain Yaochi took turns to fight, but they could barely bear it, coupled with the violent output of the Song of Ice and Fire, the BOSS's HP has approached 70%.

On the NPC side of Sal City, the 2,000 people under Liu Jun have gone through hardships, and there are only more than 1,300 people left, and Liu Jun himself is bleeding elbows, but he is still trapped in the sea of monsters.

The battle situation seems to be on the side of the monsters.


Just when everyone was anxious, a figure appeared at the entrance again, it was the many players and the Northern Army who were stranded on the second floor.

With the addition of this new force, the situation was instantly stabilized, and the rest of the players in the major guilds rushed over to help and consolidate the battle line.

"Northern Army, hum!" Rohr

, the leader of the barbarians, saw the people of the Northern Army, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

After all, one of the responsibilities of the Northern Army is to defend against the northern barbarians, and since the Northern Army established the six towns of Beichuan, collected the displaced people, and merged most of the villages in the entire north, the barbarians can plunder fewer and fewer resources from the human hands.

The unwilling barbarians naturally chose to go to war with the Northern Army, but the soldiers of the Northern Army were extremely brave, and the barbarians were defeated repeatedly.

Therefore, Rohr naturally did not like the Northern Army.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait for Lord Fkalo's orders. The

black-robed wizard tilted his head slightly and said to Rohr.

In the third layer of the Screaming Ice Cave, the tide has turned again, with the player and Thrall gaining the upper hand.

Among the three level 35 bosses, the Barbarian boss has the fastest HP, after all, it has the output of a song of ice and fire.

The second is the goblin boss, this boss uses his body to maneuver with the masters of Fengyun Pavilion, but there are also back and forth.

The last is the skeleton BOSS, and the only ones who really have a strong output are Tang Dao and Bai Yunxia, Jinghua and others, and the rest are almost all -1 forced damage on the boss.

The only advantage may be that because the output points are relatively concentrated, the boss's hatred is well controlled, basically on Tang Xin and Tang Dao.

But relatively speaking, because there are the most knights, and the boss will not crit, everyone here is also the safest.

The Barbarian BOSS's HP was the first to be reduced to 30%, and then he started to go berserk, and the giant axe in his hand continued to slash, directly tearing apart the shield of the cold month, and then killing the Snow Mountain Yaochi.

With the killing of the two main knights, the Blood Rose people were suddenly in chaos, and there was no hatred target, and the barbarian boss rushed into the crowd, killing more than a dozen people in just a few seconds, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

"Steady! I'll fight! Priest concentrates on healing me!"

Cold-Blooded Rose stepped forward with her sword, but was immediately crippled, and even the priest was too late to concentrate on healing.

Just when she was about to drop the grade.

Ice Prison!

The large-scale control skill of A Song of Ice and Fire was finally chanted, and the formation on the ground flashed, and the cold air surged, freezing the barbarian boss.

"Thank you. "

Cold-blooded Rose is being healed while seizing the time to output.

On the side of Fengyun Pavilion, the sword shadow made a mistake with the wind, and was caught and torn apart by the goblin, and then the goblin actually used a magic martial art, and a claw froze the clothed inkman, and the sharp claw poked out.


Fengyun Sword Immortal slashed his wrist with his right hand on the sword, and then swept left + right with two fast swords, which really defused the goblin's next attack.

At the same time, four flowing golden calligraphy words flew up - three rings of the moon.

Self-created skills!The

general skill names are blue and will not be actively broadcast, and there is only one possibility for the golden skill to be actively broadcast, that is, the self-created skill!

Fengyun Sword Immortal actually created his own skill.

Although it was in the midst of a chaotic battle, there were still many players who noticed this side and were shocked.

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